Monday, March 03, 2008

#491 - OMG, Waaa, Yeah, Woooh....


This is the story about my last Saturday. Yes, I warn you guys, you can envy me, wakakaka....

Honestly, when I got up Saturday morning, I didn't think this would happen to me later that evening, hahaha... . This is the story:

At 2.30 PM I realized I got some mc and also some sms from some friends on TARA 2 Forum. Yes, we already knew Adrian & Collin (the winner of TARA 2)'s plan to go to Bandung last weekend. Friday evening they had a small gathering with some forumers from Jakarta (and I envied them A LOT), hehe... . They posted the photos on Saturday afternoon. However, since I know that it was too sudden and Bandung Forumers are not just as active as Jakarta Forumers, I didn't expect anything. Then, the text came. One friend said we could meet them but not really long later that evening. Waaa!!! Then, one other forumer from Bandung text me asking if I wanted to go meeting them. My schedule was free (actually my original schedule for last Saturday evening was finishing some homeworks, LOL) so I said 'yes' (wah, I didn't know how could I say 'yes' easily, hahaha....). There was no plan at all!! Hmmm....

Then, at 6 PM I picked my friend then we went to Hyatt (where they stayed) and waited for them there. At 7.30 PM, they arrived at Hyatt, along with Brett and his mom (Kinaryosih couldn't make it since she was busy with her schedule. But on Sunday she went to Bandung since this Monday is her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D). Waaa, I MET THEM!! I couldn't (and still can't) believe I MET THEM personally!! They then took us to the 13th floor and went to the lounge there. But then Brett and his mom went upstairs and took shower first.

Adrian & Collin are SUPER NICE!! They and Brett recognized me from my avatar at forum, haha... ;) I was pretty speechless at that time. I was afraid it was gonnabe awkward, but it was NOT. They are super warm and nice so we really had good chat there!! They also know I'm a big fan of Paula & Natasha. Guess what?? Collin CALLED Natasha (currently she lives in Singapore apparently, and last weekend she was in KL)!!!! WAAAA!!! I was super shocked!!! I didn't expect it at all!!! I was so nervous and afraid what I was gonna say to her, haha... . Unfortunately she didn't answer (she was busy probably). Err, probably it's a bless since maybe if she had answered it I would have been unable to sleep for 2 days then, LOL. We had some chats, about the race itself, application for season 3, and some of personal lifes, hahaha... .

Then, Brett and his mom came. Collin went upstairs to take a shower. We had a chat. Brett is also a nice person but he's a bit cool, hehe... ;) Then, after some minutes Collin went back from his room bringing gifts for us!! Waaa!!! He is SO nice!! He gave us a t-shirt of TARA 2 from Caltex. Wow, it's COOL!!! It was compressed so at first I didn't think twas a t-shirt and it would expand to its real size after we soaked it on a pail of water, haha.... . Wah, they are all really really nice.

We also talked about some behind the scenes things that was pretty surprising, hehe... ;) I only will write here one of them, hehe... . The clip where all the eliminated racers clapping on the bridge on the season finale was taken at 6 AM way before the top 3 racers arrived. So they were clapping and the cameramen ran and shoot it and no top 3 racers were running. At that time they thought the winner would be Marc & Rovilson. So, they weren't really pumped during that shot. But then, at about 9 AM when Adrian & Collin ran thru that bridge, they were all pumped (since twas not MR), hahaha... . That's it.

At 9 PM they gotta go so that's it the small gathering. Anyway, Collin paid the lounge, waa, he's SO nice. Yeah, Adrian & Collin are super nice and no wonder they win!! Everyone likes them. Brett even told us that before the race started, they gotta spend 4 days in Singapore for commercial, strategies, interview, etc. At that time, the only team who were nice and interacted with them was only Adrian & Collin. The others were pretty cool and the impression he got was that they thought all other teams were their 'enemies' on the race, hehe... ;)

Waa, they are so nice. I still can't believe I just met them!! Waaahh!!! (anyway, yesterday evening they went back to Singapore)

::: me having a conversation with Adrian & Collin

::: Collin & Adrian (and you can see my hands, LOL. I was looking at the gift)

::: Adrian & Brett

::: Brett, Me, Collin, and Adrian

::: the compressed t-shirt (gift from AnC)

::: the t-shirt after it expanded


Ini adalah cerita Sabtu saya kemarin. Ya, saya memperingatkan Anda kalo Anda boleh koq iri sama saya, wakakaka....

Jujur nih, waktu aku bangun Sabtu pagi, aku sama sekali nggak berpikir kalo kejadian ini akan terjadi sama saya sore harinya, hahaha... . Ini dia ceritanya:

Jam 2.30 siang aku menyadari kalo aku dapet beberapa mc dan sms dari beberapa temen di forum TARA 2. Ya, memang kita uda tau koq rencananya Adrian & Collin (pemenang TARA 2) untuk berkunjung ke Bandung wiken kemarin. Jumat sore mereka ada pertemuan mini gitu sama beberapa forumers dari Jakarta (dan saya iri BANGET sama mereka), hehe... . Mereka mengepos fotonya Sabtu siang. Namun karena aku tau itu cukup mendadak dan forumers Bandung kan kaga seaktif yang Jakarta tuh, makanya aku nggak mengharapkan apa-apa. Trus, sms itu datang. Satu temen bilang kalo kita bisa ketemu mereka tapi kaga lama-lama amat malam harinya. Waaa!!! Trus, satu forumer lain dari Bandung sms ke aku nanya mau kaga ikutan ketemuan mereka malamnya. Karena jadwal saya kosong (sebenernya sih harusnya ngerjain PR tuh, LOL) jadi aku bilang aja 'iya' (wah, aku masih cukup heran gimana bisa aku ngomong iya cukup cepat, hahaha...). Nggak ada rencana sama sekali!! Hmmm....

