Saturday, January 29, 2011

#876 - It is DONE!!!


So, finally, after working my ass of for the past two weeks, I am free!!! Yesterday I had my last exam this semester and I am really happy about that. Well, hopefully I did good so that I do not need to take the resit though. Certainly I am more sure in one than the other, but overall, I think I did well. Hopefully they are really well. So, finally now I have a literally free weekend with no assignment (nor exam) to think. Well, even though I have decided to take the Dutch Class for Beginners next quarter and I have to study one chapter of the book for that class. But it is a bit nothing (for now) compared to all the crazy assignments I had before (and might have in the near future).

Btw, next quarter, I will be a moving student. On Monday, I am taking two classes that are held in TWO different cities, about 52 km apart. I will have a morning class in Utrecht and an evening class in Delft. Well, I guess I have to really travel back and forth those days, hahaha.

Well, that is pretty much the update of my life lately. Lately, my life is not really interesting, as you know, I just got out of my campus just when I needed to do grocery shopping. The other time, I just stayed in my apartment or in my office to prepare myself for the exam, hahaha


Jadi, akhirnya, setelah bekerja membanting tulang selama dua minggu terakhir, aku bebas juga!!! Kemarin aku mengikuti ujian terakhirku semester ini dan aku sangat senang karenanya. Yah, mudah2an sih aku mengerjakan semua ujianku dengan baik jadi gak harus ngulang sih. Tentu aku lebih yakin di satu ujian dibanding yang lain, tapi secara keseluruhan sih kayanya aku cukup bisa deh. Nah, akhirnya sekarang aku beneran memiliki satu akhir minggu yang bebas nih tanpa tugas (apalagi ujian) untuk dipikirin. Ya, walaupun untuk kuarter depan aku akan mengambil Kelas Bahasa Belanda bagi pemula dimana aku harus mempersiapkan satu bab untuk itu. Tapi itu nggak masalah lah (untuk saat ini) dibanding dengan tugas2 gila yang aku jalani sebelumnya (dan mungkin akan aku jalani lagi bentar lagi).

Btw, kuarter depan aku akan menjadi mahasiswa nglaju nih. Di hari Senin aku mengambil dua kelas yang diselenggarakan di DUA kota yang berbeda yang terpisah sekitar 52 km loh. Kelas pagi di Utrecht dan kelas sore di Delft. Alhasil, sehari itu aku harus bolak-balik deh, hahaha.

Yah, kurang lebih itu aja sih update tentang kehidupanku akhir2 ini. Akhir2 ini memang nggak menarik koq, tau lah, aku cuma keluar kampus ketika harus belanja kebutuhan sehari-hari aja. Selain itu, aku ya cuma di apartement ato kantor buat belajar, hahaha


  1. Wah zilko jd mahasiswa komuter :D
    Naik apa ko?


  2. @ Tyka : Naik kereta dong Bu Guru, hahaha :D Masa naik sepeda? Bisa2 nanti setelah beres jadi atlet nyepeda dong, wkwkwkw

  3. gak kebayang ...kuliah dlm sehari hrs ke 2 kota, bakalan capek tuh.

  4. @ Tiwi : Iya nih, harus semangat dan fit nih buat kuarter depan! hehehe :)
