As you can read here, I was a bit undetermined whether I should take the Merpati's direct flight from Jogja to Bandung or take Garuda's flight to Jakarta then continued my trip to Bandung. Well, finally I decided to take the first option, I'm taking Merpati. Okay, so last Saturday I booked my flight and the time limit was 10th July (Tuesday) at 11 AM. I got the cheapest fare (Rp 334,200.oo), ho3... :) (my guess was right, there was still one lower class than the Rp 401,000.oo).
So, on Tuesday morning I went to Merpati's office to take the ticket. Well, the officer said that I had been overdued (the time limit was 9th July). What!?!? Of course then I complained since I was sure that the limit was 11 AM THAT (10th July) DAY. Okay, she said she could work on it, and I was a bit releived. But then, she said that my ticket's fare was Rp 401,000.00. What!?!?!? I then complained again. She insisted that the sub-class I reserved was still the same. I said to her that if it was the same, so there was no way the fare was different!! I insisted that my ticket's fare was Rp 334,200.oo. She then called her colleague from the office. Then, her colleague made my transaction with the Rp 334,200.oo fare, huahahahahaha.... lol. Then I paid the ticket... :) So I'm going back to Bandung on 1st August 2007.
Later that afternoon, my father and I had lunch at Sate Tambaksegaran. We ordered a lot, including "Sate Buntel" (wrapped sate), the special menu beside normal sate, tongseng, and gule. Then, later that evening, I bought martabak, ha3... :)
Yesterday morning my parents went to Semarang to deal with some stuffs about Qua-Li Semarang...
Yesterday afternoon my friend and I went to Plaza Ambarrukmo to watch Harry Potter 5. Unexpectedly, the cinema was so full and the only available seats were on the very-first row. I, considering comfort, then didn't buy the tickets and plan to watch next time, not on the first day. Then, my friend looked a bit upset because of it, huahahahaha... lol. I felt a bit guilty though, but then I said that it was useless if we bought tickets but on the first row. We would have a neckpain, he3... :) Then, we wanted to have lunch but didn't have any idea. So, after wandering aimlessly, we arrived at "Soto Sawah", about 5 km out of Jogja (I don't know how we could get there, lol). That was my second time eating there. It was placed in the middle of rice-field and was unique. At 3 PM we went back home. Btw, yesterday evening I had dinner at Pizza Hut Maliboro Mall, he3... :)
::: My Merpati Ticket
::: Meals we ordered at "Sate Tambakbayan"
::: Martabak I bought Tuesday night
::: Soto Sawah
::: Rice-Field to the west side of Soto Sawah
::: my meal at Pizza Hut
Seperti yang bisa dibaca disini, aku agak gak yakin tentang aku mendingan ngambil penerbangan langsung Merpati dari Jogja ke Bandung atau ngambil penerbangan Garuda ke Jakarta dulu trus naik travel ke Bandung. Hmm, akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk milih yang pertama, naik Merpati aja. Oke deh, Sabtu kemarin aku mesen pesawatku dan time-limitnya adalah 10 Juli (Selasa) jam 11 pagi. Aku dapet tiket paling murah loh (IRp 334.200,oo), ho3... :) (tebakan saya ternyata benar, ada sub-kelas yang lebih rendah daripada yang Rp 401.000,oo).
Jadi, Selasa pagi aku pergi ke kantornya Merpati untuk ngambil tiket. Hmm, petugasnya ngomong kalo aku udah telat (time limitnya tanggal 9 Juli). Apa!?!? Tentu aja aku komplain dong soale aku yakin kalo time limitnya adalah jam 11 HARI ITU (10 Juli). Oke, dia bilang dia bisa ngurus masalah ini, dan aku agak lega. Kemudian dia bilang kalo harga tiket saya adalah Rp 401.000.00, Apa!?!?!? Aku komplain lagi lah. Dia bersikeras kalo sub-kelas yang aku pesen tuh masih sama. Aku ngomong dong, kalo sama, kan nggak mungkin harganya berbeda!! Aku bersikeras harga tiket saya adalah Rp 334.200,oo. Dia trus manggil temennya dari kantor. Trus, temennya itu membuat transaksi saya dengan harga Rp 334.200,oo, huahahahahaha.... lol. Trus aku bayar deh tiketnya... :) Jadi, aku balik Bandung ntar tanggal 1 Agustus 2007 deh
Siangnya, aku sama papaku makan siang di Sate Tambaksegaran. Kita mesen banyak banget, termasuk "Sate Buntel" (sate bungkus), menu spesialnya disamping sate biasa, tongseng, dan gule. Trus, sorenya aku beli martabak, ha3... :)
Kemarin pagi ortuku pergi ke Semarang neh untuk ngurus beberapa hal tentang Qua-Li Semarang tuh...
Kemarin siang aku sama temenku ke Plaza Ambarrukmo untuk nonton Harry Potter 5. Tak terduga, bioskopnya ruammeee banget dan tempat duduk yang tersisa cuma yang di paling depan. Aku, mempertimbangkan kenyamanan, trus gak beli tiketnya dan nontonnya kapan2 aja ah, ga di hari pertama. Trus, temenku jadi kaya agak kecewa gitu karenanya, huahahahaha... lol. Aku ngerasa agak bersalah sih, tapi aku ya bilang aja ke dia kalo percuma lah nonton tapi di baris terdepan. Ntar malah sakit leher, he3... :) Trus, kita mo makan siang tapi gatau deh dimana. Jadi, habis berjalan tanpa tujuan, tau2 kita nyampe di "Soto Sawah", sekitar 5 km di luar Jogja (gatau deh koq bisa yah nyasar kesana, lol). Itu adalah kali kedua aku makan disana. Tempatnya ada di tengah-tengah sawah gitu dan unik. Jam 3 kita balik ke rumah. Btw, kemarin malem aku makan malam di Pizza Hut Maliboro Mall, he3... :)
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