Saturday, March 01, 2008

#490 - Friday (29/02)


Yesterday I watched the Result Show of American Idol, and 4 other contestants got eliminated. They are: Jason Yeager, Alexandrea Lushington, Alaina Whitaker, and Robbie Carrico. I had no problems with the two eliminated guys. I just feel sorry for Alexandrea and Alaina. Both of them are pretty good in singing. Yes, as you can read on my previous message, I think Alexandrea was in the bottom two based on the performance, BUT I think she deserves another chance since she is a good singer, hmmm... . Alaina is also a good singer. As Simon said, she could be the dark horse this season. Wah. I think Kady Malloy (who was in the bottom three but safe) should have been eliminated, hmm... . She gotta prove something next week, along with Amanda Overmyer. Anyway, the elimination of Alaina was a bit a shocker tho

Anyway, well, eventho I like Kristy Lee Cook, I think sooner or later she will get eliminated, sad to say.. :( T.T I hope she makes it to the top 12 tho, hehe.

Anyway, yesterday sucked!! I wanted to deposit my money using the automatic machine. However, after waiting for so long (the line was super long), when it came to my turn, the machine was FULL!! Grrr... . It couldn't receive any other piece of money!! Arrrggghhhh.... . Then, my internet connection was off ALL DAY LONG!! Arrrggghhhh... . There was a notification saying that connection the the server abroad was broken down so I couldn't access any site... :( Dang. It went back to normal this midnight.

::: quick update ::: (Sat 1 March 08; 11.15 PM)

OH MY GOD!! This evening I met PERSONALLY with Adrian Yap, Collin Low and Brett Money (and his mom). Yeah, they are all racers from TARA 2. Story about it will be posted on the next entry, wait for it... ;) I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST GOT THRU!!! WAAAAA!!!! *super excited*

::: Four Contestants who got eliminated on the 2nd week (Jason Yeager, Alexandrea Lushington, Alaina Whitaker, and Robbie Carrico).

::: the reaction after Alaina got eliminated. Everyone was surprised (look at their faces)


Kemarin aku nonton Result Show dari American Idol dan 4 lagi kontestan tereliminasi. Mereka adalah: Jason Yeager, Alexandrea Lushington, Alaina Whitaker, dan Robbie Carrico. Aku nggak ada masalah dengan dua laki2 yang tereliminasi sih. Aku sih cuma kasian sama Alexandrea sama Alaina aja. Mereka berdua tuh sebenernya lumayan loh nyanyinya. Iya, bisa dibaca di postingku sebelumnya kalo Alexandrea ada di dua terbawah berdasarkan penampilannya, TAPI aku rasa dia berhak kesempatan lain deh, hmmmm... . Alaina juga bagus tuh. Kaya katanya Simon kan, dia bisa jadi kuda hitam di season ini. Wah. Aku rasa Kady Malloy (yang juga di 3 terbawah tapi aman) harusnya tereliminasi tuh, hmm... . Dia harus membuktikan sesuatu deh minggu depan, bersama dengan Amanda Overmyer. Bte, tereliminasinya Alaina itu jg lumayan mengejutkan tuh

Ngomong2, walau aku suka Kristy Lee Cook, aku rasa cepat atau lambar dia akan tereliminasi deh, sedih juga... :( T.T Aku harap dia masuk 12 besar sih, hehe.

Ngomong2, kemarin nyebelin banget juga nih. Kan aku mau transfer uang tuh (masukin ke bank) pake mesin otomatis itu. Eh, udah antri lama2 (panjang bgt tu antriannya) tau2 pas giliran saya mesinnya PENUH!! Grrr!!! Jadi mesinnya itu kaga bisa nerima uang walau selembar lagi!! Arrrggghhhh.... . Kemudian, koneksi internetku mati SEHARIAN PENUH!! Arrrggghhhh... . Ada notifikasinya gitu katanya jaringan ke luar negeri lagi rusak ato gimana gitu jadinya nggak bisa mengakses website deh... :( Sialan. Baru balik bener lagi tengah malam tadi neh.

::: apdet cepat ::: (Sabtu 1 Maret 08; 11.15 malam)

YA TUHAN!! Malam tadi aku ketemu secara PERSONAL dengan Adrian Yap, Collin Low dan Brett Money (bersama mamanya). Yea, mereka semua adalah racers dari TARA 2. Cerita tentangnya akan diposting kemudian di posting selanjurnya, tunggu aja deh... ;) AKU MASIH NGGAK PERCAYA SAMA APA YANG BARU SAJA SAYA LALUI!!! WAAAAA!!!! *bener2 kaget, bersemangat, senang sekali*

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