ENGLISHAs you can read at my previous entry, yesterday morning I had a stomachace (which was caused by consuming an inappropriate snack (inappropriate for my body)). Finally yesterday I figured out that probably I got food-poisoned again (arrggghhhh....). That was the second time in Bandung I got this problem, the first one was this time.Yesterday morning, after browsing the net at the net cafe, I went to my campus to finish my statistics homework and also had a meeting for Komat 2007 (Math Competition 2007) >> I'm one of the official.... :) During the whole time in campus, I didn't feel well and of course I couldn't really 100% concentrate to it. After getting back to my boarding house, I took a nap for 3 hours, and my body also did a natural metabolism to "push" the poison away (I hope you know what), and that was still happening until this morning.... . Luckily, this health-problem was not as bad as the previous one. That evening I still could hang out with my friend to IP until 8 PM.Btw, commenting about the newest episode of The Amazing Race 10. I hope Rob&Kim would be the next to be eliminated, just to make the final 3 more exciting. They seem to be pretty close to Tyler&James, and it's not fun to see 2 vs 1 in the finale. Lyn&Karlyn and the blondies hated each other; Tyler&James didn't trust the blondies; Tyler&James and Lyn&Karlyn were also not that close. That would be exciting if all of them were in the final 3!! :) Btw, about the yield, I could imagine if Lyn&Karlyn laughed at the blondies and said: "You yielded us, but you came last". He3.... :)
BAHASA INDONESIASeperti yang bisa dibaca di postingan sebelumnya, kemarin pagi aku sakit perut (yang kayanya disebabkan karena makan snack yang ga cocok (ga cocok untuk badan saya)). Akhirnya, kemarin aku tahu bahwa mungkin aku keracunan makanan lagi (arrggghhhh....). Itu adalah kali kedua di Bandung aku mendapatkan masalah ini, yang pertama adalah pada waktu ini.Kemarin pagi, habis internetan di warnet, aku pergi ke kampus untuk menyelesaikan PR statistika saya dan juga ikutan pertemuan untuk panitia Komat 2007 (Kompetisi Matematika 2007) >> aku kan salah satu panitianya.... :) Selama waktuku di kampus kemarin, aku nggak merasa oke dan tentu aja kan aku nggak bisa bener-bener 100% konsentrasi ke itu. Habis balik ke kosku, aku istirahat selama 3 jam, dan juga tubuhku melakukan metabolisme alami untuk "mendorong" racunnya keluar (aku harap pada tahu apa), dan itu masih berlangsung sampai pagi ini.... . Untungnya masalah kesehatan ini nggak separah yang sebelumnya. Sorenya aku masih bisa jalan2 sama temenku ke IP sampe jam 8 malam.Btw, ngomentarin episode terbaru dari The Amazing Race 10. Aku berharap Rob&Kim adalah yang tereliminasi selanjutnya, untuk membuat 3 besarnya lebih seru. Mereka kayanya lumayan deket sama Tyler&James, dan nggak asik dong liat 2 vs 1 di babak final. Lyn&Karlyn dan Dustin&Kandice membenci satu sama lain; Tyler&James nggak mempercayai Dustin and Kandice; dan Tyler&James dan Lyn&Karlyn juga nggak deket-deket amat. Makanya kayanya bakal seru kalo mereka yang ada di 3 besar!! :) Btw, tentang yield (penghambatan) yang kemarin itu, aku bisa membayangkan kalo Lyn&Karlyn ketawa ke Dustin&Kandice dan bilang: "Kamu menge-yield kami tapi kamu sampai belakangan". He3.... :)
ENGLISHAs usual, yesterday was a busy and tiring Monday for me. Having lecture started from 7 AM, and a short break from 9.30 AM to 11 AM (wakzz, 90 minutes is a SHORT break?? He3.... ). At first I went to the net cafe, but after 29 minutes browsing, there was another trouble, the connection was damn slow.... :( And because of that, I left the net cafe, went back to my boarding house and tried to take a nap (I only had 5 hours sleep that night). Unfortunately, I was not destined to take a nap. Ten minutes after arriving at my room, my boarding-house-keeper tried to mend the ceiling in front of my room. The noise was so annoying and I couldn't take a nap. Arrrggghhhh.... . Then at 11 AM I went back to my campus and had lectures until 3 PM.My original plan for that evening was to go to the net cafe to save more money. But because my experience earlier that day about the connection, so I changed my plan and went to a hotspot cafe (again). I ate beef potato, and usually, my stomach was full after eating that. I don't know why but yesterday, I still felt pretty hungry. I didn't buy any other food there (again, to save more money) considering I still had snacks at home.At 8 PM, I watched the newest episode of The Amazing Race 10. All 4 teams had to travel from Kiev to Quarzazate, Morocco. Dustin&Kandice took the flight from Kiev via Milan to Casablanca Morocco. The rest of them took flight from Kiev to Casablanca, Morocco via Paris. All teams met at Casablanca, and then continued their trip to Quarzazate. After the elimination of the rest members of Six Pack, Lyn&Karlyn raced pretty differently yesterday. They were also lucky. Dustin&Kandice yielded them, but it was not a bad luck. In the end of the leg, the final position: Tyler&James (1); Lyn&Karlyn (2); Rob&Kimberly (3); and the last one was Dustin&Kandice (4 >> but NOT eliminated, that was a non-elimination leg). Dustin&Kandice yielded Lyn&Karlyn, but L&K beated them in the end, was that a karma?? :)That night, since I still felt hungry, I ate my snack. But 1 hour after that, I felt there was something wrong with my stomach. It was not as bad as getting food-poisoned, not hurt, but I just felt not very well and comfortable. That was still happening this morning. I guess that was because my stomach was still empty, and I ate snack which was inappropritate. I think.... :(
So, my Monday ended with stomachace.... :(
BAHASA INDONESIASeperti biasanya, kemarin adalah hari yang sibuk dan melelahkan buat saya. Kuliah dari jam 7 pagi, dan istirahat yang pendek dari jam 9.30 sampe jam 11 (90 menit itu SEBENTAR?? He3.... ). Pertama aku pergi ke warnet, tapi habis internetan selama 29 menit, ada masalah nih, koneksinya lambaaan skali.... :( Dan karena itu aku meninggalkan tuh warnet, balik ke kos, dan maunya sih istirahat tuh (malamnya aku cuma tidur 5 jam soale). Sayangnya, aku nggak ditakdirkan untuk istirahat deh. Sepuluh menit setelah nyampe kamarku, penjaga kosnya ngebenerin langit-langit di depan kamarku. Suaranya ngeganggu banget dan gabisa istirahat deh saya. Arrrggghhhh.... . Trus jam 11 pagi aku balik ke kampus dan kuliah sampe jam 3 sore. Rencana awalku untuk sore itu adalah untuk pergi ke warnet untuk menekan pengeluaran. Tapi karena pengalaman saya pagi harinya tentang koneksi, jadi aku mengubah rencanaku dan pergi ke kafe hotspot (lagi). Aku makan beef potato, dan biasanya sih aku kenyang makan ini. Aku nggak tau kenapa tapi kemarin, aku masih ngerasa lumayan laper. Aku nggak beli makanan apa-apa lagi (untuk menghemat, lagi) dengan juga mikir soale di kos kan masih ada snack.Jam 8 malam, aku nonton episode terbaru dari The Amazing Race 10. Kesemua tim harus pergi dari Kiev ke Quarzazate, Moroko. Dustin&Kandice ngambil penerbangan via Milan tujuan Casablanca, Moroko. Sisanya ngambil penerbangan dari Kiev menuju Casablanca via Paris. Kesemua tim bertemu di Casablanca, dan melajutkan perjalanan bersama-sama ke Quarzazate. Habis tereliminasinya anggota dari SixPack, Lyn&Karlyn bertanding dengan agak berbeda kemarin. Mereka juga beruntung. Dustin&Kandice menge-yield (menghambat) mereka, tapi itu bukanlah hal yang buruk. Di akhir pertandingan, posisinya: Tyler&James (1); Lyn&Karlyn (2); Rob&Kimberly (3); dan yang terakhir adalah Dustin&Kandice (4 >> tapi nggak tereliminasi soale bukan pertandingan eliminasi tuh ternyata). Dustin&Kandice menge-yield Lyn&Karlyn, tapi Lyn&Karlyn mengalahkan mereka, apakah itu karma?? :) Kemarin malam, kan aku masih laper, jadi aku makan deg snack saya itu. Tapi 1 jam setelahnya, aku ngerasa ada yg nggak beres deh sama perut saya. Nggak separah keracunan makanan, nggak sakit, aku cuma nggak merasa oke dan nyaman aja. Itu ternyata masih berlanjut hingga pagi ini. Aku rasa itu karena aku makan snack yang nggak cocok saat perut saya kosong. Kayaknya.... :(
