Wednesday, February 27, 2008

#488 - Wednesday (27/02)


Wah, this week is the last week before UTS (midterm) next week (the midterm will start on Thursday next week). Just as usual, one week before UTS is a busy week, damn!! I have so many assignments to do and also some quiz. Plus, some other responsibilities on my shoulders, sigh... . Arrrggghhh, I gotta keep on fire!!

Anyway, I just watched the 2nd week of American Idol where the top 10 boys performed. This is the list of my favorite from my most fave to least fave:

1. David Archuleta (score: 9.5) >> Wah, he sang "Imagine" and twas superb!! So great!! Eventho I agree with Dian, the improvisation was a bit 'over', but still, it was SO great, the best of this season so far!! I even had 'goosebump', hmmm... . During the last 4 season, at this point of the competition, he's my first very favorite male contestant! I never liked a male contestant at this intensity before, usually some girls contestants outsang the male contestants but not this season. Simon's feedback: "... there are 19 very miserable contestants after that"
2. David Hernandez (score: 8.25)
3. Chikezie Eze (score: 8). He has a great voice. I actually thought he would go last week, but then I'm relieved he's still there, he's great and I like his song, he changed the lyrics a bit and it's fun! hehe
4. David Cook (score: 7.5)
5. Michael Johns (score: 7)
6. Robbie Carrico (score: 6.5)
7. Luke Menard (score: 6.5) >> I think he was not that bad, hmmm....
8. Danny Noriega (score: 6.5)
Jason Castro (score: 6) >> I just dun really like him
10.Jason Yeager (score: 5.5) >> wrong choice of song, he actually has a good voice. However, looking at what happened to Joanne Borgella this week, he is the most vulnerable guy this week

Who do I think will be eliminated? Hmmm, I think Jason Yeager and Danny Noriega, or Luke Menard (replacing Danny).

Anyway, I also don't like the way some contestants spontaneously reacted to the criticisms from Simon. Yes, Simon is mean, but he was criticizing and challenging them to be better and there's no need to counter attack him, that's silly. For me, those contestants don't deserve to win. This week, that contestant is David Cook.

::: IDOLS-01 Michael Johns

::: IDOLS-06 David Hernandez

::: IDOLS-10 David Archuleta (the best of the night)


Wah, minggu ini adalah minggu terakhir sebelum UTS (Ujian Tengah Semester) minggu depan (UTS-nya baru mulai Kamis minggu depan sih). Kaya biasanya, satu minggu sebelum UTS adalah minggu sibuk, sialan!! Aku ada banyak tugas yang harus dikerjain dan juga banyak kuis. Ditambah lagi beberapa tanggungjawab lain neh, hhhh... . Arrrggghhh, aku harus semangat!!

Ngomong2, aku baru aja nih nonton minggu kedua dari American Idol dimana 10 besar laki2-nya tampil. Daftar favorit saya dari yg paling favorit sampe paling nggak favorit:

1. David Archuleta (nilai: 9.5) >> Wah, dia nyanyi lagu "Imagine" dan bener2 keren sekali!! Bagus banget!! Aku setuju sih sama Dian tentang improvisasinya yang agak kebanyakan, tapi tetep aja, KEREN banget, paling bagus deh sejauh ini di season ini!! Aku bahkan sampe merinding loh, hmmm... . Malah dari 4 season terakhir dari AI nih, pada tahap ini dari kontes, dia adalah kontestan laki2 pertama yang bener2 jadi favorit saya! Aku sih dulu ga pernah suka banget sama satu kontestan laki2 kaya saat ini soale biasanya banyak kontestan perempuan yg jauh lebih bagus sih, tapi nggak di season ini. Komentarnya Simon: "... sekarang ada 19 kontestan yang menyedihkan setelah pertunjukanmu itu (there are 19 very miserable contestants after that)"
2. David Hernandez (nilai: 8.25)
3. Chikezie Eze (nilai: 8). Ternyata suaranya bagus yah. Aku jujur nih minggu lalu ngira dia bakal out, tp sekarang rada lega dia aman, soale dia bagus ternyata. Aku juga suka lagunya tuh, dia ngganti liriknya dikit dan lucu juga! hehe
4. David Cook (nilai: 7.5)
5. Michael Johns (nilai: 7)
6. Robbie Carrico (nilai: 6.5)
7. Luke Menard (nilai: 6.5) >> ga sejelek itu ah menurutku, hmmm....
8. Danny Noriega (nilai: 6.5)
Jason Castro (nilai: 6) >> gatau kenapa aku ga gitu suka aja sama dia
10.Jason Yeager (nilai: 5.5) >> pilihan lagu yang salah, suaranya sebenernya bagus sih. Tapi melihat apa yang terjadi sama Joanne Borgella minggu lalu, aku rasa dia lah yang paling rawan eliminasi minggu ini

Siapa yang menurutku akan tereliminasi? Hmmm, kayanya sih Jason Yeager sama Danny Norieda deh, kalo ga ya Luke Menard tuh nggantiin Danny Noriega.

Ngomong2, aku juga ga suka sama bagaimana beberapa kontestan secara spontan bereaksi terhadap kritik pedas dari Simon. Ya, Simon itu memang 'kejam', tapi dia kan mengkritik dan menantang mereka untuk jadi lebih baik, dan nggak ada gunanya lah malah menyerang Simon balik. Menurutku, mereka yang kaya gitu gak berhak menang. Minggu ini, kontestan itu adalah David Cook.

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