Saturday, February 25, 2006

It's Saturday...


Finally it's Saturday which I could have in Jogja after 2 weeks fighting for the exam. (Two weeks ago I was in Magelang and last week I was in Jakarta).

At school this morning I had a chemistry exam. It was all about memorizing and unfortunately I lost my book!!! Therefore I only studied a little yesterday and studied for the rest at school this morning. Because of that, I think my score was not maximum. Then, the lessons ended at 11.10 AM and I went back home. I was so sleepy this afternoon and I took a nap until 5 PM... . At first actually I had planned to go to the gym but I didn't go because I was too exhausted.... .

Then, at 7 PM I went with my friends to have dinner. First we ate at a restaurant, but it was not so convincing (and also slack). Because we had already entered it and looked at the menu book, then we only ordered few meals (only 2 salads and ice tea) >> actually, if we didn't feel shy, we would have left the restaurant without ordering anything... . Then, guess what made us become more desperate with this restaurant? They tried to cheat!! A Rp. 10,000.oo food was counted Rp. 17,000.oo, lucky my friend was careful. After that, we decided to eat at Silla Restaurant... . We had dinner there until 9.15 PM and then we went back home. At home I played computer and then surfed the net....

::: Our meal at Silla Restaurant


Akhirnya ini Hari Sabtu yang bisa aku habiskan di Jogja habis 2 minggu berjuang untuk ujian. (dua minggu lalu aku kan di Magelang trus minggu lalu aku di Jakarta).

Di sekolah pagi ini aku ulangan kimia. Semuanya tentang hafalan dan sialnya bukuku hilang!!! Makanya aku cuma belajar sedikit kemarin dan belajar sisanya di sekolah pagi tadi. Gara-gara itu, kayaknya sih nilaiku nggak maksimal. Trus, jam 11.10 pelajarannya selesai dan aku pulang ke rumah. Aku ngantuk banget siang ini jadinya aku istirahat siang sampe jam 5 sore... . Pertamanya sih sebenernya aku mau ke gym, tapi nggak jadi pergi soalnya aku capek banget sih.... .

Trus, jam 7 sore aku pergi sama temenku makan malem. Pertama kita makan di sebuah restoran, tapi restoran ini nggak meyakinkan (dan juga sepi). Tapi karena aku dah masuk dan ngeliat-liat menunya, jadi aku pesen sedikit menu deh (cuma 2 salad sama es teh) >> sebenernya kalo misalnya nggak ngerasa sungkan gitu, aku dah pergi tuh dari tuh restoran tanpa memesan apapun.... . Trus, tebak apa yang bikin aku tambah kecewa sama restoran ini? Mereka mau curang tuh!! Makanan yang harganya 10.000 rupiah dihitungnya 17.000, untung aja temenku teliti. Habis itu ya udah deh kami makan di Restoran Silla... . Makannya tadi sampe jam 9.15 malem trus pulang deh. Di rumah aku main komputer trus internetan...

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