Jadi, Senin saya berakhir dengan masalah di perut.... :(
ENGLISHFor this semester, there were 2 English Assignments to finish. The first one was submitted before UTS, and the second one was submitted last Friday. However, according to what my lecturer said in the beginning of the class, the second assignment was supposed to be submitted 2 weeks before UAS, and two weeks before UAS is next week (arrggghhh, now I realize that UAS is coming!!). Last Friday (17/11), I was absent from the lectures that day (Micro Economics and English) since I thought there was NO Micro Economics Lecture for that Friday (apparently my lecturer canceled to cancel the class... :( ), and English, well, I was just lazy to attend the class if there was NO Micro Economics Class, he3... :D. Unfortunately, at that time my English lecturer asked us to submit the second task the next week (last Friday) and I didn't know that. So, when last Friday Morning my friend told me that that afternoon I was supposed to submit the assignment, I was pretty shocked!!Luckily, I had already made that assignment, not 100% finished yet (since I didn't know I was supposed to submit it that day), but had already been around 80%. So, after Micro Economics Class, I was absent from a BTS (Intra-Math Magazine) meeting and Komat 2007 (Math Competition 2007) meeting, and went back to my boarding house, then completing the remaining 20%, printing it, and giving some last touch... :D And it was finally finished... :)
I think sometimes I enjoy working under-pressure, when I have to be hurry, things just go unpredictably, etc. But in the end, when I nail it, I get more satisfaction than if everything always goes on track... :D
BAHASA INDONESIAUntuk semester ini, ada 2 tugas Bahasa Inggris untuk diselesaikan. Yang pertama dikumpulkan sebelum UTS, dan yang kedua dikumpulkan kemarin Jumat. Tetapi, berdasarkan apa yang dosen saya bilang di awal-awal kelas, tugas kedua tug seharusnya dikumpul 2 minggu sebelum UAS, dan dua minggu sebelum UAS adalah minggu depan (arrggghhh, sekarang aku sadar kalo UAS sudah hampir tiba!!). Kemarin Jumat (17/11), aku ga masuk kuliah loh hari itu (Ekonomi Mikro sama Bahasa Inggris), soale aku kira kan ga ada kuliah Ekonomi Mikro untuk Jumat itu (dan ternyata dosennya batal untuk membatalkan kelas... :( ), dan Bahasa Inggris, hmm, aku sih cuma males masuk kelas kalo ga ada kuliah Ekonomi Mikro, he3... :D. Malangnya, waktu itu dosen Bahasa Inggris saya nyuruh kita untuk ngumpulin tugas kedua minggu depannya (kemarin Jumat) dan aku kan nggak tahu itu. Jadi, waktu kemarin Jumat pagi temenku ngomong ke aku kalo seharusnya tugas Bahasa Inggris sudah dikumpul, aku lumayan shock loh!!Untungnya, aku udah buat tuh tugas sih, belum selesai 100% (kan aku nggak tahu kalo kemarin harus dikumpul) tapi baru sekitar 80%an lah. Jadi, habis kuliah Ekonomi Mikro, kemarin aku ga ikut pertemuan BTS (majalah intra-mat) dan Komat 2007 (Kompetisi Mat 2007 ntar), dan balik ke kos saya, trus menyelesaikan sisa 20% tersebut, trus nge-print, trus memberi beberapa sentuhan terakhir... :D Dan akhirnya selesai deh... :)
Kayaknya kadangkala aku lumayan menikmati kerja di bawah tekanan, ketika aku harus terburu-buru, beberapa hal nggak terduga, dan lain lain. Tapi ketika pada akhirnya aku berhasil, kayanya aku mendapakan kepuasan yang lebih daripada kalo segalanya sesuai dengan yang sudah direncanakan... :D
ENGLISHSince these days I have been over-budgeting, so yesterday I tried to keep my expenses on budget. I went nowhere, just around my boarding house, including not going to the hotspot cafe, but just to the net cafe near my campus (it's still cheaper to surf the net at the net cafe than hotspot cafe, since at hotspot cafe we still have to buy at least a drink, pay the parking fee, and also the gas fee, he3... :D). Yesterday afternoon, at 12 PM, it was raining here in Bandung. I was worried since at 3 PM I would have a lecture. Luckily at 1 PM, the rain stopped. But then, at 2.30 PM, I heard the rain noise from my room. "Arrrgghhhh...", that was what in my mind, "Should I go to my campus and have lecture or not?". *there were an angel and devil flying around my mind; but then the angel shot the devil with a laser beam and the devil disappeared*. It was apparently only showering, not raining, so I still could go to my campus... :) At 5 PM, my lecture finished.Last night, I watched the third episode of The Amazing Race Asia. At first I thought it was gonnabe in Thailand, but apparently it was in BALI, INDONESIA. The Road-Block was such a hard task (beach-digging), some teams (Andy & Laura, Mardy & Marsio, Aubrey & Jaq, Zabrina & Joe-Jer and Andrew & Syeon) quitted and took the 4 hrs penalty. Then, the race was paused for 1 night (if it hadn't, the quitter would have got the advantages). After finishing all tasks in Bali, the final position were: Howard & Sahran (1); Sandy & Fransesca (2 >> see?? If they maximized their potencies, they got a good position); Sharon & Melody (3); Prashant & Sahil (4); Zabrina & Joe-Jer (5 >> actually the 1st, but they got the 4hrs penalty); Mardy & Marsio (6); Andy & Laura (7); Andrew & Syeon (8); and unfortunately Aubrey & Jaq (9 >> eliminated). Well, one of my fave has gone, but I still have 5 fave teams remaining, the M&M, Sharon & Melody, Zabrina & Joe-Jer, Andrew & Syeon, and Sandy & Fransesca, he3... :) >> so now, all Phils teams have been eliminated...
::: Aubrey & Jaq, the second team to be eliminated
Karena akhir-akhir ini aku tuh udah over-budget, makanya kemarin aku mencoba untuk menjaga pengeluaranku sesuai dengan budget. Aku nggak kemana-mana, cuma di sekitar kosku, termasuk nggak pergi ke hotspot, tapi cuma ke warnet yang di deket kampus doank (sebenernya tetep lebih murah di warnet loh daripada di kafe hotspot, soale di kafe hotspot kan kita tetep harus bayar minuman, bayar parkir, dan duit buat bensin, he3... :D). Kemarin siang jam 12an gitu di Bandung hujan loh. Aku khawatir juga soalnya jam 3 kan aku ada kuliah. Untungnya jam 1, hujannya berhenti. Tetapi kemudian, jam 2.30 siang, aku mendengar suara hujan dari kamarku. "Arrrgghhhh...", itu adalah yang ada dalam pikiran saya, "Aku enaknya ke kampus untuk kuliah apa engga ya?". *ada malaikat dan setan yang beterbangan di dalam pikiran saya; tapi kemudian malaikatnya menembak si setan dengan sinar laser, dan setannya hilang deh*. Ternyata kemarin cuma gerimis koq, nggak hujan deres, jadi aku masih bisa ke kampus... :) Jam 5 sore, kuliah saya selesai. Semalam, aku nonton episode ketiga dari The Amazing Race Asia. Pertama aku kira bakalan di Thailand, eh ternyata malah di BALI, INDONESIA. Tugas Road-Block bener-bener berat banget (menggali pantai), beberapa tim (Andy & Laura, Mardy & Marsio, Aubrey & Jaq, Zabrina & Joe-Jer dan Andrew & Syeon) keluar dari tugas dan mengambil penalti 4 jam. Trus, pertandingan ditunda selama semalam (kalo engga, pasti tim yang keluar akan dapat keuntungan tuh). Habis menyelesaikan semua tugas di Bali, akhirnya dicapailah posisi akhir: Howard & Sahran (1); Sandy & Fransesca (2 >> nah kan?? Kalo mereka memaksimalkan potensi mereka, mereka akan dapat posisi yang bagus); Sharon & Melody (3); Prashant & Sahil (4); Zabrina & Joe-Jer (5 >> sebenernya yang pertama tuh, tapi mereka kena penalti 4 jam); Mardy & Marsio (6); Andy & Laura (7); Andrew & Syeon (8); dan malangnya Aubrey & Jaq (9 >> tereliminasi). Hmm, satu tim favorit saya udah pergi, tapi aku masih punya 5 tim favorit yg bertahan, yaitu M&M, Sharon & Melody, Zabrina & Joe-Jer, Andrew & Syeon, and Sandy & Fransesca, he3... :) >> jadi skarang semua tim Filipina sudah tereliminasi...
