Monday, March 10, 2008

#495 - Monday Blues


This morning I had my 2nd exam, Statistics. Dang it, I couldn't really concentrate well during the exam. I finished it but I worked on it extremely slow, shoot. I know I could have done it faster and better, arrrggghhh... . I dunno what happened. Grrr... . So, this morning annoyed me.

Then, later in the afternoon, I went to Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP), again, to ask about leasing a space there for Kassaya, hahaha... . I arrived there at 12.15 PM and twas lunch time, so I gotta wait until 1.30 PM. Grrr... . Okay, during waiting I went to Gunung Agung Bookstore (just to browse there, haha). Then, I had lunch at Rice Bowl since I was interested on its ad (25% discount for Mega Visa Cardholder (I'm Mega Visa Cardholder)). But then, arrrggghhh... . The discount is only applied if ur transaction is at least Rp 100,000.- (what?? Dang). There I ate Roasted Duck. Wah, twas expensive, Rp 31,900,- before tax. After that I went to The Management Office. Okay, there was an exciting news. What was that? I can't write it here, hmmm... . Then at 2.45 PM I went back home.

Btw, while I was at the office, it started raining. And it was raining so hard in Bandung today. Because of that rain, some streets were so flooded and it was a bit scary driving across that body of street, grrr. About one hour after I arrived at my boarding house, the big rain stopped. However, later that evening, it was raining again!! Grrr... . Anyway, since I was running out of cash this evening so this evening I went to the ATM Center then had dinner at "Suniaraja Fried Chicken", hehe...

This day really has been a roller coaster day for me!! haha. However, I also feel it's also more likely as Low Point. Dang it, Low Point on exam day.... (even I needed about 2 hours ++ to complete this entry!! wah!!)

::: My own creation Sandwich

::: My meal at Rice Bowl (Roasted Duck and Rice and Chinese Tea)

::: My meal at Suniaraja Fried Chicken


Pagi ini aku menghadapi ujian keduaku, Statistik. Sialan nih, tadi aku ga gitu bisa berkonsentrasi dengan baik selama ujian. Selesai sih selesai tapi aku mengerjakannya dengan sangat lambat, sialan. Aku tahu aku sebenernya bisa mengerjakannya dengan lebih cepat dan lebih baik, arrrggghhh... . Gatau deh apa yang terjadi. Grrr... . Jadi, pagi tadi membuat saya sebal.

Trus, siangnya aku pergi ke Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP), lagi, buat nanya tentang nyewa tempat disana gitu buat Kassaya, hahaha... . Aku sampe disana jam 12.15 siang dan itu adalah waktu istirahat siang, jadi aku mesti nunggu deh same jam 1.30. Grrr... . Oke, selama menunggu aku pergi ke Gunung Agung (cuma liat2 doang, haha). Trus aku makan aja deh sekalian di Rice Bowl soalnya aku tertarik sama iklannya (diskon 25% untuk pemegang Kartu Kredit Mega Visa (aku kan punya tuh Mega Visa)). Tapi kemudian, arrrggghhh... . Diskonnya ternyata berlaku kalo transaksinya lebih gede dari Rp 100.000,- (apa?? Sialan). Disana aku makan Bebek Panggang. Mahal ey, Rp 31.900,- blom sama pajak. Habis itu aku pergi ke Kantor Manajemen-nya deh. Ada berita yg bikin menarik. Apakah itu? Wah, nggak boleh aku tulis nih, hmmm... . Trus jam 2.45 siang aku balik deh.

Btw, waktu aku di kantornya, mulai hujan tuh. Dan hujannya deres deh di Bandung hari ini. Karena hujan itu beberapa ruas jalan tergenang air lumayan dalam dan agak serem dah nyetir di daerah itu, grrr. Tapi sejam setelah aku sampe kos reda deh hujannya. Namun, malamnya hujan lagi!! Grrr... . Ngomong2, karena uang cash-ku habis sore tadi ya aku ke ATM deh trus makan malam di "Ayam Goreng Suniaraja", hehe...

Hari ini bener2 sebuah roller coaster untuk saya!! haha. Namun aku koq ngerasa lebih ke Titik Terendah (Low Point) yah? Sialan, Low Point saat ujian.... (bahkan aku butuh 2 jam lebih dikit buat menyelesaikan posting ini!! Wah!!)

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