Wednesday, January 14, 2009

#652 - Another Free Week


Of course in the middle (closer to the end tho) of holiday like this, I am very free and I enjoy myself. Well, of course that's the essence of holiday, forgetting (for a while) all the works and take time for ourselves, haha... .

Anyway, this evening I hanged out with my friend for a while. We went to Nokia Center to ask about minor problem on my new cellphone. They suggested I should reinstall the phone resulting in loss of all memories both on Phone and Card Memories. WTF!! Hmmm... . I have some important datas there and I can't afford losing them. For now, I prefer to cope with that minor problem. Anyway, the minor problem is that somehow my Memory Card isn't readable on the phone. Well, the phone still could save some datas (images, videos, voices) on the memory card but I just can't access it on the phone. I mean, I can't view those datas on my phone, somehow. I know it's stored there as I can access them if I connect my phone to computer.

Anyway, we also managed to eat Tip-Top Ice Cream today, wahahaha... . Well, since last year (no kidding, seriously), I have targeted to eat there but there were always obstacles ahead, either we couldn't find it (firstly) or it's closed, LOL.

Tonight, I also witnessed (LOL) the firing of one employee on my store. Well, I really understand the reason behind the firing, even my friend came up with one evidence. Actually she had already been given SOME chances to apologize and a chance to escape the firing but I dunno why those words didn't come out from her mouth. Even there was no defend. It's just like that she asked to be fired. Well, so it's obvious that she was fired today, hmmm... . I learn that we have to be tough, haha...

::: Mie Nusantara as my dinner yesterday

::: Gudeg as my breakfast today

::: Tutty-Frutty and Koko Crunch Ice Cream

::: Sate Padang


Yah, tentu saja di tengah-tengah (udah mendekati akhir sih) liburan kaya sekarang ini, aku kan bebas dan bisa menikmati diri sendiri. Ya, karena memang itulah esensi dari liburan, melupakan (sementara) semua urusan dan menggunakan waktu untuk diri sendiri, haha... .

Ngomong2, sore tadi aku jalan2 sama temenku sebentar. Kita pergi ke Nokia Center untuk nanya sebuah masalah kecil di hape baruku. Mereka sih mengusulkan untuk install ulang jape yang berakibat hilangnya semua memory baik di memory hape maupun di memory card. WTF!! Hmmm... . Aku ada beberapa data penting disana dan nggak bisa kehilangannya dong. Untuk sekarang kayanya mendingan hapeku bermasalah kecil aja de. Yah, masalah kecilnya adalah karena suatu hal memory card-nya nggak bisa kebaca hape. Hmm, hapenya masih bisa nyimpen data-data di memory card sih (kaya gambar, video, suara) tapi aku nggak bisa mengaksesnya dari hape. Maksudnya, aku ga bisa lihat tuh data di hape, karena suatu alasan. Aku tahu tuh data memang ada tersimpan disana soalnya kalau aku buka pake komputer tu data terbaca.

Ngomong2, akhirnya tadi makan Es Krim Tip Top juga, wahahaha... . Hmm, karena sejak tahun lalu (beneran neh), aku udah pengen makan disana tapi ada aja deh halangan, misalnya nggak bisa nemuin tempatnya (awalnya), atau lagi tutup, LOL.

Malam ini, aku juga jadi saksi (LOL) pemecatan salah seorang pegawai di tokoku. Hmm, aku sangat memahami alasan pemecatan itu, bahkan temenku yang ngasi satu alasan cukup krusial. Sebenernya dia sudah diberikan BEBERAPA kesempatan untuk minta maaf dan tentu saja itu sebuah kesempatan untuk terhidar dari pemecatan tetapi entah kenapa tuh kata2 koq nggak keluar dari dia. Bahkan, nggak ada pembelaan diri. Lha malah jadi mengesankan dia kaya minta dipecat gitu. Ya udah, jelas kan akhirnya dikeluarkan, hmmm... . Aku belajar bahwa kita harus kuat dan tegas, haha...

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