ENGLISHYesterday evening, my friend and I went to Paris van Java Mall planning to watch a brand new James Bond movie, Casino Royale. This film is probably one of the most booming film I have ever watched in cinema. The cinema (Blitz Megaplex), played this film every hour. After buying the tickets (the film would start at 5 PM), we went to buy drinks and snacks at Carrefour (it's a lot cheaper to buy those snacks at the supermarket than buying at the cinema). Then, the film started at 5 PM and the room was almost full of people (it was a big room). This is the synopsis of the film (copied from here):Casino Royale introduces James Bond before he holds his license to kill. But Bond is no less dangerous, and with two professional assassinations in quick succession, he is elevated to '00' status. Bond's first 007 mission takes him to Madagascar where he is to spy on a terrorist, Mollaka. Not everything goes to plan and Bond decides to investigate, independently of MI6, in order to track down the rest of the terrorist cell. Following a lead to the Bahamas, he encounters Dimitrios and his girlfriend, Solange. He learns that Dimitrios is involved with Le Chiffre, banker to the world's terrorist organizations. Secret Service intelligence reveals that Le Chiffre is planning to raise money in a high-stakes poker game in Montenegro at Le Casino Royale. MI6 assigns 007 to play against him, knowing that if Le Chiffre loses, it will destroy his organization. 'M' places Bond under the watchful eye of the beguiling Vesper Lynd. At first skeptical of what value Vesper can provide, Bond's interest in her deepens as they brave danger together and even torture at the hands of Le Chiffre. In Montenegro, Bond allies himself with Mathis MI6's local field agent, and Felix Leiter who is representing the interests of the CIA. The marathon game proceeds with dirty tricks and violence, raising the stakes beyond blood money and reaching a terrifying climax. As (almost) everyone knows, the new James Bond is Daniel Craig, replacing Pierce Brosnan and somehow this became a controversy in the past (which I don't really care). Overall, I think this film was good enough. I like this movie better than the previous one, Die Another Day since it seems to be more "real" (in Die Another Day, the Bond's car was invisible which for now is an impossible thing, that's one thing). I think this could be a good pre-sequel of the whole James Bond movies. At least, yesterday I didn't yawn nor felt sleepy when the movie was being played... :)
::: Eva Green (as Vesper Lynd), Daniel Craig (as James Bond), and Caterina Murino (as Solange) at Casino Royale
::: Bond's Car, Aston Martin
BAHASA INDONESIAKemarin sore, temenku sama aku pergi ke Mall Paris van Java untuk menonton film terbaru dari James Bond, Casino Royale. Film ini mungkin adalah salah satu film paling booming yang pernah aku tonton di bioskop. Bioskopnya (Blitz Megaplex), memainkan film ini satu jam sekali. Habis membeli tiketnya (filmnya bakalan mjulai jam 5 sore), kita pergi beli minuman dan snack dulu di Carrefour (lebih murah loh beli snack di supermarket daripada beli snack itu di bioskopnya). Trus, filmnya mulai jam 5 sore dan ruangannya hampir penuh loh (ruangannya besar juga tuh). Ini di bawah sinopsis dari filmnya (dikopi dari sini dan aku terjemahin):Casino Royale menceritakan James Bond saat dia belum mendapatkan izin membunuhnya. Tetapi Bond bukan berarti lebih tidak berbahaya, dan dengan 2 pembunuhan profesional dalam misi yang sukses, dia dipromosikan / naik status menjadi '00'. Misi pertama Bond sebagai 007 membawanya ke Madagaskar dimana dia harus memata-matai teroris, Mollaka. Nggak semuanya berjalan sesuai dengan rencana dan Bond memutuskan untuk menginvestigasi, secara independen (sendiri) MI6, untuk melacak terorisnya. Mengikuti petunjuk yang didapatnya ke Bahama, dia bertemu dengan Dimitrios dan pacarnya, Solange. Dia menemukan bahwa Dimitrios terlibat dengan Le Chiffre, seorang bankir dari organisasi teroris dunia. Intelijen Rahasia menemukan bahwa Le Chiffre sedang berencana untuk mendapatkan uang dengan bermain poker kelas atas di Montenegro di La Casino Royale. MI6 menugaskan James Bond untuk bermain melawannya, mengetahui kalau Le Chiffre kalah, berarti kehancuran bagi organisasinya. 'M' mengutus James Bond dibawah pengawasan Vesper Lynd. Awalnya, kecurigaan tampak pada Vesper, ketertarikan Bond padanya menjadi semakin dalam setelah menghadapi bahaya bersama dan dianiaya oleh Le Chiffre. Di Montenegro, Bond bekerjasama dengan Mathis, orang lokal agen dari MI6, dan Felix Leiter, seorang utusan dari CIA. Permainan kemudian berlangsung dengan trik-trik kotor dan kekejaman, meningkatkan taruhan dengan uang berdarah dan mencapai klimaks yang menegangkan. Seperti yang (hampir) semua orang tahu, James Bond yang baru adalah Daniel Craig, menggantikan Pierce Brosnan dan ini menjadi kontroversi beberapa waktu yang lalu (yang nggak gitu aku urus). Secara keseluruhan, aku rasa filmnya bagus juga. Aku lebih suka film ini daripada yang sebelumnya, Die Another Day, soalnya ini kelihatan lebih "nyata" (di Die Another Day, mobil Bond-nya bisa nggak kelihatan, sesuatu yang sangat mustahil untuk saat ini, itu satu hal). Menurutku ini bisa menjadi pre0sekuel yang bagus untuk keseluruhan film Bond. Paling nggak, kemarin aku nggak menguap atau merasa ngantuk waktu nonton filmnya... :)
ENGLISHPre-note: since there have been some complaints about the color of my entries, therefore starting entry number 241, I only write in green color. Actually I want blue since it's my fave color, but I don't think blue is matching enough with the starcraft pic on the background, therefore I chose green. Honestly I can write sumthing about my yesterday, but since it was just an ordinary day, I think it's gonnabe boring if I write it. So, I wanna write about the latest episode of The Amazing Race 10, which I watched last night.The top 5 race began at Helsinki, Finland last week. After finishing all tasks in Finland, apparently they didn't find the pitstop there, they had to keep racing. The next clue was to go to the capital city of the country where the Chernobyl Disaster happened years ago (they had to go to Kiev, Ukraine). All teams were then equal, although they took different flights due to the limited number of seats. The Beauty Queens and The Model Boys took a flight departed at 8.30 AM to Kiev via Vienna, Austria, arrived at 1.35 PM. The Chos, Bama's Girls and Rob and Kim took a flight departed at 9.30 AM to Kiev via Warsaw, Poland, and arrived at 1.35 PM. Unfortunately, the flight got delayed at Warsaw for 30 minutes. The first task was Road-Block, they had to drive a tank through a war simulation for about 1.2 miles. The second task was Detour, they had to choose between "Make The Music" (composing a rap music and sang it in front of a DJ) and "Find The Music" (finding one piece of document about a song over thousands of paper then brought that to the pianist). The most interesting part of this episode, for me, was the conflict between The Chos and The Alabama (Bama) Girls. Since they were in a foreign country, they didn't know the way to get to anywhere. The Chos stopped very often to ask for direction, making sure they were not lost. The Bamas thought that didn't make any sense since that was still a race and probably they were the last two teams. After being fed up, the Bama Girls left the Chos behind and ran "their own race", asking for direction and just following their intuition. The Chos were pissed and said the Bamas Girls were not their alliance anymore. Actually, I do think the Bamas made a point. It was just crazy, driving slowly, pulling over every 5 minutes asking for direction, that was just wasting their time. In other hand, I think Chos were really loyal to their alliance with the Bamas and David & Mary (who got eliminated at Madagascar). Therefore, probably they felt betrayed when the Bamas Gals left them. It was about friendship VS being competitors on the race.Well, actually I wonder why they didn't pay a cab driver and asked him to show the direction, just like what the Beauty Queens and Rob&Kim did (and also Mardy and Marsio did on The Amazing Race Asia). Was that because the limited number of money they brought??Finally, the final position: Tyler & James (1); Dustin & Kandice (2) >> I do think they possessed the potency to win the race, they were Beauty Queens, but they also possessed "brain", they were smart; Rob & Kim (3); Lyn & Karlyn / The Bamas (4); and Erwin and Godwin / The Chos (5 >> eliminated). After watching the show, I like all of the team, so I root for all, he3...... :) But my least fave team is Rob & Kim. Watching the trailer next week, I guess it was in Athens, Greece. Hmm......
Quick Update: reading at Wikipedia, the next location will be in Morocco, Barcelona, and Paris.
