Saturday, July 15, 2006

#176 - Initiation (part ONE)


Today my brother started his days at high-school, and as usual, as a new student, he has to go on initiation (or MOS, or Ospek in university) first for one week.

Three years ago, me as a new high-school student, also had to go on initiation for one week. We had to attend our school on Saturday morning and prepared many things for the initiation. That day, we had to write many things, learnt 2 songs and their coreographies, and also looked for some stuffs like pencil, pen, eraser, etc (they determined the type and brand of those stuffs that we had to find, for example: 17.1 cm long Cung Hwa pencil, etc...). We also had to make two attributes, and we also had to "copy" (actually we had to rewrite those multi-pages guideline.... :( ) the guideline which was still unclear yet since all the "numbers" (the width, the height, the number of triangles, etc) were still "hidden". For example: you have to make n triangles where n is the number of lamps inside the hall. Well, because of that we had to walk around my school just to find out those numbers.... :(

That's all about my first initiation day, I'll write about the next days next time..... :) Well, talking about the show Indonesian Idol last night, I think it was great, all contestants were good. If I have to score: Nobo - Sedih Tak Berujung (8.5), Dirly - Flying Without Wings (7.5), Ilham - Kupu-kupu Malam (7), Maria - Stand Up For Love (9.3), Ihsan - Bento (8.3), Gea - Di Dadaku ada Kamu (9). The bottom three was: Maria (what!?!?!? I can't believe that.... :( ), Dirly, and Ilham. Then, Ilham got voted off (yep, he was the worst from the best last night.... :D).

::: Bottom three this week


Hari ini adikku memulai hari-harinya di SMA, dan kayak biasanya, sebagai murid baru dia harus menjalani inisiasi (atau MOS, atau Ospek di kuliahan) dahulu selama seminggu.

Tiga tahun yang lalu, aku sebagai murid SMA yang baru, juga harus mengikuti inisiasi selama seminggu. Kita harus datang di sekolah hari Sabtu pagi dan mempersiapkan banyak hal untuk inisiasi. Hari itu, kita harus mencatat banyak hal, belajar 2 lagi dan koreografinya, dan juga mulai mencari beberapa barang seperti pensil, bolpen, penghapus, dll (mereka yang menentukan tipe dan merk dari barang-barang itu yang harus kita tentukan, misalnya: pensil Cung Hwa dengan panjang 17,1 cm, dll... ). Kita juga harus membuat dua atribut, dan kita harus "mengkopi" (sebenernya sih kita menulis ulang tuh petunjuk yang berlembar-lembar... :( ) petunjuknya yang juga masih belum jelas soalnya semua "angka"nya (lebar, tinggi, jumlah segitiga, dll) masih "tersembunyi". Misalnya aja: anda harus membuat segitiga sebanyak n buah dimana n adalah jumlah lampu di dalam aula. Karena itu, kita harus berjalan-jalan di dalam sekolah untuk menemukan angka-angka itu... :(

Itulah cerita hari pertama inisiasi saya, aku akan menulis hari-hari selanjutnya lain kali.... :) Hmm, ngomong-ngomong tentang show Indonesian Idol semalam, menurutku bagus banget, semuanya tampil dengan baik. Kalo harus aku nilai: Nobo - Sedih Tak Berujung (8.5), Dirly - Flying Without Wings (7.5), Ilham - Kupu-kupu Malam (7), Maria - Stand Up For Love (9.3), Ihsan - Bento (8.3), Gea - Di Dadaku ada Kamu (9). Tiga terbawahnya ternyata: Maria (apa!?!?! Nggak bisa saya percaya.... :( ), Dirly, adan Ilham. Trus, Ilham yang tersisih (yup, dia memang yang terjelek diantara yang terbaik semalam... :D).

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