Friday, January 02, 2009

#646 - Updates


Well, it has been quite a while since my last update here about my holiday, hahaha... :)

Hmm, there actually are too many topics to write down here now. Hmmm, I think I won't write all of them in detail, haha... :) It's pretty much summarized on these photos below.

On the New Year Eve, just like last year, I just stayed at home. On the new year's moments, I watched the (free) fireworks shows which were held all over The City of Yogyakarta, hahaha... :)

About the trivia I meant here. The answer is: During 2008, I managed to make a palindrome figure in term of number of entries per month. So, starting from January 2008, the number of entries per-month are like this: 16 - 15 - 16 - 15 - 16 - 15 - 15 - 16 - 15 - 16 - 15 - 16

hahaha... :)

::: pecel lele I had last Saturday.

::: Soto Kridosono I had last Sunday after the mass liturgy at church

::: corn soup

::: grilling the meats for steak

::: home-made steak

::: some of our meal at Gama Candi Resto last Monday (after I hanged out with my friends)

::: bakso ito

::: at Alun-Alun Kidul Yogyakarta (I accompanied some relatives to go there and try the "myth" (I forget the name) that only 'few' people could walk through between the two beringin trees blindfolded).

::: at Mang Engking Banyumili

::: some of our meal at Mang Engking Banyumili

::: Tojoyo Fried Chicken (taken home)

::: Mie Ceker Bakso

::: mie aceh daging (Meat Acehnese Fried Noodle) and cane I had with my friends this afternoon

::: Firework during the new year's moments (at Mandala Krida). Well, last year it was more exciting (there were a lot more firework there) I guess, hmmm... . I actually have some other videos which capture some fireworks around Yogyakarta but this is the smallest one in term of size, hehehe... :D


Hmmm, sudah lama juga yah semenjak aku menulis update mengenai liburanku, hahaha... :)

Hmm, sebenarnya ada terlalu banyak topik yang bisa ditulis sekarang sih. Hmmm, kayanya aku ga akan nulis semuanya secara mendetail deh, haha... :) Soalnya sepertinya sudah cukup teringkas melalui foto-foto di atas deh.

Untuk Malam Tahun Baru, sama kaya tahun lalu sih, aku cuma di rumah saja. Detik-detik pergantian tahun aku lewatin dengan nonton atraksi kembang api (gratisan) yang dilakukan di sepenjuru Kota Yogyakarta, hahaha... :)

Tentang trivia yang aku maksud di sini. Jawabannya adalah berikut: Selama tahun 2008, aku berhasil membuat bilangan palindrom dalam jumlah posting per-bulan. Jadi, urut dari Januari 2008, jumlah posting per-bulan adalah kaya ini: 16 - 15 - 16 - 15 - 16 - 15 - 15 - 16 - 15 - 16 - 15 - 16

hahaha... :)

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