Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#435 - Mix Mix Mix


Arrggghhhh, this week is gonnabe real busy, since Unpar Math Competition 2007 is gonnabe held starting next Thursday until Saturday!! Hmmm... . Exciting but exhausting. I dunno, I hope there will be no conflict coming up this time, since some seniors told me that every year, conflict always raised... :(

Anyway, yesterday AXN aired the second leg of The Amazing Race 12. All teams traveled from Shannon, Ireland to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Hahaha. Some tasks were so simple but interesting to watch. Well, on this episode, we found another side of Ronald (Ronald & Christina). Now I dun like him (but still like Christina, hehehe... ). He was so stubborn and talkative. He lectured everybody else and even lectured Nicolas (of Nicolas & Donald) on the airport for being rude to the check-in lady. Cmon, he didn't need to do that. Poor Christina... :( Anyway, yesterday Kate & Pat (Married Lesbian Ministers) got eliminated. I now like one other team, Lorena & Jason, haha. They are so interesting...

I can't wait for The Amazing Race Asia 2!!!

Btw, why does everyone know move to Wordpress?? Should I move too?? It's under consideration, hehehe...

::: Shana & Jennifer reading a clue to go to the pitstop

::: Kynt & Vyxsin on a bakfiets otw to the pitstop

::: Lorena & Jason

::: Ari & Staella and Kate & Pat, the first two teams to be eliminated


Arrggghhhh, minggu ini bakalan sibuk banget nih, soale kan Kompetisi Matematika Unpar 2007 akan diadakan besok Kamis sampe Sabtu!! Hmmm... . Menegangkan tapi melelahkan. Gatau sih, moga2 gak akan ada konflik deh waktu ini, soale beberapa temen senior ngomong kalo tiap tahun tu pasti konflik muncul... :(

Ngomong2, kemarin AXN nayangin babak kedua dari The Amazing Race 12. Semua tim pergi dari Shannon, Irlandia ke Amsterdam, Belanda. Hahaha. Beberapa tugas sederhana sih, tapi menarik loh untuk ditonton. Di episode ini, kita menemukan satu sisi lain dari Ronald (Ronald & Christina). Sekarang aku gak suka sama dia (tapi masih suka sama Christina, hehehe... ). Dia tu keras kepala banget dan cerewet. Dia menguliahi semua orang lain dan bahkan Nicolas (Nicolas & Donald) di airport soale agak kasar sama petugas check-in-nya. Ayolah, kan dia gak perlu berlaku gitu. Kasian Christina... :( Ngomong2, kemarin Kate & Pat (Minister Lesbi Menikah) tereliminasi tuh. Dan sekarang aku suka satu tim lain lagi, Lorena & Jason, haha. Mereka menarik tuh ternyata...

Gak sabar ni nunggu The Amazing Race Asia 2!!!

Btw, kenapa ya koq orang2 pada pindah ke Wordpress?? Apa aku perlu pindah juga?? Hmm, dalam pertimbangan deh, hehehe...

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