Monday, May 05, 2008

#523 - Last Week before UAS


Yeah, I still love the fact that finally now I get my laptop back and now it works normally!! YEAAHHH!!! hahaha... . Well, having said that, I gotta spend a lot of money for this: around Rp 1,600,000.- grrrr... . But now I learn a lesson at least, haha... . Now I'm a bit paranoid to plug all the cables in when it's raining pretty hard outside, LOL. It can possibly cause that big amount of money to fly away freely, LOL. Therefore yesterday when it was raining pretty hard for about 30 minutes here, I suddenly stopped my internet connection and plug all the cables off, LOL.

Anyway, this week is the last week before final exams weeks which starts next week. Wah!! This semester really has been so quick!! Well, this week, luckily I don't have any more assignments to submit, yeah. However, 2 quiz are still ahead (next Friday and Saturday).

Anyway, lately I'm pretty much in the mood of cooking by myself, LOL. Well, not the so challenging and sophisticated meals (I'm not capable of for that, hahaha... :D), but just the simple and instant one like cornet, scrambled eggs, omelets, and also sandwich, hahaha.... . Plus, it's apparently could save more money, hmmm

::: an 'iseng' pic I took near my boarding house while I was waiting for my grilled fish and twas suddenly raining damn hard

::: sandwich I made last week where I forgot to take 2 slices of cheese while the cheese was actually right in front of my eyes, LOL


Yeah, aku masih suka banget sama fakta kalo sekarang laptop saya sudah balik dan sudah balik normal lagi!! hahaha... . Hmm, walau begitu aku harus bayar lumayan malah juga loh untuk ini: sekitar Rp 1.600.000,- grrrr... . Tapi paling gak sekarang saya belajar satu hal penting sih, haha... . Sekarang saya rada paranoid dah untuk masang semua kabel pada saat hujan deras di luar sana, LOL. Sangat mungkin hal itu menyebabkan uang segitu banyak untuk terbang dengan bebasnya, LOL. Makanya kan kemarin waktu ujan deres selama sekitar 30 menit aku langsung dah matiin internet dan nyopot semua kabelnya, LOL.

Ngomong2, minggu ini adalah minggu terakhir sebelum minggu ujian akhir yang dimulai minggu depan neh. Wah!! Ga kerasa semester ini cepat juga yah berlalunya!! Hmm, minggu ini, untung udah ga ada tugas lagi untuk dikumpul, yeah. Namun, 2 kuis menunggu neh (besok Jumat dan Sabtu)

Ngomong2, akhir2 ini entah kenapa saya lagi ada mood buat masak sendiri loh, LOL. Hmm, bukan jenis masakan yang menantang dan super canggih lah (mana bisa saya? hahaha... :D), tapi yang simpel2 dan instan aja dah, misalnya cornet, telor dadar, omelet, dan juga sandwich hahaha.... . Plus, ternyata bisa menghemat lumayan juga loh, hmmm

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