Trus jam 6 sore aku jemput temenku dan kita pergi deh ke Hyatt (dimana mereka nginep) dan nunggu mereka. Jam 7.30 malam mereka sampai di Hyatt, bersama dengan Brett dan mamanya (Kinaryosih kaga bisa datang soale sibuk sama jadwalnya sih. Tapi Minggu kemarin dia ke Bandung soalnya Senin ini kan dia ulang tahun. MET ULANG TAHUN!! :D). Waaa, AKU KETEMU SAMA MEREKA!! Aku masih nggak bisa percaya loh kalo aku tu kemarin ketemu sama mereka secara personal!! Mereka ngajak kita ke lantai 13 dan pergi ke lounge disitu. Tapi pertamanya Brett sama mamanya naik duluan soale mau mandi dulu.

Adrian & Collin bener-bener SANGAT BAIK sekali deh!! Mereka dan Brett mengenali saya dari avatar di forum, haha... ;) Aku bener2 kehabisan kata2 deh waktu itu. Aku takut suasananya akan jadi aneh, tapi ternyata ENGGAK. Mereka bener-bener ramah dan baik jadinya kita ngobrol dengan enak gitu disana!! Mereka juga tahu aku adalah fans-nya Paula & Natasha. Dan gimana?? Collin MENELEPON Natasha (Natasha sekarang ternyata tinggal di Singapore tuh, tp wiken kemarin lagi di KL)!!! WAAAA!!! Aku bener2 shock banget dah!!! Sama sekali kaga mengira itu akan terjadi!!! Aku deg2an banget dan gatau apa yang musti diomongin, haha... . Sayangnya dia kaga ngangkat (kayanya lagi sibuk gitu). Eh, mungkin itu berkah juga sih soale kalo beneran diangkat bisa2 aku ga akan bisa tidur selama 2 hari deh, LOL. Kita ngobrol2 gitu, tentang race, aplikasi buat season 3, dan beberapa tentang kehidupan deh, hahaha... .

Trus, Brett dan mamanya datang. Collin naik ke atas buat mandi. Kita ngobrol2 deh. Brett juga baik tu orangnya tapi rada cool tuh, hehe... ;) Trus habis beberapa lama gitu Collin turun membawa hadiah buat kita!! Waaa!!! Dia BAIK banget!! Dia ngasi kita kaus TARA 2 dari Caltex. Wow, KEREN loh!! Jadi kausnya itu dikecilin banget dah sampe ga akan kepikiran kalo itu adalah kaus dan baru akan berubah ke ukuran sebenernya setelah direndem di seember air, haha.... . Wah, mereka beneran baik banget yah.

Kita juga ngomongin tentang beberapa cerita di balik layar gitu yang lumayan mengagetkan juga loh, hehe... ;) Aku tulis satu aja deh disini, hehe... . Klip dimana semua racers yang uda tereliminasi keplok2 di jembatan pas final itu ternyata diambil jam 6 pagi dan beberapa jam sebelum kontestan 3 besar sampe disana loh. Jadi mereka keplok2 gitu dan kameramennya lari2 gitu di jembatan nge-syut gambarnya dan sebenernya kaga ada kontestan 3 besar yang lari. Pada waktu itu sih pada mikirnya yang akan menang ya Marc & Rovilson. Jadi ya ekspresi mereka biasa2 aja gitu di klip itu. Tapi kemudian sekitar jam 9 ketika Adrian & Collin lari pertama di jembatan itu baru dah mereka bersemangat sekali (soalnya ternyata bukan MR), hahaha.... . Itu dia.

Jam 9 malem mereka musti cabut dan itu dia akhir dari pertemuannya. Ngomong2, Collin yang ngebayarin lounge-ya, waa, baik banget dah. Ya, Adrian & Collin memang bener2 baik dan berhak deh menang!! Semuanya suka mereka sih. Brett juga cerita ke kita kalo sebelum race-nya dimulai mereka kan di Singapore selama 4 hari dulu tuh buat syuting iklan, strategi, profil, wawancara, dll. Pada waktu itu, satu2nya tim yang baik dan berinteraksi dengan mereka ya cuma Adrian & Collin. Katanya yang lain itu kesannya rada cool dan impresi yang ada seakan2 tim-tim yang lain bagi mereka adalah saingan dalam race, hehe... ;)

Waa, mereka baik banget deh. Masih kaga bisa percaya kalo saya baru ketemu sama mereka!! Waaahh!!! (ngomong2, kemarin malem mereka balik ke Singapore)

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