Friday, June 29, 2007

#366 - Friday (29/06)


This morning at 12.30 AM (wakakakaka... lol) I watched the rerun of The Apprentice season 5, the episode where Lenny got fired. Okay, because twas Lenny, from now on I know the order of elimination up till the end of the show... :( Well, that's fine though since I still can enjoy the show pretty much. Then, I tried to sleep at 2 AM, but I couldn't, arrrggghhhh... . I started to sleep at about 3.30 AM.

At 7.30 AM I got up and had breakfast right after that. After taking a shower, at 8.45 AM I accompanied my mom and one senior chief of Kassaya to go to Solo to check our 3 branches there and also stock many fragrances and bags. Btw, on the way to Solo, near Adisutjipto Airport, a Garuda flight also took off on the same time as we passed the airport. It was beautiful, he3... :D

At 10.15 AM we arrived at Solo Square. Just following the pattern as I wrote before abt my trip to Solo, two SPGs were on duty, who were Ika and Dewi. Strangely, those two were trusted to be the 'heads' of all Solo's SPGs and they were on duty on the same time slot and place?? Hmmm, that ain't correct. So my mom told them not to make that kind of schedule anymore (they were also responsible for the schedule).

After 1 hr 15 mins, we left Solo Square and headed for Solo Grand Mall. There we had lunch first and I had "Black Pepper Beef" as my meal (no pic today, he3... :D). For me, Qua-Li's "Black Pepper Beef" is still a lot better and more delicious!! :P Then we went down to our shop and met Tuti and Nika (and also Murti, new SPG who was still on training) were on duty today.

Btw, looking at Indonesia's Unemployment Number today (wakakakaka... lol >> serious), I think the number is pretty big. Kassaya Solo opens job vacancy (I dunno, probably only for 2 more people, and 1 already hired) and when I was on Kassaya Solo Grand Mall, I found hell number of job appliances (look at the pic below)!! Huahahaha... lol. I dunno but I'm sure it's more than 100... :D

At 3 PM we went to ALFA Solo Baru and met Meli and Erna who were on duty (Meli for the morning shift and Erna for the evening shift). At 4.30 PM, we went back to Jogja.

Back at Jogja, I had dinner at home. Then, at 7.30 PM I went to Malioboro Mall, just as usual. At 9 PM, we went back home. I'm so exhausted today!! Btw, now I'm waiting for the result show of Indonesian Idol, he3... :)

::: quick update ::: (Fri, 29th June 2007; 11.59 PM)

After watching the Result Show, I think the usual pattern was repeated. Two good singers were placed in the bottom two. They were Rini and Fandy!! WTF!!! They were my 2 favorites and I'd love to see them in the grand-finale!! Arrrggghhhh... . Okay, on this formation, I have to pick Rini to be safe because she is the gest amongst all contestants, and the vote-result (I don't write "Indonesia" here, he3... :D) was the same, Fandy was voted off. I think the bottom two should have been Wilson and Gaby. Sarah was pretty great (from the review).

Btw, because there are no big differences, so for Kassayas' pics I took the older pics, he3... :D

::: Kassaya Solo Square

::: Kassaya Solo Grand Mall

::: Kassaya Counter at ALFA Solo Baru

::: Job Appliances I found this afternoon!! So many!!


Pagi ini jam 12.30 dini hari (wakakakaka... lol) aku nonton siaran ulang dari The Apprentice musim 5, episode dimana Lenny dipecat. Oke, karena yg dipecat Lenny, mulai skarang aku udah tau deh urutan eliminasinya sampe akhir acara ntar... :( Hmm, nggak papa sih sebenere soale aku jg masih bisa menikmati koq. Trus aku mencoba tidu r jam 2 tapi gabisa, but I couldn't, arrrggghhhh... . Aku baru bisa tidur sekitar jam 3.30an lah.

Jam 7.30 pagi aku bangun dan makan pagi habis itu. Habis mandi, jam 8.45 pagi aku nemeni mamaku sama satu pegawai senior Kassaya buat ke Solo untuk ngecek 3 cabang disana dan nyetok banyak parfum dan tas. Btw, dalam perjalanan ke Solo, deket Bandara Adisuthipto, pesawat Garuda pas lagi habis take-off pas aku lewat sana. Pemandangannya bagus loh, he3... :D

Jam 10.15 pagi kita sampe di Solo Square. Mengikuti pola seperti yang aku tulis sebelumnya tentang perjalanan ke Solo, dua SPG lagi bertugas disana, mereka adalah Ika dan Dewi. Anehnya, mereka berdua yang dipercayai jadi 'kepala' dari semua SPGnya Solo dan tadi mereka bertugas di jam dan tempat yang sama?? Hmm, nggak bener nih. Makanya tadi dibilangi mulai besok kalo buat jadwal ga boleh kaya gitu lagi (mereka kan jg bertanggung-jawab atas jadwal).

Habis 1 jam 15 menit, kita meninggalkan Solo Square dan pergi ke Solo Grand Mall. Disana kita makan siang dulu dan aku makan "sapi lada hitam" sebagai makanan saya (nggak ada gambar hari ini, he3... :D). Untuk aku, "sapi lada hitam"nya Qua-Li jauh lebih enak loh!! :P Trus kita turun ke toko dan ketemu Tuti dan Nika (dan juga Murti, pegawai baru yg lagi training) yang lagi bertugas disana tadi.

Btw, ngeliat Jumlah Pengangguran di Indonesia (wakakakaka... lol >> sok serius), aku rasa angkanya besar banget loh. Kassaya Solo kan lagi buka lowongan kerja (gatau sih, mungkin cuma untuk 2 orang, dan 1 udah diterima) dan waktu di Kassaya Solo Grand Mall tadi, aku menemukan buanyak banget lamaran kerja (liat deh gambarnya di atas)!! Huahahaha... lol. Gatau sih, tapi aku rasa jumlahnya lebih tu dari 100... :D

Jam 3 sore kita pergi ke ALFA Solo Baru dan bertemu Meli dan Erna yg lagi jaga (Meli untuk shift pagi dan Erna untuk shift sore). Jam 4.30 sore, kita balik deh ke Jogja.

Balik di Jogja, aku makan di rumah. Trus jam 7.30 aku ke Malioboro Mall seperti biasa. Jam 9 malem balik deh ke rumah. Capek bgt hari ini!! Btw, skarang lagi nunggu Result Show-nya Indonesian Idol nih, he3... :)

::: apdet cepet ::: (Jmt, 29 Juni 2007; 11.59 malem)

Habis nonton Result Show-nya, aku rasa pola biasanya muncul lagi deh. Dua penyanyi bagus ada di dua terendah. Mereka adalah Rini dan Fandy!! WTF!!! Mereka adalah 2 favorit saya dan aku pengen loh liat mereka di 2 besar!! Arrrggghhhh... . Okay, di formasi ini, ya aku mesti milih Rini untuk aman soale dia paling bagus dari semua kontestan, dan hasil voting (aku ga nulis "Indonesia" disini, he3... :D) juga sama, Fandy yg tersisih. Aku rasa dua terbawahnya haruse Wilson dan Gaby deh. Sarah lumayan juga tadi (berdasarkan preview).

1 comment:

  1. iya... jumlah pengangguran di Indo memang banyak skalii. Kmarin2 di Bandung ada pameran lowongan kerja besar2an... dan ternyata di sana PENUH abees :D