BAHASA INDONESIAPre-note: karena ada beberapa komplain tentang warna dari postingan saya, makanya mulai postingan nomor 241 aku akan menulis hanya dalam warna hijau. Sebenernya sih aku pinginnya warna fave-ku biru, cuma kayanya warna biru ga cocok deh sama gambar pesawat luar angkasa di backgroundnya, makanya aku milih hijau. Sejujurnya aku bisa menulis sesuatu tentang hari saya kemarin sih, tapi karena apa yang terjadi cuma biasa-biasa saja, makanya aku pikir bakalan membosankan deh kalo aku nulis itu. Jadi aku mau nulis tentang episode terakhir dari The Amazing Race 10 aja ah, yang aku tonton semalam.Pertandingan 5 besar dimulai minggu lalu di Helsinki, Finlandia. Habis menyelesaikan semua tugas dari Finlandia, ternyata mereka nggak menemukan pitstop disana, dan harus terus bertanding. Tugas selanjutnya adalah untuk pergi ke ibukota dari negara dimana bencana Chernobyl terjadi beberapa tahun yang lalu (mereka mesti pergi ke Kiev, Ukraina). Semua tim akhirnya menjadi seimbang, walau mereka mengambil penerbangan yang berbeda karena keterbatasan kursi. Dustin & Kandice dan Tyler & James ngambil penerbangan ke Kiev via Vienna, Austria yang berangkat jam 8.30 pagi dan sampai jam 1.35 siang. Sementara Cho Bersaudara, perempuan Alabama (Bama) dan Rob & Kim mengambil penerbangan ke Kiev via Warsawa, Polandia, yang berangkat jam 9.30 pagi dan sampai jam 1.35 siang. Sayangnya, penerbangan mereka ditunda selama 30 menit di Warsawa. Tugas pertama adalah Road-Block, mereka harus menyetir sebuah tank melalui sebuah simulasi perang sepanjang 1,2 mil. Tugas kedua adalah Detour, dimana mereka harus memilih diantara "Make The Music" (membuat sebuah musik rap dan menyanyikannya di depan DJ) atau "Find the Music" (menemukan selembar dokumen berisi sebuah lagu dari ribuan kertas dan memberikannya ke pianis). Yang paling menarik dari episode ini, bagi aku, adalah konflik diantara Cho bersaudara dan Perempuan Alabama. Karena mereka di negara asing, makanya mereka nggak tau jalan untuk kemana-mana. Cho bersaudara berhenti sangat sering untuk nanya arah biar mereka nggak tersesat. Bamas berpikir kalo itu bukanlah ide yang masuk akal soalnya itu kan masih pertandingan dan bisa aja mereka itu ada di 2 tim terbelakang. Setelah muak dengan semuanya, Bama meninggalkan Cho di belakang dan memainkan "pertandingan mereka sendiri", tanya arah dan kemudian mengikuti intuisi mereka. Cho marah akan hal itu dan mengatakan kalo Tim Alabama bukan aliansi mereka lagi. Sebenernya, aku mikir kalo sebenernya tim Alabama itu bener loh. Gila kan kalo nyetir pelan, berhenti setiap 5 menit untuk nanya arah, kan bener-bener membuang waktu. Di sisi lain, kayanya Cho bener-bener loyal kepada aliansinya, dengan tim Alabama dan David & Mary (yang tereliminasi di Madagaskar). Makanya, mungkin mereka merasa dikhianati ketika tim Alabama meninggalkan mereka. Ini adalah tentang persahabatan VS menjadi saingan dalam pertandingan. Hmm, sebenernya aku heran kenapa koq mereka gamau menyewa sopir taksi untuk nunjukkin jalan ya, kayak yang dilakukan Dustin & Kandice dan Rob & Kim (dan juga Mardy dan Marsio dalam The Amazing Race Asia). Apa karena uang mereka yang terbatas?? Trus, posisi akhirnya: Tyler & James (1); Dustin & Kandice (2) >> aku kira mereka memiliki potensi untuk menang loh, mereka adalah peserta acara Ratu Kecantikan, tapi mereka juga memiliki "otak", mereka pintar; Rob & Kim (3); Lyn & Karlyn / The Bamas (4); dan Erwin & Godwin / The Chos (5 >> tereliminasi). Habis nonton episode ini, kayanya aku suka semua timnya deh, he3...... :) Tapi yang paling ga aku suka adalah Rob & Kim. Ngeliat cuplikannya minggu depan, kayanya bakalan ada di Athena, Yunani. Hmm......
Apdet Cepet: Habis baca di Wikipedia, ternyata lokasi selanjutnya bakalan ada di Moroko, Barcelona, dan Paris.
ENGLISHLast Saturday morning was no different with the usual Saturday, a busy day. I got up at 6.13 AM in the morning (I hope you are not bored with this sentence) and had lectures starting at 7 AM in the morning.>> Fast-Forward >>At 1 PM, my lecture finished (actually, the last lecture of the week, Elementary Statistics Labwork, had already finished at 12 PM, but since we still had 2 unfinished modules, so my class decided to use every single remaining second to finish those tasks (but those tasks still haven't been finished yet, there are bags of questions..... :( )). Actually I planned to go to the net cafe afterward, but unfortunately, the connection was still off (I guess they faced a very difficult and serious problem). So then I went to the hotspot cafe and surfed the net there. Bandung's traffic on weekend was a brutal and crowded one. There were so many outsiders, some motorbikers didn't drive carefully (there was an old woman nearly got hit by a bus >> at that time I heard somebody screaming "Aaaaaaaaa......", apparently, that was that woman's voice). Usually it only takes 20 minutes from my boarding house to the cafe, but yesterday it took 45 minutes, exceeding the double of the normal one. Luckily she was alright. After surfing the net for more than an hour, I felt so sleepy, and I went back home.At 6 PM, my friends and I went to a hotspot cafe again and just had a chat together. Yesterday we tried to speak in English, wakakakaka...... . That was okay, for me, not to let my conversation skill just vanish since I have been months not to speak in English. At 10 PM, we went back home.
Note: btw, since my Oggix's Shout Box didn't work, so for now I use the Cbox SB until I know how to make my Oggix works properly again.
BAHASA INDONESIASabtu kemarin nggak terlalu berbeda tuh sama hari Sabtu yang biasanya, hari yang sibuk. Aku bangun jam 6.13 pagi (moga-moga pada nggak bosen nih sama kalimat ini) dan mengikuti kuliah yang dimulai jam 7 pagi. >> Fast-Forward >>Jam 1 siang, kuliahku akhirnya selesai juga (sebenernya sih, kuliah terakhir dalam 1 minggu, Praktikum Statistika Elementer, sudah elesai jam 12 siang, tapi karena kita masih ada 2 modul yang belum diselesaikan, jadi kelasku memutuskan untuk menggunakan setiap detik yang tersisa untuk mengerjakan tugas itu (tapi tugas-tugas itu masih belum selesai sih, banyak banget sih pertanyaannya..... :( )). Sebenernya aku berencana untuk pergi ke warnet habis kuliah, tetapi sayangnya, koneksinya masih mati (kayanya sih mereka sedang menghadapi masalah yang serius dan sangat susah). Jadi, kemudian aku pergi ke kafe hotspot dan ngenegt disana. Lalulintas Bandung pada akhir minggu tuh brutal dan rame banget. Ada banyak oran dari luar kota, beberapa pengendara motor ada yang nggak hati-hati juga (ada perempuan tua yang nyaris ditabrak sama bis loh >> waktu itu aku cuma denger suara seseorang teriak "Aaaaaaaaa......", ternyata, itu adalah suara wanita itu). Untungnya, dia nggak apa-apa. Biasanya cuma butuh waktu 20 menit loh dari kosku ke kafe, tapi kemarin butuh 45 menit, melebihi dua kali yang biasanya!! Habis ngenet lebih dari sejam, aku ngerasa ngantuk, makanya aku balik deh ke kos.Jam 6 sore temenku sama aku pergi ke kafe hotspot lagi dan ngobrol bareng. Kemarin kita nyoba bicara dalam Bahasa Inggris loh, wakakakaka...... . Nggak papa sih, untuk aku supaya nggak membiarkan kemampuan ngomongku hilang begitu aja, soale kan aku dah nggak ngomong Inggris selama beberapa bulan. Jam 10 malem, kita balik deh.
Note: btw, karena Shout Box Oggixku nggak bisa jalan, makanya sekarang ini aku sementara pake SB Cbox sampe aku tahu gimana cara ngembalikin si Oggix lagi.
