Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wednesday the fifteenth


This morning at school we finally fermentized the oranges. Yesterday I squeezed those oranges to make 1 liter orange liquid (it was almost the same with orange juice I think...). We put 100 mL of it, pour yeast and put it in a tube and closed the tube's mouth by a piece of plastic. After the tube was full of the liquid we put it back to the remain 900mL and closed it. We then did some several things to make it more perfect (I won't write the detail here because (trust me) it is boring).... :) Apparently, beside fermentizing fruits, we also had to do the same thing to the soy bean to make what we call tempe in Indonesian and also fermentiza sweet potato to make tape (in Indonesian). At school today I also had a physics exam again about Movement. It was all multiple choice questions (there were 20 questions). The beginning until the middle part of the exam were easy, but the last part was a little tougher... :)

Well, this morning finally I got my Garuda Frequent Flyer Card. My level is still Blue right now (the lowest level). I made this card because if one of my hopes comes true (studying in Singapore), then I will often fly to Singapore (or Jakarta) by Garuda... :) or probably when I have a vacation it will be useful too..... :)

::: My GFF card and some flyers of it


Pagi ini di sekolah akhirnya kita memfermentasikan jeruk. Kemarin aku meres tuh jeruk untuk membuat 1 liter cairan jeruk (kayaknya sih hampir sama sama jus jeruk deh....). Kita trus ngambil 100 mL, trus nuangin ragi ke dalamnya, masukin ke tabung dan menutup mulut tabungnya dengan selembar plastik. Habis tabungnya penuh cairan, kita ngembaliin ke sisanya yang 900mL dan menutupnya. Trus kita melakukan beberapa hal untuk membuatnya lebih sempurna (aku nggak nulis detailnya disini soalnya bakal membosankan). ... :) Ternyata, selain memfermentasikan buah, kita juga harus memfermentasikan kacang kedelai untuk buat tempe sama memfermentasikan ubi untuk buat tape. Di sekolah hari ini aku juga ada ulangan fisika lagi tentang gerak. Tadi tuh soalnya semuanya pilihan ganda (ada 20 soal). Di bagian awalnya sampe pertengahan gampang-gampang, tapi bagian terakhirnya agak susah juga tuh... :).

Pagi ini, akhirnya aku mendapatkan kartu Garuda Frequent Flyer-ku. Aku masih ada di tingkatan Blue sekarang (level paling rendah). Aku membuat kartu ini soalnya kalo salah satu harapanku terkabul (kuliah di Singapore), kan aku bakalan sering terbang ke Singapore kan (atau Jakarta) ... :) atau mungkin kalo lagi liburan kan kartu ini bisa lumayan berguna juga.. :)

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