Wednesday, October 03, 2007

#415 - Wednesday (03/10)


This morning I got a Math Computation Exam. Of course on this test I operated computer with the software MatLab. Therefore, since 2 days ago I already tried to get the software to be installed to my computer. But guess what?? I was damn UNLUNCKY. Why?? Continue reading

Attempt 1 to get the CD

I texted one of my senior to borrow her MatLab CDs (there were 3 CDs). On Monday, she brought them and handed them to me. Later that night, I tried to install the software but then it FAILED!! Arrrggghhh... . The CD was corrupted. Okay, I was not giving up

Attempt 2

Yesterday before my friend came to my boarding house to study, I asked him to buy the CDs first so we could install it. Okay, then he bought and brought them to me. Guess what happened?? Once again I FAILED to install it since it required license code. There was no code written on the box nor CDs. Okay, then we texted the seller (using the number on the bill), and what was the reply? "Sorry, I already at home (homecoming) now, I'll try to contact you tonight". ARRRRGGGGHHHHH...

I think I was destined not to study by using the software this mid-term (this always happened on mid-terms on subjects with softwares (Statistic on Sem 1 and Computer Programming on Sem 2)).

Well, this morning on the test I think I did pretty well, and I'm sure my work wasn't 100% correct though, but it was pretty good, ha3...

btw, this afternoon my friends and I (again) went to Blitz Megaplex Paris van Java to watch The Last Mimzy. I think actually it was pretty interesting, but the climax was truly horrible, ha3... :) My full review can be read here. I rate it 3 out of 5.

::: The Last Mimzy


Pagi ini aku ada ujian Komputasi Mat. Tentu aja di tes ini aku harus memakai komputer dengan menggunakan program MatLab. Makanya, sejak 2 hari lalu aku udah berusaha mendapatkan software ini untuk diinstal di komputerku. Nah, apa yg terjadi sodara?? Aku bener2 SIAL sekali sodara2. Kenapa?? Lanjutkan bacanya

Usaha 1 untuk dapet CD

Aku nge-sms salah satu senior untuk minjem CD Matlab (ternyata ada 3 biji CDnya). Di hari Senin dia ngasih CD MatLab ke aku. Malamnya, aku coba menginstal dan ternyata aku GAGAL!! Arrrggghhh... . CDnya rada2 error. Oke, aku masih belom menyerah

Usaha 2

Kemarin sebelom temenku dateng ke kosku buat belajar, aku minta dia beliin CDnya dulu jadi kan bisa install tuh. Nah, trus akhirnya dibeliin beneran. Nah, apa yg terjadi?? Sekali lagi saya GAGAL menginstalnya sodara2 soalnya dibutuhin kode lisensi. Padahal nggak ada kode yg tertulis di kotak atau CDnya. Oke, aku trus sms yang jual (pake nomer yang ada di bon pembelian), eh gimana tuh dia balesnya? "Maaf, saya sudah di rumah (mudik). Nanti malam coba saya carikan". ARRRRGGGGHHHHH...

Aku rasa sih memang aku yang nggak ditakdirkan buat belajar pake software deh di UTS kali ini (gatau, hal ini koq selalu terjadi yah di UTS dengan komputer (Statistik di Sem 1 dan Pemrograman Komputer di Sem 2)).

Hmm, tadi pagi di ujian aku lumayan deh kayanya, dan walaupun aku yakin pekerjaanku nggak sempurna 100%, tapi kaye lumayan lah, ha3....

btw, siang tadi temen2ku sama aku (lagi-lagi) pergi ke Blitz Megaplex Paris van Java untuk nonton The Last Mimzy. Aku rasa sebenernya filmnya lumayan menarik, tp klimaksnya parah bgt, ha3... :) Review penuh saya bisa dibaca disini. Aku kasi nilai 3 deh dari 5.

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