ENGLISHPre-note: Wow, today I post 2 (TWO) entries, the other one can be read here. Last night I watched the second episode of The Amazing Race Asia. Yep, it was in Jakarta where for sure, Mardy and Marsio got an advantage. Since last week Sandy and Fransesca checked in the pitstop last, they got a penalty where all money of them was taken. As a result, they should start the second leg with no money. But one thing that I really appreciate from this Asian version is the generosity and kindness of the other 9 teams. They left some of their money for Sandy and Fransesca, so they didn’t start the next race with no money since it was gonnabe very hard for them to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta with NO money in their pockets.The first task was to go to Ragunan Zoo, they then must enter a snake cage and take the next clue in the middle of the cage. That was truly hard for snake-phobia. Then, they could choose between Fast-Forward (if team takes this task, they can go directly to the pitstop without finishing the Detour and Road-Block tasks) and Detour. Apparently the rule is a bit different here in the Asia Version. There are some Fast-Forward challenges, but the only permitted number of team who take this Fast-Forward is one each leg. Plus, each team is only permitted to take one Fast-Forward during the whole race. Apparently, there were 2 teams who were willing to take this Fast-Forward, Ernie and Jeena (Philippines team) and Prashant and Sahil (India team). The Indian team arrived first at SMA 60 (where the Fast Forward task took place), and unfortunately, Ernie and Jeena must take the Detour task and it also means that they had wasted most of their time. The first team to arrive was, no surprise, Prashant and Sahil (that’s obvious, they took the Fast-Forward). The second team was Mardy and Marsio (Indonesian team >> people can’t underestimate them for sure; one of them said this during the race: "We were not designed physically for this race, but our brains were"). The third was Howard and Sahran, the fourth was Zabrina and Joe-Jer, the fifth was Melody and Sharon, the sixth was Aubrey and Jaq, the seventh was Andy and Laura, and the eighth was Andrew and Syeon. The ninth team to arrive was Sandy and Fransesca, who were both lucky and unlucky I think. Lucky because Ernie and Jeena made a mistake by intending to take the Fast-Forward Task. Unlucky because they got an annoying and bad taxi driver. The last team to arrive and got eliminated was clearly Jeena and Ernie. However, all of my fave teams are still in the race, he3..... :) (who are my fave?? Find it here)
::: Ernie and Jeena, the first team to be eliminated.
::: as Sheilla's request, I now upload the pic of Mardy and Marsio (Indonesian Team)
BAHASA INDONESIAPre-note: Wow, hari ini aku menulis 2 (DUA) postingan loh, satunya bisa dibaca disini. Semalam aku nonton episode kedua dari The Amazing Race Asia. Yep, kemarin tuh ada di Jakarta dimana tentu saja, Mardy dan Marsio mendapatkan keuntungan. Karena minggu lalu Sandy dan Fransesca sampai di pitstopnya terakhir, mereka mendapatkan penalti dimana keseluruhan uang mereka diambil. Sebagai hasilnya, mereka harus memulai tugas kedua dengan tidak ada uang sama sekali. Tapi satu hal yang aku hargai dari versi Asia ini adalah kebaik-hatian dan kemurahan-hati dari 9 tim yang lainnya. Mereka meninggalkan sebagian uang mereka untuk Sandy dan Fransesca sehingga mereka nggak harus memulai tugas kedua dengan tanpa uang sama sekali soalnya kan bakalan susah banget tuh untuk mereka untuk pergi dari Kuala Lumpur ke Jakarta dengan TANPA uang dalam kantong.Tugas pertama mereka adalah pergi ke Kebun Binatang Ragunan, mereka harus masuk ke kadang ular dan ngambil petunjuk selanjutnya di tengah-tengah kandang. Pasti susah banget tuh untuk mereka yang takut ular. Trus, mereka bisa memilih diantara Fast-Forward (kalo ngambil tantangan ini, mereka bisa pergi langsung ke pitstop tanpa harus menyelesaikan Detour dan Road-Block) dan Detour. Ternyata, peraturannya sedikit berbeda di dalam versi Asia ini. Akan ada beberapa Fast-Forward, tapi jumlah tim yang diijinkan untuk mengambil Fast-Forward ini hanyalah 1 tim per-episode. Ditambah lagi, tiap tim hanya boleh mengambil 1 Fast-Forward saja dari keseluruhan pertandingan ini. Ternyata, ada 2 tim yang kemarin kepingin ngambil Fast-Forward, Ernie dan Jeena (dari Filipina) dan Prashant dan Sahil (dari India). Tim India sampe duluan di SMA 60 (tempat dimana tugas Fast-Forward akan dilaksanakan) dan malangnya Ernie dan Jeena harus mengambil Detour, dan ini juga berarti bahwa mereka sudah membuang banyak sekali waktu. Tim pertama yang sampai dipitstop adalah, nggak kaget sih, Prashant dan Sahil (jelas banget kan, mereka kan ngambil Fast-Forward). Tim kedua adalah Mardy dan Marsio (tim Indonesia >> orang bener-bener nggak bisa meremehkan mereka loh, salah seorang dari mereka bilang gini loh: "Kita nggak dirancang secara fisik untuk mengikuti game ini, tapi otak kita iya"). Tim ketiga yang sampai adalah Howard dan Sahran, keempat adalah Zabrina dan Joe-Jer, kelima Melody dan Sharon, keenam Aubrey dan Jaq, ketujuh Andy dan Laura, kedelapan Andrew dan Syeon. Tim kesembilan yang sampai adalah Sandy dan Fransesca, yang beruntung dan tidak beruntung menurutku. Beruntung soale Ernie dan Jeena melakukan kesalahan dengan mau mengambil tugas Fast-Forward. Nggak beruntung soale mereka dapat sopir taksi yang menyebalkan dan "jahat". Tim yang terakhir sampai di pitstop dan tereliminasi adalah Ernie dan Jeena. Btw, semua tim favorit saya masih bertahan loh, he3..... :) (siapakah tim favorit saya?? Silakan baca disini)
ENGLISHWell, finally now all of the problems have been solved. Now, I have known how to put the Haloscan back. A Big and Special THX to Sheilla..... :)Btw, these days, my frequencies of surfing the net via hotspot have increased significantly. There are 2 main reasons. First, surfing the net via hotspot is a lot more comfie than at the net café plus since I have my car right now, traveling is not a big obstacle anymore. Second, the f***ing problem which appeared this week really pushed me to surf the net more.However, talking about BETA, it was truly sucks when we first switched our blog to it. So many different things, different code, different template, different way to edit my blog, etc really confused me at the beginning. But in the end, I think that suckiness was paid. I got some extra features which I couldn’t get if I stay at the older version of Blogger, easier way to add some sidebar feature, and hopefully, a lighter page to browse..... :)
BAHASA INDONESIAHmm, akhirnya sekarang semua permasalahan sudah terpecahkan. AKu skarang dah tau cara ngembalikin si Haloscan balik kesini, THX yang besar banget dan spesial buat Sheilla..... :)Btw, belakangan ini, frekuensiku ngenet via hotspot meningkat dengan sangat signifikan loh. Ada 2 penyebab utama. Pertama, internetan pake hotspot tuh lebih nyaman daripada di warnet, plus karena aku dah ada mobil, jalan-jalan sudah bukanlah halangan besar lagi. Kedua, masalah br****** yang muncul belakangan ini bener-bener memaksa aku untuk internetan lebih sering.Hmm, ngomong-ngomong tentang BETA, memang bener-bener menyebalkan saat pertama kali kita berpindah dari blogger biasa ke BETA. Ada banyak hal yang berbeda, kode yang berbeda, template yang berbeda, cara yang berbeda untuk ngedit blog, dll bener-bener membuat saya bingung awalnya. Tetapi ke-menyebalkan-nya itu pada akhirnya menurutku terbayar koq. Aku dapat beberapa fitur ekstra yang nggak bisa aku dapatkan di blogger versi lama, lebih gampang dalam menambah fitur2 di sidebar, dan semoga banget nih, halaman yang lebih enteng untuk dibuka..... :)
ENGLISHYesterday I switched my blog to the BETA version of Blogger, and I lost almost all of my previous code (I saved my previous code, but it just didn't work), including Friend's Link, Shout Box, Visitors Number, etc. I was so desperate yesterday, but this morning finally I found the way to bring it back on track again, not 100% yet, but probably around 85% since I still must find a way to put the Haloscan comment back. So sorry for the inconvenience..... :(
I will work on some other things this afternoon.....
PS: Next entry will be posted tomorrow. If until this evening I couldn't find a way to put the Haloscan back, I will probably keep using this Blogger's Comment Box..... :) >> apparently not
BAHASA INDONESIAKemarin aku mengubah setting blogku ke versi BETA dari Blogger, dan aku kehilangan hampir keseluruhan kodeku yg lama (aku masih simpen kodenya sih, tp gabisa kerja tuh kodenya), termasuk Friends' Link, Shout Box, Jumlah Pengunjung, dll. Aku terpuruk sekali kemarin, tapi pagi ini akhirnya aku bisa menemukan cara untuk mengembalikannya ke jalan semula, belum 100% sih, mungkin baru sekitar 85% soale kan aku masih harus nyari cara untuk masukin komen dari Haloscan balik kesini dan Kode. Maaf banget yah atas ketaknyamanan ini..... :(
Aku coba ngerjain beberapa sisanya siang nanti deh.....
