Saturday, February 23, 2008

#486 - Hmmm....


Okay, the result of American Idol 2008 has been announced, and the first four contestants to leave the show are Garrett Haley, Amy Davis, Joanne Borgella, and Colton Berry. Anyway, as you can read here, my prediction was 25% correct. Actually twas 50% since I wanted to predict Garrett Haley but then because I was a bit confused with some contestants so I wrote Robbie Carrico, hahaha... . Anyway, I have no problem with all four contestants leaving the show. However, I'm a bit disappointed seeing Joanne leaving since I think she's a good singer (based on clips of her Hollywood Week and audition). She just picked the wrong song choice, hmmm....

Yeah, it's weekend!! Some burdens can be left for a while, all tasks are done!! Yeaahh!!! Anyway, this weekend I'm going to a TA ("Temu Akrab"), just like last year. This year, my class is the official. So I won't surf the net starting this afternoon until tomorrow afternoon, hehehe.... :)

::: first four contestants to be eliminated, Joanne Borgella, Amy Davis, Garrett Haley, and Colton Berry (Ryan Seacrest, the host, was standing in front of them hosting the show)

::: As Yulia's request, I posted Kristy Lee Cook's pic on the top 24 round, hehe... :)


Oke, hasil dari American Idol 2008 udah diumumin deh, dan empat peserta pertama yang tereliminasi adalah Garrett Haley, Amy Davis, Joanne Borgella, dan Colton Berry. Seperti yang bisa dibaca disini, tebakan saya 25% tepat deh. Sebenernya sih 50% soalnya aku mau memprediksi Garrett Haley tuh maksudnya, tapi berhubung aku rada bingung dan masih kebalik-balik antara beberapa kontestan, makanya yang ketulis malah Robbie Carrico, hahaha... . Ngomong2, aku ga ada masalah sih dengan semua 4 peserta yang tereliminasi. Hanya saja ya agak kecewa aja tuh melihat Joanne pergi soalnya aku rasa dia sebenernya sih bagus (berdasarkan klip minggu Hollywood dan audisinya). Cuma sayang, salah pilih lagu aja dia, hmmm....

Yeah, sekarang adalah weekend!! Beberapa beban bisa ditinggalkan sejenak, semua tugas sudah selesai!! Yeaahh!!! Ngomong2, wiken ini aku akan pergi ikutan TA ("Temu Akrab"), ya kaya tahun lalu gitu. Tahun ini angkatanku dah panitianya. Jadi, aku ga akan internetan deh kayanya mulai siang ini sampe siang besok, hehehe.... :)

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