Friday, July 07, 2006

#171 - A Thursday Story


Yesterday morning at about 8 AM, there was a pretty big earthquake shook Jogjakarta again, at that time I was still sleeping. I realized and felt that earthquake which woke me up, but because I was still so sleepy, I thought: "It's gonnabe quick, I'd better continue my sleep". lol . When I closed my eyes, the earth was still shaking, but fortunately, after few seconds, it ended.

At 10.30 AM, I went to school to take my STK and STTB with my friends, and at 10.50 AM we arrived there. Fortunately, it started on time and luckily, I got the first turn!!! Yaaaay!!! After waiting for SOO long 2 days ago, finally I got the "privilege", lol.... . Well, apparently, both the STK and STTB hadn't been photocopied yet, and I need them to be photocopied and for sure, legalized, therefore, after getting those, I went to the photocopy stall and copied them. As a result, this morning I also have to go to school again to take those paper... :(

After that, my friends and I went to JEC to watch the Computer Expo (I think I need a laptop/notebook when I am in Bandung next month, therefore, this event is a perfect one since usually the price is lower than the normal price... :D). After walking around for 1 hour, we left JEC and went to Plaza Ambarrukmo (that has been open since 30th June last week). We went to Cinema 21 and planned to watch a movie, but we still wasn't sure what movie yet. My friend requested:
Final Destination 3; at first I rejected since I thought it was a horror movie (I don't really like ghost movie or something like that), but my friend convinced me it's not a horror movie. Ok, I believed that's true, and after buying the tickets, my friend told me that it's not a horror movie, but it's a thriller movie. What!?!?!?!? Arrggghhh...., they are not so much different... . Ok, because I had already bought the ticket, so I didn't have another option. At 13.45 PM we entered the cinema room (studio 2) and started watching the movie. It was so intense, thrilling and pretty violent, so I recommend you not to watch this movie if you are with children (that's obvious, the rating is: ADULTS >> some scenes were so terrifying and many people also screamed (and also cursed and laughed) at some shocking scenes (it was probably too thrilling so we laughed, not because it's funny) . Big applause to the director, actors, and actresses, and also all crews, I think they made this film succesfully and really hit the mark. After that, we had lunch at Qua Li Restaurant, and then we left Plaza Ambarrukmo (sorry Haze, I forgot to take the meals again.... :( ).

After that, before going back home, we went to Toga Mas Bookstore first and I bought some books. I bought Dan Brown's (new) novel: DIGITAL FORTRESS. I haven't read this novel yet, I hope this is as good and interesting as the previous novels... :)

::: STK, STTB, and my JHS STK

::: Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Ryan Merriman @ Final Destination 3

::: Ryan Merriman and Mary Winstead @ Final Destination 3 (the rollercoaster of death)



Kemarin pagi jam 8, ada gempa yang lumayan besar mengguncang kota Jogjakarta lagi, dan waktu itu aku masih tidur. Aku sadar dan merasakan gempa yang membangunkan aku itu, tapi karena aku masih ngantuk, aku mikir: "Ah, ini bakalan cepet koq, mendingan aku tidur lagi aja...". lol . Waktu aku menutup mata, gempanya masih terasa, dan untungnya, setelah beberapa detik, akhirnya berakhir juga.

Jam 10.30, aku pergi ke sekolah untuk ngambil STK dan STTBku sama temen-temenku, dan jam 10.50 pagi kami sampai disana. Untungnya, acara dimulai tepat waktu dan untungnya lagi, aku dapet giliran pertama!!! Yaaayyy!!! Setelah mengantri lama BANGET dua hari yang lalu akhirnya aku dapet "keuntungan", lol.... . Ternyata, kesemua STK dan STTBnya belum difotokopi, padahal aku butuh fotokopiannya dan tentu saja, dilegalisir, makanya, habis mendapatkannya, aku pergi ke tempat fotokopi di depan sekolah dan mengkopinya. Sebagai hasilnay, pagi ini aku harus pergi ke sekolah lagi untuk ngambil tuh kertas... :(

Habis itu, temen-temenku sama aku pergi ke JEC untuk melihat Pameran Komputer (kayaknya aku bakalan butuh laptop/notebook deh bulan depan kalo aku ke Bandung, makanya, even ini adalah yang sempurna soalnya biasanya harganya kan lebih rendah dari harga normal... :D). Habis jalan-jalan sekitar 1 jam, kita meninggalkan JEC dan pergi ke Plaza Ambarrukmo (yang sudah mulai buka sejak 30 Juni minggu lalu). Kita pergi ke Cinema 21 dan berencana untuk nonton sebuah film, tapi masih blom tahu film apa. Temenku mengusulkan:
Final Destination 3; pertamanya aku menolak soalnya aku kira itu film horor (aku nggak suka film tentang hantu atau yang semacam itu lah), tapi temenku berhasil meyakinkan aku kalo itu bukan film horor. Ok, aku percaya itu benar, dan setelah beli tiketnya, temenku bilang ke aku kalo itu memang bukan film horor, tapi film thriller!! Apa!?!?!?!? Arrggghhh...., kan nggak terlalu jauh beda tuh... . Ok, karena aku udah beli tiketnya, aku nggak punya pilihan lain. Jam 13.45 siang kita masuk ke ruang nontonnya (studio 2) dan mulai nonton tuh film. Filmnya bener-bener intensif, menegangkan, dan agak sadis, jadi aku merekomendasikan untuk nggak menonton film ini kalau bersama anak-anak (jelas aja sih, ratingnya aja DEWASA >> beberapa adegan tuh bener-bener mengerikan dan banyak orang juga teriak (dan juga misuh dan tertawa) waktu beberapa adegan yang mengagetkan (mungkin karena terlalu menegangkan jadinya kita ketawa, bukan karena lucu). Tepuk tangan untuk sutradaranya, aktor, dan aktris, dan juga kru filmnya soalnya menurutku mereka membuat film ini dengan sukses dan bener-bener tepat sasaran. Habis itu kita makan di Restoran Qua Li trus meninggalkan Plaza Ambarrukmo (sorry Haze, aku lupa ngambil foto makanannya lagi... :( ).

Habis itu, sebelum pulang, aku pergi ke toko buku Toga Mas dan aku beli beberapa buku. Aku beli buk (barunya) Dan Brown: DIGITAL FORTRESS (Benteng Digital). Aku blom baca novel ini sih, moga-moga aja novelnya sama bagus dan menariknya sama novel-novel sebelumnya... :)

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