PS: Postingan selanjutnya akan aku post besok. Kalo sampe nanti malam aku belum bisa menemukan jalan untuk masukin Haloscan balik kesini lagi, kemungkinan aku akan menggunakan komen boks dari Blogger ini..... :) >> ternyata engga
ENGLISHLast Monday was again, a tiring day for me. I got up at 6.12 AM, then at 6.55 AM I walked to my campus to have my first lecture. I was sooo sleepy at that time. At 9.30 AM, my first lecture finished, and I walked to the net cafe to go online (the next lecture would start at 11 AM, so I still had about 90 minutes free). Unfortunately, the connection was out at that time, and as a result I couldn't surf the net. Arrggggghhh...... . So, I had no other choice than going back to my boarding house. Since I was so sleepy, I continued my sleep by an hour..... :) At 10.55 AM, I walked again to my campus, I thought I was late, but I wasn't. Until 11.20 AM, the lecturer hadn't arrived at our class yet, and according to the agreement in the beginning of the class some months ago, 20 minutes late means there is NO class. Therefore, some of us (including me), planned to leave our class, but some insisted not to. And just seconds after that, the lecturer came..... . that's okay actually. I then continued having my lectures until 3 PM, then I went back home.Being disappointed earlier in the morning, just after dropping my bag in my room, I took my car's key, and drove to the hotspot cafe again, he3... :) I planned to save as much money as I could, therefore at first I only ordered the second cheapest drink after mineral water, iced tea. After 2 hours cruising the net using my lapty, I felt hungry, and I ordered one more glass of it and a salty chicken yamie. Thirty minutes after finishing that dinner, I went back home.Last night, I watched the latest episode of The Amazing Race 10. It was the top 5, and all teams must travel from Atananarivo, Madagascar to Helsinki, Finlad (they took some flights, from Atananarivo to Johannesburg, then from Johannesburg to Addis Ababa, then from Addis Ababa to Frankfurt, and finally from Frankfurt to Helsinki. Wow....). Yesterday was the toughest episode ever I think (this season). Usually, after completing Detour and Road-Block, they would arrived at the pitstop, yesterday, they wouldn't. They still had to keep racing!!! And of course, it was more than one episode. The latest position: Tyler and James (1), Dustin and Kandice (2), Erwin and Godwin (3), Lyn and Karlyn (4), and Rob and Kim (5). The position on this game can flip so easily, it's gonnabe interesting next episode.... . Btw, this morning I couldn't access my blog, but I could access some friends' blog who hava already used BETA Version of Blogger. Well, I think it's the time to switch to BETA.
BAHASA INDONESIAKemarin Senin tuh, kembali, adalah hari yang melelahkan buat saya. Aku bangun jam 6.12 pagi, trus jam 6.55 pagi aku jalan ke kampus deh untuk mengikuti kuliah pertama saya. Aku ngantuk banget loh waktu itu. Jam 9.30 pagi, kuliah selesai dan aku berjalan ke warnet untuk online (kuliah selanjutnya dimulai jam 11 pagi, jadi aku masih punya waktu sekitar 90 menit-an lah). Malangnya, koneksinya lg mati waktu itu, dan sebagai hasilnya aku jadi gabisa internetan deh. Arrggggghhh....... . Jadi, aku nggak punya pilihan lain selain balik ke kosku. Karena aku tuh ngantuk banget, makanya aku bobok deh selama satu jam..... :) Jam 10.55 pagi aku balik lagi deh ke kampus, aku kira aku udah telat tuh, ternyata engga. Dosennya sampe jam 11.20 belom dateng, dan sesuai perjanjian di awal kelas beberapa bulan yang lalu, 20 menit terlambat berarti NGGAK ada kelas. Makanya beberapa diantara kami (termasuk saya) mau pulang tuh, tapi beberapa bersikeras enggak. Dan beberapa detik setelahnya, dosennya datang...... . Nggak papa sih sebenernya. Aku trus melanjutkan kuliah sampe jam 3 sore. Trus balik ke kos lagi. Karena dikecewakan pagi harinya, begitu menaruh tas saya di kamar, aku ngambil kunci mobil saya dan pergi ke kafe hotspot lagi deh, he3... :) Aku berencana mau menyimpan uang sebanyak aku bisa, makanya kemarin aku memesan minuman termurah kedua sesudah air putih, yaitu es teh. Habis 2 jam internetan, aku laper, makanya aku pesen satu gelas lagi dan makan mie yamin ayam asin. Tiga puluh menit kemudian habis selesai makan malam, aku balik ke kos deh. Semalam, aku nonton episode terbaru dari The Amazing Race 10. Kemarin tuh udah 5 besarnya, dan semua team harus pergi dari dari Atananarivo, Madagaskar ke Helsinki, Finlandia (mereka ngambil beberapa penerbangan tuh, dari Atananarivo ke Johannesburg, trus dari Johannesburg ke Addis Ababa, dari Addis Ababa ke Frankfurt, dan akhirnya dari Frankfurt ke Helsinki. Wow....). Kemarin adalah episode paling berat selama ini aku rasa (dalam musim ini). Biasanya, habis menyelesaikan Detour dan Road-Block, mereka akan sampai di pitstop, kemarin enggak. Mereka masih harus terus bertanding!! Dan tentu saja, lebih dari satu episode tuh. Posisi terakhir kemarin: Tyler and James (1), Dustin and Kandice (2), Erwin and Godwin (3), Lyn and Karlyn (4), dan Rob and Kim (5). Posisi dalam game ini bisa berbalik begitu mudahnya, bakalan seru nih minggu depan.... . Btw, pagi ini aku gabisa ngakses blogku, tp aku bisa ngakses blom beberapa temen yang udah pake Versi BETA dari Blogger. Kayanya inilah waktunya untuk berpindah ke BETA deh.
Hi all, as you can read here last week, Saturday is one of my busiest day of the week, and so was yesterday. Yesterday morning I got up at 6.12 AM, then did my routinities including going to my campus at 6.55 AM. My first lecture started at 7 AM, and finished at 8.45 AM. At 9 AM, my second lecture started, there was no lecture apparently, but a pop-quiz!! Arrrggggghhh.... . But then at 9.40 AM, after finishing doing my work, I left the class, and since I still had 75 minutes to 11 AM, I went to the net cafe first. At 11 AM, I went back to my campus and had my last lecture of the week. After that, I went to my friend's boarding house to do our statistics homework. At 3 PM, we finished doing that stuff, and finally I could take a nap.
Since my car has been available, I didn't have to spend my weekend just by walking around my boarding house. At 6 PM, my friend and I (finally) went to Bandung Supermal (BSM). Weekend in Bandung is actually not a comfortable time to go around since so many people from Jakarta go to Bandung at weekend, and so was yesterday night. It took about 50 minutes from my boarding house to go to Bandung Supermal. At almost 7 PM, we arrived at BSM and directly went to the food court and had dinner. After walking around the mall and buying some snacks at the supermarket, we went to the "Snow World", at the parking lot of BSM. The ticket was Rp. 40,000.oo (about $4.44). You know what?? For me, it was pretty disappointing. I still prefer the Ice World which I have been in Malaysia, Bangkok, and Shen-Zhen (China). I knew I couldn't expect I would see any "snow" there, but I could expect for a greater place. Yep, it was good actually, but not that "great". They weren't supposed to call that "Snow World" but "Ice World". But that's okay.... . I post some of its pics below.... :)
Note: now I'm in a cafe and using its hotspot service, he3.... :) It's my second time cruising the net with my lapty, the first one was this time. >> cruising the net with hotspot feature is a lot cozier than going to the net cafe... :) I think I'm getting indulged with this service. Btw, now I have installed Lime Wire and Firefox 2.0 to my lapty.
::: The "Snow World" gate
::: Ice Slide
::: Frozen Chinese Temple
::: Ice Dragon
::: This was what happened to my glasses just seconds after leavin' the "Ice Room"
Hallo semua, seperti yang bisa dibaca disini minggu lalu, Sabtu adalah salah satu hari tersibuk buat saya, dan begitu juga Sabtu kemarin ini. Kemarin pagi aku harus bangun jam 6.12 pagi, trus melakukan rutinitasku termauk pergi ke kampus jam 6.55 pagi. Kuliah pertamaku dimulai jam 7 pagi dan selesai jam 8.45 pagi. Jam 9 pagi, kuliah keduaku dimulai, dan ternyata nggak ada kuliah sih, tapi kuis mendadak!! Arrrggggghhh.... . Tetapi kemudian jam 9.40, habis aku menyelesaikan pekerjaanku, aku meninggalkan kelasnya, dan karena aku masih punya 75 menit sebelum jam 11, makanya aku pergi ke warnet dulu deh. Jam 11 pagi, aku ke kampus lagi dan mengikuti kuliah terakhir minggu ini. Habis itu aku pergi ke kos-an temenku untuk mengerjakan PR statistik-ku. Jam 3 sore, kita selesai mengerjakan PR kami, dan akhirnya aku bisa istirahat siang deh.
