Wednesday, September 05, 2007

#401 - Wed (5/9) Story


Yesterday when I was in my campus, the technicians called me that he was ready to put all the internet stuffs in my room at that time (I already bargained to make it 5 PM but he couldn't)!! What!?!? Lucky at that time I didn't have any class, so I could go back home. After working for about 1.5 hours, finally the internet connection was ready, ha3... :) Well, the good thing was that I got pumped up because of the internet, and the bad thing was that I gotta "sacrifice" one class, lol.

Btw, this afternoon my friends and I got a plan to watch a movie. I really wanted to watch The Simpsons but unfortunately this great movie was not played here (I checked at the official site it was now only played in Jakarta, arrrggghhh.....). Okay, my second alternative was Rush Hour 3, but some friends already watched it, arrrggghhhhh... . Okay, then a friend came up with the movie Disturbia. She said it was a terrorist movie, okay, I was in.

So, at 2.15 PM we went to CiWalk and bought some tickets. At 2.55 PM the movie started. And how was it?? Arrrggghhhh, it was a cr*p, a total waste of time and money for me. The first 30 minutes was like an hour. Probably it's just me who doesn't click on with the genre. It was a "Friday-The-Thirteenth"-like movie. At first it was soo drama and kinda boring for me, but then it changed drasticly to a thrilling movie. Well, thrilling movie was fine, but a story about a psychopath is very not me, ha3... :) My full review can be read here. I dunno, I think The Simpsons is a lot better, why doesn't 21 play it instead of Disturbia?? Hmmm...

Arrrggghhhh, now I'm stressed, there are many homeworks to do, and they are not easy to solve. Ughhhh....

::: Disturbia

::: Shia LeBeouf (as Kyle) and Sarah Roemer (as Ashley) on Disturbia


Kemarin waktu aku di kampus, teknisinya nelpon aku ngomong kalo dia baru siap masang internetnya di ruanganku waktu itu (aku dah nawar jam 5 sore aja tapi dianya nggak bisa)!! Apa!?!? Untung banget dah waktu itu aku lagi ga ada kelas jadinya aku bisa balik kan. Trus setelah 1,5 jam akhirnya koneksi internetnya siap, ha3... :) Hmm, hal baiknya adalah aku jadi bersemangat loh karena internetnya, dan hal buruknya kemarin terpaksa dah "mengorbankan" satu kelas, lol.

Btw, siang tadi aku sama temen2ku ada rencana seh mo nonton film. Nah, aku pengen banget sebenere nonton The Simpsons tapi malangnya film keren ini blom dimainin neh disini (udah aku cek di web resminya juga skarang malah lagi main di Jakarta doank, arrrggghhh.....). Oke, alternatif keduaku adalah nonton Rush Hour 3, tapi beberapa temen malah udah nonton, arrrggghhhhh... . Oke, trus seorang temen ngusulin nonton Disturbia. Katanya sih film tentang teroris gitu, oke deh, aku ikutan.

Jadi, jam 2.15 siang kita pergi ke CiWalk dan beli beberapa tiket. Jam 2.55 sore filmnya mulai. Dan bagaimanakah filmnya?? Arrrggghhhh, bener-bener sam**h, bener2 pemubaziran waktu dan uang untuk saya. Setengah jam pertama kerasa bagaikan satu jam tuh. Mungkin aku sih yang nggak cocok aja sama genre filmnya. Filmnya lebih kaya modelnya "Friday-The-Thriteenth" gitu deh. Pertamanya drama banget dan membosankan buat saya, tapi kemudian berubah drastis menjadi film menegangkan. Hmm, film thriller ga masalah sih untuk aku, tapi bukan tentang psikopat deh, ha3... :) Review lengkap saya bisa dibaca disini. Gatau yah, aku rasa The Simpsons lebih bagus deh, kenapa yah 21 nggak mainin tuh film daripada Disturbia?? Hmmm....

Arrrggghhhh, stres nih saya skarang, ada banyak PR yang musti dikerjain, dan nggak mudah untuk dipecahkan tuh. Ughhhh....

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