Saturday, September 27, 2008

#596 - Quick Update


So, these last 2 days I have been in Yogyakarta, hahaha... :)

Anyway, finally yesterday morning I could catch the second rerun of TARA 3 (as you can read here, I missed it last Thursday, dang). I think so far it was the best episode, haha... . The placement of equalizer and editing were quite good. Well, in this leg Natalie & Pailin (The Beauty Queens from Thailand) got eliminated. Poor Pailin, she was really determined to race further but somehow Natalie kinda held her back, hmmm...

Anyway, these past two days I didn't do anything special, haha, just stayed at home and worked on some stuffs, hmmmm...

::: home-made Seven Heart Ice, hahaha....

::: bakso I ate at a new warung last night, it was pretty tasty!! :)

::: Ida & Tania's expressions after they found out that they gotta spend 25 hours on a bus. I like their expressions, hahaha...

::: "Natalie & Pailin, I'm sorry to tell you that you both have been eliminated from the race"

note: All TARA photos are courtesy of AXN.


Jadi, dua hari terakhir ini aku sudah ada di Yogyakarta, hahaha... :)

Ngomong2, akhirnya kemarin pagi aku bisa menonton tayangan ulang kedua dari TARA 3 loh (seperti yang bisa dibaca di sini, aku melewatkannya tuh Kamis kemarin, sial). Aku rasa sejauh ini mungkin ini adalah episode terbaik deh, haha... . Penempatan equalizer nya dan editinya lumayan bagus. Hmm, di babak ini Natalie & Pailin (Ratu Kecantikan dari Thailand) tereliminasi. Kasian tuh Pailin-nya, soalnya dia beneran kelihatan sangat ingin bertahan lama di racenya, namun Natalie tu semacam kaya menahannya gitu, hmmm...

Ngomong2, dua hari ini aku ga melakukan sesuatu yang spesial koq, haha, cuma di rumah saja dan mengerjakan beberapa hal, hmmmm...

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