Karena mobilku udah balik, aku nggak harus menghabiskan akhir mingguku dengan jalan-jalan di sekitar kos-ku. Jam 6 sore, aku sama temenku (akhirnya) kemarin pergi ke Bandung Supermal (BSM). Akhir minggu di Bandung bukanlah saat yang nyaman untuk pergi jalan-jalan soalnya banyak orang dari Jakarta yang jalan-jalan ke Bandung pada akhir pekan, begitu juga kemarin malam. Ternyata semalam membutuhkan waktu hampir 50 menit loh dari kosku ke BSM. Pas hampir jam 7 malam, kita sampai di BSm dan angsung deh pergi ke food court-nya dan makan malam disana. Habis jalan-jalan di dalam mall-nya dan beli beberapa snack di supermarketnya, kita pergi ke "Snow World" (Dunia Salju) yang terletak di tempat parkirnya BSM. Tiket masuknya tuh Rp. 40.000,oo (sekitar 4,44 USD). Tapi bagaimana?? Untuk aku, lumayan mengecewakan tuh. Aku masih memilih Dunia Es yang pernah aku kunjungi di Malaysia, Bangkok, dan Shen-Zhen (China). Aku tau sih aku nggak bisa untuk mengharapkan untuk melihat "salju" disana, tapi aku kan bisa dong mengharapkan tempat yang lebih bagus. Sebenernya bagus sih, tapi nggak se-"wah" itu deh. Mereka nggak seharusnya menyebutnya "snow World" (Dunia Salju), tetapi "Ice World" (Dunia Es). Tapi nggak papa sih.... . Aku dah upload tuh beberapa fotonya di atas.... :)
Note: sekarang aku ada di sebuah cafe dan memakai fasilitas hotspotnya nih, he3.... :) Ini adalah kali kedua aku browsing pake fasilitas hotspot, yang pertama adalah pada waktu ini. >> internetan pake hotspot tuh lebih nyaman daripada pergi ke warnet... :) Kayanya aku mulai menyukai fasilitas ini deh. Btw, sekarang aku dah install Lime Wire sama Firefox 2.0 loh ke laptopku.
ENGLISHHi all, as you can read here last week, I had been waiting for a brand new reality show The Amazing Race Asia for this week, which was premierred at AXN last night. Finally, last night my long waiting was over.The race began at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with 10 teams from 7 different countries (2 from Malaysia, 2 from Phillipines, 1 from Indonesia, 1 from Hong Kong, 1 from Singapore, 1 from Thailand (they are English actually), 1 from India, and 1 from Sri Lanka). Well, the Indonesian team were physically unfit, overweight flabby, not so agile, and didn't look like a tough team. That's why I think most of other teams at first underestimated them. BUT you know what?? Yesterday they were the winner of the first race, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the hometown of 2 other Malaysian teams. Wow, they were so smart...... :) Actually, they arrived at the pitstop at the same time (almost the same, just 5 seconds different) with one other Malaysian Team (Andrew and Syeon) >> the Malaysian Team arrived first, 5 seconds before them. But unluckily, that Malaysian Team didn't read the hints carefully. They took shortcut to go to the KL Tower (the pitstop was on the top of KL Tower, and to reach there, they should go in the jungle trek first, but they (Malaysian team) didn't). Therefore, that Malaysian team had to go down again and finished that trek first before checking in the pitstop (and finally they arrived at the fifth place). The last team to arrive was Sandy and Fransesca, from Hong Kong. Luckily, it was just a pre-race, not an elimination race, therefore they were still in the race. Watching the trailer next week, I'm almost sure the race was gonnabe in JAKARTA, Indonesia. Probably the task had something to do with Padang's (West Sumatra) culture since I saw the Gadang House and "Tari Piring" (Piring Dance). At first I thought it was in Padang, but then I saw the highway and Silver Bird Taxis, which are only in Jakarta. That Gadang House was probably inside TMII. Hmmm, Jakarta, I don't wanna miss the next episode...... :DWho do I root for?? I'm still not pretty sure since it's still the beginning, but so far I like 5 teams (Wow, 5 teams means half of all...... :D), Indonesian team (Mardy and Marsio), both Malaysian teams (Andrew and Syeon; Zabrina and Joe Jer), Singaporean Teams (Melody and Sharon), and one Phillipines Team (Aubrey and Jaq) >> they are model and actress, they're so funny during the race. Well, we can't underestimate female models, Dustin and Kandice, beauty queens who joined The Amazing Race 10, were so tough and tactical, now they're in the final five......
Lesson of the first episode: Mind beats Muscle...... :)
BAHASA INDONESIAHallo semua, seperti yang bisa dibaca disini minggu lalu, aku sudah menunggu sebuah reality show yang baru, yaitu The Amazing Race Asia untuk minggu ini, yang mulai ditayangkan di AXN semalam. Akhirnya, kemarin malam penantian panjangku berakhir sudah. Pertandingan dimulai di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, dengan 10 tim dari 7 negara (2 dari Malaysia, 2 dari Filipina, 1 dari Indonesia, 1 dari Hong Kong, 1 dari Singapura, 1 dari Thailand (mereka orang Inggris sebenernya), 1 dari India, dan 1 dari Sri Lanka). Hmm, tim Indonesia tuh secara fisik kayak nggak begitu fit, kelebihan berat badan gemuk, nggak begitu lincah, dan nggak keliatan kayak tim yang tangguh. Itulah kenapa kebanyakan tim yang lain pada awalnya meremehkan mereka. TETAPI tebak bagaimana?? Kemarin mereka adalah pemenang dari pertandingan pertama loh, di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, rumah bagi 2 tim dari Malaysia yang lain. Wow, ternyata mereka pintar...... :) Sebenernya sih mereka sampai di pitstopnya bersamaan (hampir sama, cuma beda 5 detik doank log) dari salah satu tim dari Malaysia (Andrew dan Syeon) >> Tim Malaysia sampai duluan, 5 detik sebelum mereka. Tetapi malangnya, mereka nggak membaca petunjuk dengan hati-hati. Mereka mengambil jalan pintas menuju KL Tower (pitstopnya ada di puncak KL Tower, dan untuk kesana, mereka harus melalui Jalan Hutan dulu, tapi mereka (tim Malaysia) engga), makanya mereka harus turun lagi dan menyelesaikan tuh perjalanan dulu sebelum masuk di pitstop (dan akhirnya mereka sampai di urutan kelima). Tim terakhir yang sampai adalah Sandy dan Fransesca, dari Hong Kong. Untungnya, kemarin adalah pertandingan permulaan, bukan babak eliminasi, makanya mereka masih ada di dalam kompetisi. Nonton cuplikannya minggu depan, aku hampir yakin kalo pertandingannya bakalan di JAKARTA, Indonesia loh. Mungkin tugas selanjutnya ada hubungannya dengan kebudayaan Padang (Sumatra Barat) soalnya aku ngeliat Rumah Gadang dan tari Piring tuh. Pertamanya aku kira itu bakalan ada di Padang, tapi kemudian aku ngelihat jalan tol dan Taksi Silver Bird, yang adanya ya di Jakarta. Trus mungkin tuh Rumah Gadang ada di TMII. Hmmm, Jakarta, aku nggak mau melewatkan episode selanjutnya...... :D Siapakah yang aku dukung?? Masih blom yakin sih, kan masih awal-awal acara, tapi sejauh ini aku suka 5 team (Wow, 5 team berarti kan setengahnya tuh...... :D), 1 team dari Indonesia (Mardy dan Marsio), semua tim dari Malaysia (Andrew dan Syeon; Zabrina dan Joe Jer), Tim dari Singapura (Melody dan Sharon), dan satu Tim dari Filipina (Aubrey dan Jaq) >> mereka model, dan sangat lucu loh selama pertandingan. Hmm, kita nggak bisa meremehkan wanita model loh, Dustin dan Kandice, kontestan kontes Ratu Kecantikan, yang ikut The Amazing Race 10, hebat dan taktis juga, sekarang mereka masuk 5 besar loh......
