Sunday, August 20, 2006

#194 - OSPEK, and Indodol


Hi all, sorry for not updating for 4 days, that was because in the last 4 days I had to join the OSPEKKA (school college orientation) program. Even now I have passed through all the 4 days program, I still haven't completed all the OSPEK program in this college. The first OSPEKKA which I joined in the last 4 days was a college OSPEKKA where everybody from all faculties had that program together. The second OSPEKKA, which I'm gonna have next week and 2 weeks later (on Sunday), is a faculty OSPEKKA, where I'm gonna have this OSPEKKA with my friends from the same faculty as I attend.

Well, talking about the college OSPEKKA, it was SO different with my thought before. I thought it would be hard, full of pressure, and also exhausting. Yes, it was exhausting since we had to attend from about 8 AM until 5 PM, but it was fun. So many games and fun things to do, but it was SO hot. When we had a college tour and listened to some presentations from UKM (similar with extra-curricular), we sat on 3 plazas at about 10 AM, 12 PM, and 3 PM and unfortunately, the sky was clear, so the sun-ray really burnt my skin, sometimes I felt that I was gonnabe faint, but luckily not. After going back to my boarding house, I found that I have just burnt my arms-skin and my bottom arms were red.... :( And also, yesterday I think, they set the microphone volume way too high, so it was SO loud, plus even the MCs have already used the microphones (device to make our voice becomes louder so it can be heard in a larger area), they still screamed spoke loudly, so, I hope you can imagine, it WAS TOO loud, and my ears were both pained and I had to close my ears with my hands.... :( But overall, it was fun.

Well, last night I watched the Result Show of Indonesian Idol season 3 Grand Final. And finally, Indonesia chose Ihsan as the next Indonesian Idol. Congratulations to Ihsan, but honestly, me personally prefer to see Dirly as the next Idol more than Ihsan. But that's okay...

This week I didn't watch the week 7 of Rockstar Supernova, but I heard that
Zayra was eliminated.

::: Zayra Alvarez got eliminated


Hallo semua, sorry nggak meng-update selama 4 hari, soalnya 4 hari belakangan ini aku harus mengikuti program OSPEKKA (orientasi sekolah universitas). Walaupun sekarang aku sudah melewati kesemua program 4 hari itu, aku masih belum menyelesaikan semua program OSPEK di universitas ini. OSPEKKA pertama yang aku ikuti 4 hari belakangan ini adalah OSPEKKA universitas dimana semua orang dari semua fakultas mengikuti program ini bersama-sama. OPEKKA kedua, yang akan aku ikuti minggu depan dan 2 minggu lagi (di hari Minggu) adalah OSPEKKA jurusan, dimana aku akan mengikuti OSPEKKA ini hanya dengan teman-teman dari satu jurusan denganku.

Hmm, ngomong2 tentang OSPEKKA universitas, ternyata SANGAT berbeda dario pikiranku sebelumnya. Aku pikir tuh bakalan susah, penuh tekanan, dan juga melelahkan. Bener sih kalo OSPEKKAnya melelahkan soalnya kan kita harus hadir dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 5 sor, tapi menyenangkan koq. Ada banyak game dan hal-hal menyenangkan lainnya, tapi tuh SANGAT panas. Waktu ada tour universitas, kan kita harus mendengarkan ke beberapa presentasi tentang UKM (semacam ekstrakurikuler), kita duduk di 3 plaza pada jam 10 pagi, 12 siang, dan 3 sore dan sialnya, langitnya cerah, jadi sinar mataharinya benar-benar membakar kulit. Kadang-kadang malah aku ngerasa kayak mau pingsan, untungnya enggak. Habis balik ke kos, aku sadar bahwa aku baru aja membakar kulit tanganku dan lengan bagian bawah menjadi merah... :( Dan juga, kemarin menurutku, mereka menge-set volume suara microphonenya terlalu tinggi, jadi tuh SANGAT keras, plus walaupun MCnya udah pake microphone (alat untuk membuat suara kita menjadi lebih keras sehingga dapat didengar di area yg lebih luas), mereka masih aja teriak ngomong dengan kerasnya, sehingga, aku harap bisa dibayangin nih, KERAS SEKALI, dan telingaku menjadi sakit dan aku aku harus menutup telingaku dengan tangan.... :( Tapi keseluruhannya asik koq.

Hmm, semalam aku nonton Result Show dari Indonesian Idol musim 3 Grand Final. Dan akhirnya, Indonesia memilih Ihsan sebagai Indonesian Idol selanjutnya. Selamat untuk Ihsan, tapi jujur nih, secara pribadi aku lebih memilih untuk melihat Dirly sebagai Idol deh daripada Ihsan. Tapi nggak papa sih...

Minggu ini aku nggak nonton minggu ketujuh dari Rockstar Supernova, tapi aku denger sih
Zayra tereliminasi.

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