Monday, September 29, 2008

#597 - Monday (29/09)


Well, Sunday morning, as usual, I went to the church, haha... . Hmmm, overall, nothing really special I did on Sunday, haha... .

Well, this Monday afternoon my brother and I went to a Lab to check our blood groups. Well, I actually have ever had this kind of test before. But since it was an "informal" one (I took it when I was in high-school on a biology lab class) and also that test didn't cover the Rhesus Group, so I took this test, haha... . Well, the AB0 result is the same with the informal test I took (on that informal test I even tested my own blood with those antigen-A and antigen-B liquids, haha... :D). Then, we went to bookstores (yea, plural, we went to 3 bookstores) to buy some comic books, haha... :D Then we had dinner at Pak Ucok Restaurant which serves porks. It was tasty, haha...

Anyway, tonight I watched the latest season of The Amazing Race 13. All teams left United States and went to Brazil. Well, for now I really like one team, Toni & Dallas, the mother and son team, haha... :) Anyway, some relationships on this new season are interesting, including divorcees and also married beekeepers. Unfortunately the latter was eliminated, haha...

O yea, there is one surprising thing CBS did, CBS announced the whole route of this new season of TAR, haha... . It's kinda weird tho, they never did this before. The route: US - Brazil (2 legs) - Bolivia - New Zealand - Cambodia - India (2 legs) - Kazakhstan - Russia (2 legs) - The US. hmmmm....

::: Soto Pak Parmo I ate yesterday morning as breakfast

::: swikee and kangkung

::: lasagna

::: one spot at the Lab

::: our meal at Pak Ucok (porks)

::: Martabak Manis

::: Toni & Dallas

::: The Route of TAR 13

::: "Soft Way Down", a Detour

note: TAR 13 photos are courtesy of CBS


Hmm, Minggu pagi, kaya biasa deh aku pergi ke gereja, haha... . Hmm, secara keseluruhan nggak ada yang spesial bgt yang aku lakukan di hari Minggu sih, haha... .

Hmm, Senin siang tadi aku sama adikku pergi ke Lab untuk ngecek golongan darah. Hmm, aku sebenernya uda pernah ngambil tes kaya gini lho. Cuma ya memang sih tes yang "informal" (aku ikut tes nya waktu di SMA di Kelas Lab Biologi) dan juga kan tes itu nggak meng-cover tes Rhesus, makanya deh aku memutuskan untuk ikutan tes tadi saha, haha... . Hmmm, tes yang AB0 sih menghasilkan hasil yang sama dengan tes yang dulu aku ambil (aku waktu tes yang dulu itu malah menguji sendiri golongan darahku apa lho dengan zat antigen-A dan antigen-B itu, haha... :D). Trus kita pergi ke beberapa toko buku (ya, bentuk jama, kita pergi ke 3 toko buku) untuk beli beberapa komik, haha... :D Trus kita makan di Restoran Pak Ucok yang jualan daging babi. Enak juga, haha...

Ngomong2, malam tadi aku menonton season terbaru dari TAR yaitu The Amazing Race 13. Semua tim meninggalkan Amerika dan pergi menuju Brazil. Hmmm, sekarang sih aku suka sama satu tim, Toni & Dallas, tim ibu dan anak, haha... :) Ngomong2, beberapa hubungannya menarik loh, misalnya janda dan juga suami istri peternak lebah. Sayangnya yang kedua tereliminasi pertama tuh, haha...

O iya, ada satu hal mengejutkan yang dilakukan CBS. CBS mengumumkan rute keseluruhan musim ini loh, haha... . Aneh sih soalnya nggak pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Rutenya: Amerika - Brazil (2 legs) - Bolivia - New Zealand - Kamboja - India (2 legs) - Kazakhstan - Rusia (2 legs) - Amerika. hmmmm....

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