Saturday, April 05, 2008

#508 - Saturday (5/04)


Okay, I think I know what's wrong with my laptop, damn, a virus.

At first the problem was the 'unplugged' status about the ethernet connection. Yea, because of the damn storm, I think there's something wrong with the ethernet thingy in my laptop. However, this problem still can be alternatively solved by installing a device which connects the ethernet via usb. Okay, so I THOUGHT the problem had been solved. Apparently, it's NOT!! DAMN!!

After the problem was (seemingly) solved, I tried the connection. Okay, the status was then okay, it's not anymore 'unplugged'. However I still can't browse the internet because there's no 'received' byte while the 'sent' byte works normally, hmmm... . After trying many stuffs, we're down to the conclusion that it's a big virus and my laptop needs to be reinstalled. Arrrrggghhh!!!! The bad news is that this weekend I have so many things to do with my laptop, haha... . So I think next Tuesday I'm gonna have them reinstalled my laptop, hmmm.... .

Btw, today I went to Bandung Electronic Center to purchase a mp3 player (well, because I'm gonna get my lapty reinstalled next Tuesday so I need to back up all my mp3s files first, hehehe... ;) ). Then, I bought a 2GB mp3 player. It was pretty cheap, Rp 185,000.oo. Hmmm.... .

Now I'm at Bandung Indah Plaza at the Starbucks Cafe here. Damn, there's no electricity plug. When I asked the employee where the plug is, he asked me to go out (he said the plug is outside, what??). Wtf is that?? Grrr.... . Starbucks is damn expensive but this is what I get? Well, a lot more affordable cafes give me better services than this! Hmmm.... . Btw, I ordered Fruity Mocca Frappucino, huek, not that tasty. I chose the wrong menu, I should have chosen the chocolate one, shoot... :( I wanna reorder again but it's expensive, Rp 36,000,-, nuts.

::: wah, Ramiele is so short, wkwkwkw... (or Brooke and Kristy are just too tall? LOL. j/k)

::: my new 2GB mp3 player

::: my dinner for today at Rice Bowl BIP

::: a Rp 36,000.- not so tasty Frappucino


Oke, kayanya aku tau deh apa yang terjadi sama laptop saya, sial, sebuah virus.

Pertamanya sih masalahnya kan status 'unplugged' tuh tentang koneksi ethernet-nya. Ya, karena badai sialan itu, aku rasa ada yang salah sama koneksi ethernet laptopku. Namun, masalah ini masih bisa diselesaikan secara alternatif dengan meng-install alat yang menghubungkan ethernet dengan usb, Oke, jadi aku KIRA permasalahannya sudah selesai. Ternyata, BELUM!! SIAL!!

Setelah permasalahan (sepertinya) selesai, aku mencoba koneksinya. Oke, statusnya kemudia oke, nggak lagi 'unplugged'. Namun, aku masih blum bisa pake internetnya soalnya byte 'received'-nya kaga ada tapi byte 'sent'-nya normal-normal saha, hmm.... . Habis mencoba beberapa hal, kesimpulan yg didapet adalah ada virus besar dan laptop saya perlu di-instal ulang. Arrrrggghhh!!!! Berita buruknya lagi, wiken ini ada banyak banget yang mesti dikerjakan pake laptop neh, haha... . Jadi kayanya baru sempet buat diinstal ulang Selasa besok deh, hmmm.... .

Btw, hari ini tadi aku pergi ke Bandung Electronic Center buat beli mp3 player (hmm, kan aku bakalan nge instal ulang laptopku tuh besok Selasa, makanya kan aku butuh tempat untuk mem-back up semua file mp3 saya dulu, hehehe... ;) ). Trus, aku beli mp3 player yang 2 GB. Lumayan murah juga loh menurutku, Rp 185.000,oo. Hmmm.... .

Sekarang aku lagi di Bandung Indah Plaza neh di Kafe Starbucks disini. Sialan, masa kaga ada colokan listrik sih. Waktu aku nanya si pegawainya colokannya ada dimana dia malah nyuruh aku keluar (colokannya katanya di luar, heh??). Anj**g, apa2an nih?? Grrr.... . Starbucks tu mahal banget tapi masa kaya gini sih yg aku dapat? Hmm, banyak banget kafe lain yang harganya lebih terjangkau namun memberikan pelayanan yang jauh lebih baik daripada ini deh! Hmmm.... . Btw, disini aku mesen Frappucino Mocca Buah, huek, ga gitu enak. Salah pilih saya, harusnya milih yang coklat yah... :( Mau pesen lagi sayang duitnya, itu harganya udah Rp 36.000,- ey, gila.

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