Friday, August 04, 2006

#187 - Google Earth & Rockstar Week 5


Yesterday, I downloaded
Google Earth to my computer. I think it is so interesting, just like spying using a satellite... :D Below, I tried to capture some sky-views of Yogyakarta, my beloved city... :)

Btw, yesterday I watched the elimination round of
Rockstar Supernova where Dana, Jill, and Patrice were in the bottom three, and Dana got eliminated. Probably she was kicked out from the competition not because of her vocal nor performance nor stage-act, BUT because of her silly reason for not attending the rehearsal (she was going to spa instead of having rehearsal for the week 5 show). Lukas, who I think deserved to land in bottom three, was not even in the "dangerous area" (dangerous area is a place for them who landed in the bottom three at some points during the votes the night before). Hmmm....

::: Yogyakarta City >> which one is my house?? Can you guess it?? :)

::: Adisutjipto International Airport


Kemarin, aku men-download
Google Earth ke komputerku. Menurutku sih itu sangat menarik, kayak memata-matai menggunakan satelit, he3... :D. Di atas, aku mencoba untuk mengambil beberapa gambar Yogyakarta, kotaku tercinta dari langit... :)

Ngomong-ngomong, kemarin aku nonton babak eliminasi dari
Rockstar Supernova dimana Dana, Jill, dan Patrica berada di 3 terbawah, dan Dana tereliminasi. Mungkin dia dikeluarkan dari kompetisi ini bukan karena vokalnya atau penampilannya atau atraksi panggungnya, TAPI karena alasan konyolnya untuk nggak menghadiri latihan / gladi resik (dia malah pergi ke spa dan nggak berlatih / gladi resik untuk show minggu kelima). Lukas, yang menurutku berhak untuk mendarat di tiga terbawah, malah nggak masuk ke "zona bahaya" (zona bahaya tuh berisi orang-orang yang berada di 3 terbawah pada beberapa titik sewaktu polling masih dibuka malam sebelumnya). Hmm....

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