Tuesday, December 05, 2006

#252 - Monday Story


Last Monday was also a busy day for me. I got up at 6.13 AM and went to college at 6.55 AM. Actually, for Elementary Statistics, we got a homework to submit yesterday morning. As usual, some friends of mine hadn't finished it yet and at 7 AM they borrowed my work and "copied" it (they did that in the canteen). Of course, I couldn't leave them and go to my class, I would be in problem if my lecturer asked me, "Where's your homework?". Apparently, ALL (which I didn't consider) of us were there in the canteen including them who actually didn't need to be in the canteen, and NOONE was in class. I was pretty shocked and at 7.25 AM grabbed my work and went to my class after realizing that, but that WAS LATE. My lecturer had already been pissed off and canceled the last class before UAS (Final Examination next week). Arrgghhh... . Then, I myself, alone, (as the class-leader) had to apologize to my lecturer about that case representing the whole class. He accepted it but still didn't want to give us lecture yesterday morning, and he asked us to study the last chapter independently. Therefore, at 8 AM I left my campus and went to the net cafe, but unfortunately, the connection was still off. Arrgghhh... . So, my friends and I watched TV until 10.40 AM in my boarding house, then went back to campus to have the next 2 lectures.

At 2.30 PM we went back home, and I took a nap. I was so sleepy, that always happens on Monday (and Saturday). At 5 PM I had dinner, then I went to my fave hotspot cafe and browsed the net there until 7.20 PM. At 7.20 PM I went back home to watch the newest episode of The Amazing Race 10.

On the newest episode, all 4 remaining teams had to drive almost 275 miles to the capital city of Morocco, Casablanca and did the Road-Block task (eating camel meat) there. After that, they had to catch a flight to Barcelona, Spain. There, they had to do some tasks, including finding the clue inside a maze, and for sure, the Detour task. Btw, since on the previous leg Dustin&Kandice were the last to arrive at the pitstop and didn't get eliminated, therefore this leg, they were marked for elimination, they would get 30 minutes penalty if they didn't arrive the first at the next pitstop. For the Detour, they had to choose between "Lob it" or "Lug it". In Lob it, they had to find a clue inside a tomato piling and the locals would throw them tomatoes, that could be frustating. Rob&Kim almost quited this task. In Lug it, they had to carry (and also wear) a giant puppet costume for 2 miles. After completing the Detour task, they would arrive at the pitstop (Palau Nacional de Montjuic). The final order: Rob&Kim (1); Lyn&Karlyn (2 >> they were the first all-female team to make it to the final three from the whole 10 seasons of TAR!!); Tyler&James (3); and Dustin&Kandice (4 >> ELIMINATED). Well, from the last 2 episodes, it's obvious we can't underestimate the Bamas team (Lyn&Karlyn).

::: Top Three The Amazing Race 10 (from top to bottom: Rob&Kim; Lyn&Karlyn; Tyler&James)

::: Dustin&Kandice, the last team to be eliminated


Kemarin Senin juga merupakan hari yang sibuk untuk saya. Aku bangun jam 6.13 pagi dan berangkat ke kampus jam 6.55 pagi. Sebenernya, untuk Statistika Elementer, kita ada PR yang harus dikumpulin kemarin senin. Seperti biasanya, beberapa temen saya ada yang belum menyelesaikan PRnya dan jam 7 pagi mereka meminjam PR saya untuk "dikopi" (mereka melakukannya di kantin). Dan tentu saja, aku nggak bisa meninggalkan mereka dan pergi ke kelas, soale aku bakalan ada dalam masalah jika dosennya tanya ke aku: "Mana PRmu?". Ternyata, SEMUA (yang nggak aku perkirakan sebelumnya) dari kami ada disana di kantin, termasuk mereka yang sebenernya nggak perlu berada disana, dan NGGAK ada yang berada di kelas. Lumayan shock sih waktu menyadari hal ini, dan jam 7.25 aku langsung mengambil pekerjaanku dan pergi ke kelas, tetapi itu TERLAMBAT. Dosenku udah terlanjur marah duluan dan membatalkan kelas terakhir sebelum UAS (Ujian AKhir Semester). Arrgghhh... . Trus, aku, sendirian (sebagai ketua angkatan) meminta-maaf kepada dosenku itu atas kasus ini mewakili keseluruhan kelas. Beliau menerimanya, tapi tetep aja gamau ngasi kita kuliah pagi itu, dan dia nyuruh kita untuk belajar sendiri bab terakhir. Makanya, jam 8 pagi aku meninggalkan kampus dan pergi ke warnet. Malangnya, koneksinya lagi putus. Arrgghhh... . Jadi, temen-temenku dan aku nonton TV deh di kosku sampe jam 10.40, trus kita balik ke kampus untuk mengikuti 2 kuliah selanjutnya.

Jam 2.30 sore akhirnya kuliahnya selesai dan bisa pulang, dan aku trus istirahat deh. Aku ngantuk banget, dan itu selalu terjadi pada hari Senin (dan juga Sabtu). Jam 5 sore aku makan malam, trus pergi ke kafe hotspot favorit saya dan internetan disana sampe jam 7.20 malam. Jam 7.20 malam aku pulang ke kos untuk nonton episode terbaru dari The Amazing Race 10.

Dalam episode terbaru ini, kesemua 4 tim yang masih tersisa harus menyetir sejauh hampir 275 mil ke ibukota Moroko, Casablanca dan melakukan tugas Road-Block (makan daging unta) disana. Habis itu mereka harus naik pesawat ke Barcelona, Spanyol. Disana, mereka harus melakukan beberapa tugas, termasuk menemukan petunjuk di dalam labirin, dan tentu saja Detour. Btw, karena pada episode sebelumnya Dustin&Kandice sampai di pitstop yang terakhir dan nggak tereliminasi, makanya dalam tugas kali ini, mereka terancam tereliminasi, mereka harus sampai di pitstop selanjutnya pertama, kalo enggak mereka akan mendapatkan 30 menit penalti. Untuk Detour, mereka harus memilih diantara "Lob it" atau "Lug it". Dalam Lob it, mereka harus menemukan petunjuk di dalam segunung tomat dan orang-orang lokal akan melempari mereka dengan tomat, ini bisa jadi bikin frustasi. Rob&Kim nyaris aja keluar dari tugas ini. Dalam Lug it, mereka harus membawa (dan memakai) kostum boneka raksasa sejauh 2 mil. Habis menyelesaikan tugas Detour, mereka akan sampai di pitstop (Palau Nacional de Montjuic). Urutan terakhirnya: Rob&Kim (1); Lyn&Karlyn (2 >> mereka adalah tim semua-perempuan pertama yang berhasil masuk ke 3 besar dari keseluruhan 10 musim The Amazing Race!!);Tyler&James (3); dan Dustin&Kandice (4 >> TERELIMINASI). Hmm, dari 2 episode terakhir, jelas sekali kalo kita nggak bisa meremehkan Bamas (Lyn&Karlyn).

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