Wednesday, June 13, 2007

#358 - Monday & Tuesday


On Monday, a bad thing happened to me. My computer broke down!! Arrrggghhhh.... . I couldn't boot it. It worked normally up until the "Window XP" part but when it was about to move to the main page (where I usually click on the username), it became frozen!! :( :( Lucky I have this beloved laptop, he3... :) So, I still could surf the net via this laptop by connecting the modem to her... :) Btw, that night I could also take a pic of Kassaya Malioboro Mall after redecorating or "make up" part one.

Tuesday Evening, my friend and I went to Plaza Ambarrukmo to watch Ocean Thirteen (even though I still haven't watched Pirates of Caribbean yet... :( ). Well, I rate it 3 out of 5 or around 6.17 out of 10. It was funny and entertaining, but there were some weaknesses that I saw and felt, he3... :) You could read my whole review here. We arrived at PA and bought the tickets at 6 PM. My original plan was having dinner at Qua-Li right after that since the movie started at 7.15 PM (I already did a research on the internet about the schedule). BUT unfortunately, at 6.10 PM, just before I walked in to Qua-Li, my dad called me to go back home (arrrggghhhh....) since his ping pong bats were left in the car and he asked me to give them back to him!! Arrrrgggghhhhh.... . So, I didn't have any time to have dinner... :( :( I was actually starving since I hadn't had meal since this morning.

Then, after the show, we went to a Padang Restaurant and had meal there, ha3... :) Then we went back home.

Btw, now my computer is still not working. I couldn't (and didn't want to) ask one of my employee to take it since on Tuesday most of them were busy plus I still have laptop for temporary use. So, I suppose the checking and reparation are gonnabe tomorrow.

::: quick update ::: (Wed, 13th June 2007; 9.33 PM)

This afternoon, just as my order request, one of my employee came to my house and checked my computer. The plan was if the problem was so serious that he couldn't handle, he would bring the CPU to the service center, just as usual. But then, after checking it, the problam appeared as a minor error. One of the screw wasn't tight enough!! WHAT!?!?!? Just that simple?? After thickening it up, my computer worked again normally, ha3... :)

::: Kassaya Malioboro Mall (new)

::: Matt Damon (as Niles), George Clooney (as Danny) and Brad Pitt (as Rusty) at Ocean Thirteen

::: @ Padang Restaurant


Di hari Senin hal yang buruk terjadi pada saya. Komputerku rusak!! Arrrggghhhh.... . Aku gabisa nyalain. Kerjanya normal sih sampe bagian "Window XP"nya tapi habis itu waktu mau masuk ke halaman utama (dimana biasane aku nge-klik username), jadi nge-hang!! :( :( Untunglah aku punya laptop tercinta ini, he3... :) Jadi aku kan masih bisa internetan via laptop dengan menghubungkan modem sama laptop... :) Btw, malem itu aku juga ngambil gambarnya Kassaya Malioboro Mall habis dekor ulang atau "make up" tahap pertama.

Selasa sore, aku sama temenku pergi ke Plaza Ambarrukmo untuk nonton Ocean Thirteen (walaupun aku masih blom sempet nonton Pirates of Caribbean neh... :( ). Hmm, aku menilainya 3 dari 5 atau sekitar 6,17 dari 10. Ceritanya lucu dan menghibur, tapi ada beberapa kelemahan yang aku lihat dan rasakan, he3... :) Bisa dibaca deh review lengkapku disini. Kita sampai di PA dan beli tiket jam 6 sore. Rencana awalnya sih habis itu mau makan malem dulu di Qua-Li soale kan filmnya baru mulai jam 7.15 malem (aku udah research dulu tuh di internet tentang jadwalnya). TAPI malangnya, jam 6.10 sore, tepat sebelum aku melangkahkan kaki memasuki Qua-Li, papaku telpon dan nyuruh aku balik ke rumah (arrrggghhhh....) soale bat ping pong-nya ketinggalan di mobil dan dia nyuruh aku ngembaliin ke dia!! Arrrrgggghhhhh.... . Jadi, aku jadi nggak ada waktu untuk makan malem deh... :( :( Padahal aku sebenere lagi kelaparan tu soale blom makan dari pagi sih.

Trus, habis filmnya selese, kita ke Restoran Padang dan makan disana, ha3... :) Trus kita balik deh

Btw, skarang komputerku masih blom bener nih. Aku nggak bisa (dan memang nggak mau) nyuruh salah satu karyawan ngambil hari Selasa soale kebanyakan kan lagi sibuk tuh, lagian kan sementara masih ada laptop. Jadi, aku duga sih baru besok deh ngecek dan reparasinya.

::: apdet cepet ::: (Rbu, 13 Juni 2007; 9.33 malem)

Siang ini, seperti perintah permintaan saya, salah satu pegawai dateng ke rumahku dan ngecek komputer. Rencananya tuh klo masalahnya serius banget dan gabisa ditangani dia, dia akan bawa CPUnya ke pusat servis, seperti biasa. Tapi kemudian, habis ngecek, ternyata problemnya cuma kesalahan kecil. Salah satu skrupnya kurang kenceng masangnya!! APA!?!?!? Cuma sesimpel itu?? Habis ngencengin tuh skrup, komputer saya jalan lagi dengan normalnya, ha3... :)

1 comment:

  1. hmmm.. kalau inget masakan padang, jadi inget iklan.. yang ke restoran padang tapi cuma ngambil nasi dan kuah2 makanannya aja, jadi yang dibayar cuma nasi doang XD hihihi.. penghematan tuh.. kamu pernah kayak gitu ga? XD
