Monday, February 25, 2008

#487 - Weekend Story (TA)


As you can read on my previous entry, last weekend I went on a TA (Temu Akrab). The villa was the first villa we surveyed last November (near Lembang). My friend and I departed first, at 2.15 PM and arrived there at almost 3 PM. There, we prepared some things then waited for the other friends to come. At 5.30 PM, all of them had come.

First of all we played a game on the 2nd floor. After that at 7.30 PM we had dinner (nasi tumpeng). Then, we gotta prepare for our class presentation. At first I wasn't really clicked with my class' theme (a parody of a 'Truk Cinta' show). I have never watched the show nor like it, haha... . But then after getting a pretty fit role for me (MC >> better than being the main character as my friends asked me to be the main character first)I'm okay with that, hahaha... . Okay, so the presentation time which was supposed to be at 9.30 PM was delayed to 10.30 PM, LOL (because we needed time to prepare more apparently). Then, the presentation time came. The first performer was the youngest, class of 2007, haha... . They showed a pretty 'weird' fashion show, lol. Then, it's us (a scene went a bit off track but twas fine). Then class of 2005 (parody of 3 classes at campus), then finally 2004 (show, quiz, etc). After that just as usual, we had a barbeque time (corn). Then, it's free time. I chose to go to bed but I struggled to sleep, LOL. At 3 AM finally I could sleep

On the 2nd day, I woke up at 6.10 AM but then I got up at 7 AM, wkwkwkw... . We had breakfast after that. Then, we were all divided into 6 groups (I was on group 6) and played some games. The first game was playing cards (cap sa). There were 3 rounds with 3 games each. I played on 1 round and won all the 3 games, wkwkwkwkw.... . But since on the other games my teammates were lost, overall we didn't win, dang. The 2nd game was a 'relay' game where there were 4 games and we had our own turn to do the game, hehe... :) My team lost because one friend screwed on the 2nd leg of the game. Then, at 11.30 AM all games were done and we had lunch. Then, at 1 PM it's officially ended and many people went back to Bandung. But then my friends and I gotta wait until 2.15 PM where all people had left the villa before we went back to Bandung, hehe

That's how my weekend was... :D

::: the villa

::: the view towards Bandung from the villa

::: Bandung night view

::: a next to hill


Seperti yang bisa dibaca di postingku sebelumnya, wiken kemarin aku pergi mengikuti acara TA (Temu Akrab). Villa-nya ya villa pertama yang kita survey bulan November kemarin (deket Lembang). Temenku sama aku berangkat duluan, sekitar jam 2.15an gitu dan sampe disana hampir jam 3 sore. Disana, kita menyiapkan beberapa hal trus nunggu temen2 lain untuk datang. Jam 5.30 sore semua akhirnya uda dateng.

Pertama2 ya kita main game dulu di lantai 2. Trus jam 7.30 gitu akhirnya makan malam (nasi tumpeng). Trus, kita mesti menyiapkan acara angkatan. Pertamanya sih aku kaga gitu cocok sama tema dari angkatanku (parodi dari acara 'Truk Cinta'). Aku ga pernah nonton acaranya dan aku ga gitu suka aja, haha... . Tapi ya trus udahlah setelah aku mendapat peran yang cocok deh (pembawa acara >> mendingan daripada jadi pemeran utama, soale pertamanya aku disuru jadi pemeran utama tuh) aku oke deh kemudian, hahaha.... . Oke, kemudian waktu presentasi yang harusnya jam 9.30 malem ditunda jadi jam 10.30 malem, LOL (ternyata butuh waktu cukup lama untuk persiapan deh). Trus waktu presentasi tiba juga. Pertama2 adalah angkatan 2007 dulu deh, haha... . Mereka mempresentasikan sebuah fashion show yang rada 'aneh;, lol. Trus kita deh (ada adegan yang rada keluar alur dikit tp gapapa sih). Trus angkatan 2005 (parodi 3 kelas di kampus), trus akhirnya 2004 (show, kuis, dll). Habis itu kaya biasa deh, ada acara barbeque (jagung) gitu. Trus waktu bebas. Aku milih tidur tp akhirnya gabisa tidur, LOL, dan baru bisa tidur jam 3 pagi

Di hari kedua, aku membuka mata jam 6.10 pagi dan baru bangunnya jam 7, wkwkwkw... . Kita makan pagi habis itu. Trus kita dibagi ke 6 grup (aku di grup 6) trus main beberapa game deh. Game pertama tu main kartu (cap sa). Ada 3 babak dengan 3 games masing2. Aku main di 1 babak dan memenangkan semua game-nya, wkwkwkwkw.... . Tapi karena beberapa temen lain kalah di game lain jadinya ya kaga menang deh. Game kedua adalah game estafet dimana ada 4 game dan kita memiliki giliran masing2 gitu. Tim-ku kalah soale ada yang bener2 sial banget di salah satu game dah. Trus jam 11.30 siang semua games selesai dan kita makan siang. Jam 1 siang acaranya resmi selesai dan sebagian besar orang pada balik ke Bandung deh. Tapi aku sama temen2ku sih mesti nunggu sampe jam 2.15 siang dimana semua orang udah balik dari villa sebelum kita bisa balik ke Bandung, hehe

Itulah dia bagaimana wiken saya kemarin... :D

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