Tuesday, February 10, 2009

#667 - Updates


Well, there's not so many things I can write right now.

Yea, I just love Tuesday morning. Why? Because Tuesday is the only day of my active days on campus where my lecture starts at 1 PM (lectures start in the morning on the other days). However, I hate Tuesday evening. Why? Because on Wednesday I have my seminar class where I have to present a presentation each week. So, on Tuesday evening I gotta make presentation slides, and of course prepare for all materials for my presentation! Hmmm...

Anyway, lemme take a lil' break from that for now. Today, I did at least two stupid things. First of all, I forgot to bring my wallet when I wanted to have breakfast this morning, damn! Lucky I noticed that before I ordered food so I could go back first and took my wallet. Lucky. Then, my second stupid thing was that I FORGOT to pay for my breakfast! WTF!! Usually, on that canteen, we pay in advance. That was not the case this morning where the canteen was so busy. The seller asked me just to pay after I ate. Well, because I had appointment on campus so I was in a hurry. My body went automatically leaving the canteen right after I finished eating forgetting the unusual occasion. Dang!! Lucky I realized that on campus so when I got back I stopped by there and paid for it, haha...


Hmm, ga ada banyak hal yang bisa aku tulis sekarang neh.

Ya, aku cuma suka Selasa pagi aja sekarang. Kenapa? Soalnya Selasa adalah satu-satunya hari di hari aktifku di kampus dimana kuliahku dimulai jam 1 siang (kuliah mulainya selalu di pagi hari terus di hari2 lain). Namun, aku ga suka Selasa malam. Kenapa? Soalnya kan Rabu aku ada kuliah seminar dimana setiap minggu aku harus presentasi. Jadi, di Selasa malam aku harus membuat slide presentasi-nya dan tentu saja mempersiapkan bahan presentasi itu! Hmmm...

Ngomong2, biarkan saya istirahat bentar dari itu ah. Hari ini, aku melakukan setidaknya dua hal bodoh. Yang pertama, masa tadi aku lupa bawa dompet waktu mau sarapan pagi tadi, sial! Untungnya aku nyadar sebelum pesan jadinya kan bisa balik dulu ngambil tuh dompet. Untung deh. Kemudian, kebodohan kedua adalah aku LUPA membayar tuh sarapan! WTF!! Yah, biasanya di tu kantin kan kita bayar di depan. Namun, bukan itu kasusnya tadi. Karena kantinnya lagi sibuk banget makanya penjualnya nyuruh aku bayarnya nanti saja habis makan. Nah, karena ada janji di kampus makanya aku lagi keburu-buru. Badanku bergerak otomatis dengan langsung cao setelah makan tidak sadar ketidak-biasaan itu. Sial!! Untungnya nyadar de di kampus jadinya waktu pulang bisa mampir dulu untuk bayar, haha...

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