Thursday, June 21, 2007

#362 - Thursday (21/6)


This morning actually I had a plan to go to a fitness center my friend recommend. Well, actually he already warned me that I would be disappointed, ha3... :) When this morning we went there, it was not as bad as I expected, but still he was right, I was a bit disappointed. Which one is better?? "Cheap but the place is not large, not all tools available (even some tools don't work 100% properly)" OR "Expensive but the place is large, all the tools are complete, getting free-pass for swimming"?? The price: expensive = cheap X 4. Hmmm...

So, after that we went to Saphir Square to play bowling on the new bowling alley there. There was an interesting promotion. On happy-hour (Monday to Friday, before 6 PM), per-game it cost Rp 10,000.oo (the normal rate is Rp 17,500.oo per game) but it's still not including renting shoes (Rp. 3,000.oo). Plus, if we show a student-ID card, we will get an extra 20% discount, so per game it cost Rp 8,000.oo. He3... :) That's pretty cheap. Actually my friend got a 2 free-pass vouchers (2 games) including for shoes. Okay, so since I wanted to play 2 games each, so he used all his coupons (I paid) but I got the shoes for free, he3... :) I played pretty well (for a person who haven't played for over almost 1 year). I scored 110 and 87. (huh!! The second game I wasn't serious, wakakakakaka... lol).

Then, we went to Galeria and had lunch at Bee's there. I expected a yummy lunch, but it was just standart... :( I met some friends from high-school (but didn't have the chance and time to talk, just said hi). Btw, 2 days ago I had dinner at a Warung Bakso just like what I ate at this time, he3... :) It's yummy (there's a pic below) >> on the pic it doesn't look like that yummy because of the lighting, but actually it is yummy... :P

Btw, as you can read at this entries, last week there was a second redecoration of my shop at Malioboro Mall. As you can also read here, I made a "Kassaya" name to be placed inside, and now it's placed... :D The pics are below.

::: half-eaten Bakso I ate 2 days ago. It doesn't look that yummy, but it is yummy

::: inside Kassaya Malioboro Mall (new)

::: inside Kassaya Malioboro Mall (new) - 1

::: new bowling alley at Saphir Square

::: my lunch for today


Pagi ini sebenere aku punya rencana untuk pergi ke tempat fitnes yang direkomendasiin temenku. Hmm, sebenere dia udah bilang ke aku kalo aku bakalan kecewa sih, ha3... :) Waktu pagi tadi nyampe sana, nggak seburuk yang aku kira, tapi tetep aja temenku bener, aku rada kecewa. Mana nih yang lebih baik?? "Murah tapi tempatnya nggak luas, nggak semua alat tersedia (bahkan beberapa alat nggak bekerja 100%)" ATAU "Mahal tapi tempatnya luas, semua alatnya komplit, dapet tiket gratis buat renang"?? Harganya: mahal = murah X 4. Hmmm...

Jadi, habis dari sana kita ke Saphir Square deh buat main bowling di tempat bowling yang baru disana. Ada promosi yang menarik sih. Di happy-hour (Senin sampe Kamis, sebelum jam 6 sore), per-game tuh biayanya Rp 10.000,oo (klo di jam biasa Rp 17.500,oo) tapi masih nggak termasuk minjem sepatu loh (Rp 3.000,oo). Plus, kalo nunjukin Kartu Pelajar, dikasi diskon lagi 20%, jadinya per-game-nya Rp 8.000,oo tuh. He3... :) Lumayan murah kan. Sebenere temenku sih punya 2 voucher untuk main gratis (2 game) termasuk sepatu. Oke, berhubung saya pinginnya main 2 game satu orang, ya dah deh dia pake kuponnya (aku bayar) tapi aku jadi dapet jatah sepatu gratis, he3... :) Aku lumayan juga tadi (untuk orang yang dah ga main lebih dari hampir 1 tahun). Nilainya 110 sama 87 (huh!! Yang kedua gak serius sih, wakakakakaka... lol).

Trus kita ke Galeria buat makan siang di Bee's. Aku sih mengharapkan makan siang yang enak, tapi ternyata biasa-biasa saja... :( Aku ketemu beberapa temen SMA sih (tapi ga ada kesempatan dan waktu buat ngobrol sih, ya udah say hi aja). Btw, 2 hari yang lalu aku makan malem di sebuah Warung Bakso loh seperti yang aku makan pada waktu ini, he3... :) Enak loh (ada sih fotonya di atas) >> Di fotonya ga gitu keliatan enak soale pencahayaannya sih, tapi sebenere enak loh... :P

Btw, seperti yang bisa dibaca di posting ini, minggu lalu ada redekorasi kedua di toko saya di Malioboro Mall. Seperti yang bisa dibaca disini, aku membuat tulisan "Kassaya" buat di dalem, dan skarang udah dipasang loh, ada gambarnya di atas.

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