Sunday, May 18, 2008

#530 - So Quick


Wah, I don't really have nothing to write down here, hehe... :) Everything has just been ordinary, hmmm... .

Anyway, wah, everything has also been so quick!! Hmmm... . Now I'm on the last week of this semester. Time really flies (eventho at some points during this semester I also got a bit frustrated especially last April, LOL). It feels that some weeks ago I just started this semester, hmmm... .

Btw, last Friday I didn't manage to go to the supermarket, LOL. So I think now I'm going there. Everything is running out now. Last night I cooked my last sardine and nothing else is left except 2 eggs, some slices of cheese and onion. O yea, Indonesia's Thomas Cup Teams lost on the semifinal round from Korea. Wah, whatta shame!! I watched the game and they didn't play really well, hmmm... . It's different with the Uber Cup Teams. Eventho they lost in the final yesterday, but I saw they played their hardest. It was just the China Teams which are just still too strong. Even so, Indonesia's Teams still gave pretty strong counter attack and that's good. hmmm...

Yesterday I had my Ethics Examination and I don't think my works was maximal, arrrggghhh... . I hope I still can get A for this subject. Well, forget it, hmmm... . Tomorrow I'm gonna have Life Insurance Math Examination. For me it's the hardest subject this semester. Wish Me Luck... ;)

::: sardines


Wah, nggak ada bahan untuk ditulis nih disini, hehe... :) Semuanya perasaan berjalan dengan biasa-biasa saja, hmmm... .

Ngomong2, cepet juga yah waktu itu!! Hmmm... . Sekarang aku uda berada di minggu terakhir di semester ini nih. Waktu benar2 terbang (walau pada beberapa waktu semester ini aku agak frustrasi juga seh terutama April kemarin, LOL). Tapi ya tetep aja sekarang kerasanya itu semester ini baru mulai beberapa minggu yang lalu, hmmmm... .

Btw, Jumat kemarin aku nggak jadi ke supermarket neh, LOL. Jadi kayanya sekarang aku mesti kesana neh. Semuanya udah mendekati kritis bgt soalnya. Kemarin malam saia memasak sarden terakhir saya dan nggak ada yang tersisa kecuali 2 butir telur, beberapa lembar keju, dan bawang bombay. O iya, Tim Piala Thomas Indonesia kalah tu di semifinal sama Korea. Payah banget dah!! Aku menonton pertandingannya dan mereka nggak main dengan baik dah kayanya, hmmm... . Beda sama Tim Uber Cup. Walau mereka kalah di final kemarin, tapi di final mereka main dengan baik lho. Ya memang Tim-ya China aja yang memang masih terlalu kuat untuk mereka. Walau begitu, Tim Indonesia sudah memberikan perlawanan yang cukup bagus dan kan keren juga tuh. hmmm...

Kemarin aku Ujian Etika dan kayanya nggak maksimal nih, arrrggghhh... . Semogaa masih bisa dapat A deh untuk mata kuliah ini. Udah lah lupakan saja, hmmm... . Besok aku akan ada Ujian Matematika Asuransi Jiwa. Untuk aku ini bahan yang paling bikin susah nih. Doakan saya yah... ;)

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