Pelajaran dari episode pertama: Pikiran mengalahkan Otot...... :)
ENGLISHBefore starting writing about my yesterday, I wanna write about my Monday evening first. After finishing surfing the net, I went back home with my heart beating hoping my TV was okay and worked that evening since I really wanted to watch The Amazing Race 10. And luckily my wish was granted, my TV worked well. This week episode, they travelled from Mauritius to Madagascar. After playing the whole race, in the end, David and Mary were eliminated from the race, and that was such an emotional moment. The fifth team to arrive at the pitstop was Lyn and Karlyn (they actually the latest to arrive, but since David and Mary (the fifth to arrive) got 30 minutes penalty, and Lyn and Karlyn arrived just 10 minutes after David and Mary arrived; as a result David and Mary were eliminated). Actually, David-Mary-Lyn-Karlyn (and also The Cho brothers) were best-friends. Therefore, yesterday when they had to stop from the race, it was such an emotional moment.Let's talk about yesterday. Tuesday actually is my free-day, but since we had to finish our assignment, yesterday my friends and I went to my campus at 9 AM to finish those tasks at the computer lab. Btw, finally I could use my campus' internet service, it was FREE, but the connection was so slow. At 11 AM, we went to my campus Building 9 and had an informal meeting with our lecturers talking about the progress of the lectures during this whole half semester. Then, we also got lunch Hoka-Hoka Bento, and got discount vouchers of it, wakakakakzzz........ :) :) :)At 3.30 PM, my friend and I went to Surya Sumantri to pick my car. And yes, it had been finished yesterday, yaay..... :) Finally I can drive my car again, he3....... :) That evening we went to Istana Plaza. After having dinner, my friend had to go to his friend house, therefore we went back home just after that. When we were about to go to the parking lot, when we were walking to the lifts, the electricity went out!!! That happened twice!! >> each for about a minute. Arrgggggh..... . That was the first time for me, inside a mall, the electricity went out!!! Then, we went back home.
BAHASA INDONESIASebelum memulia nulis tentang kemarin, aku mau nulis cerita senin Malam dulu ah. Habis menyelesaikan main internet, aku balik ke kos dengan jantung berdebar berharap semoga TV-ku masih nggak apa-apa. soalnya kan aku lagi pingin banget nonton The Amazing Race 10. Dan akhirnya, harapanku terkabul juga, TVku baik-baik saja. Episode minggu ini, mereka harus pergi dari Mauritius ke Madagaskar. Habis memainkan keseluruhan pertandingannya, pada akhirnya, David dan Mary tereliminasi, dan itu bener-bener momen yang emosional. Tim kelima yang sampai di pitstop adalah Lyn dan Karlyn (sebenernya mereka yang paling terakhir nyampe, tapi karena David dan Mary (yang sampai kelima) dapet penalti 30 menit, dan Lyn dan Karlyn sampai di pitstop 10 menit setelah mereka; makanya David dan Mary yang tereliminasi). Sebenernya kan David-Mary-Lyn-Karlyn (dan Cho bersaudara) kan temen baik. Makanya kemarin waktu mereka harus berhenti dari permainan adalah momen yang emosional. Mari kita ngomongin tentang kemarin. Sebenernya Selasa sih hari bebas saya, tapi karena kita harus menyelesaikan tugas, kemarin temen-temenku dan aku pergi ke kampus jam 9 pagi buat menyelesaikan tugas di lab komputer. Ngomong-ngomong, akhirnya aku bisa memakai fasilitas internet di kampus loh, dan itu kan GRATIS, tapi koneksinya lambat sih. Jam 11 pagi, kita pergi ke kampus gedung 9 dan ada pertemuan informal dengan dosen kami ngomongin tentang proses kuliah selama setengah semester ini. Trus kita juga dapet makan siang Hoka-Hoka Bento, dan dapet diskon voucher juga loh, wakakakakzzz...... :) :) :)Jam 3.30 sore, temenku dan aku pergi ke Surya Sumantri untuk mengambil mobil saya. Dan ya, sudah selesai loh, yaay..... :) Akhirnya aku bisa menyetir mobil saya lagi, he3..... :) Sorenya, kita pergi ke Istana Plaza. Habis makan malam, temenku kan harus pergi ke tempat temennya, makanya habis itu kita mau balik. Ketika kita mau ke tempat parkir, dan mau berjalan ke tempat lift-nya, ternyata listriknya mall padam!!! Dan itu terjadi dua kali!! >> masing-masing sekitar 1 menit. Arrggggghhh..... . Itu adalah pertama kalinya untuk saya, di dalam sebuah mall, listriknya mati!!! Trus kita balik deh ke rumah.
ENGLISHHi all, as you can read here, last Saturday was such an exhausting day for me, and unfortunately, that was repeated today...... :( Actually, the other hardest day of the week is Monday. I have lectures from 7 AM till 3 PM.This morning I had to get up at 6.12 AM (why did I "have to"?? > because I set my alarm to ring at 6.12 AM... :P), then took shower and had breakfast (which I had bought yesterday evening). I went to my campus at 6.55 AM. After having my first lecture, I left my campus and went to the internet cafe nearby. At 10.10 AM, I went back to my boarding house, switched my bag (to a smaller one), and took a rest for a while. Then, at 10.50 AM I walked back to my campus and had lectures until 3 PM. After that, my friends and I walked back to my boarding house, copying some datas from their Flash Discs' for the BTS (info bout this also could be found here). After they left my boarding house, finally I could take a nap... . And now, I'm in the internet cafe again... :)Tonight there will be the newest episode of The Amazing Race 10 at AXN. Hmmm, I won't miss this episode... . Btw, starting yesterday evening at 6.55 PM, I didn't know why but my TV didn't work, it happened until this morning. Luckily, at 10.15 AM, it had been okay. I guess it was the signal from the central since it happened not only at my TV.... .Well, tomorrow is Tuesday!!! Yaayyy....... . Finally tomorrow my car will be back to me. What will happen tomorrow will be posted later... :)
BAHASA INDONESIAHallo semua, seperti yang bisa dibaca disini, kemarin Sabtu adalah hari yang sangat melelahkan buat saya, dan sayangnya, hal itu terulangi lagi hari ini...... :( Sebenernya, hari terberat lainnya dalam seminggu adalah Senin. Aku ada kuliah dari jam 7 sampe jam 3 sore. Pagi ini aku harus bangun jam 6.12 pagi (kenapa koq aku "harus"? > soalnya kan aku nyalain alarm untuk bunyi jam 6.12 pagi... :P), trus aku mandi dan sarapan deh (yang aku beli kemarin sore). Trus aku pergi ke kampusku jam 6.55 pagi. Habis kuliah pertama, aku meninggalkan kampusku dan pergi ke warnet di deketnya. Jam 10.10 pagi, aku balik lagi deh ke kosku, menukar tas saya (ke yang lebih kecil), dan istirahat sebentar deh. Trus jam 10.55 pagi aku jalan lagi ke kampusku dan ada kuliah deh sampe jam 3 sore. Habis itu, temen2ku sama aku jalan lagi ke kosku, mengopi beberapa data dari Flash Disk mereka untuk BTS (informasi tentang ini juga bisa ditemukan disini). Habis mereka meninggalkan kos saya, akhirnya bisa deh aku istirahat... . Dan sekarang, aku lagi di warnet lagi deh... :)Ntar malam akan ada episode terbaru dari The Amazing Race 10 di AXN. Hmmm, aku nggak bakalan melewatkan episode ini... . Btw, mulai kemarin malam jam 6.55, aku nggak tau kenapa tapi TVku nggak jalan, ini terjadi sampe pagi tadi. Untungnya jam 10.15 pagi, sudah oke lai tuh. Aku tebak sih kayanya sinyal dari pusatnya deh yang ada masalah soale ga cuma terjadi di TVku doang tuh.... . Hmm, besok adalah Selasa!!! Yesss....... . Akhirnya besok mobil saya akan kembali pada saya. Apa yang akan terjadi besok akan diposting kemudian... :)
ENGLISHArrgggghhh..... . Today has been such a tiring exhausting day for me. According to my lectures schedule, just as usual, Saturday is one of the hardest day of the week. My lectures on Saturday start at 7 AM and finish at 1 PM. Unfortunately, according to the schedule, there is NO time-break, arrrggghhhh... (but in fact, we actually get about 20 - 30 minutes time break after each lecture). But that's not the reason why Saturday is hard, 7 AM IS... :( :( :(Then, just for today, afterschool time, we had to have a meeting first about BTS, an intra-math magazine. Next January, my class (2006) will (have to) take the responsibility to be the official of this magazine. Therefore, the previous official (class 2005) want to "prepare" us first before taking that job, so when the time is coming, we (hopefully) won't meet any difficulty. After that meeting, I got 2 jobs. First, to get an inspirational story (which I stole from here; special THX to Om Upar...... :D). Second, to do an interview with a senior about Math Club. All of them have to be already done by next Monday. Then, my day wasn't over yet. I still had to finish my Elementary Statistics homework. Arrrggghhh..... . After finishing that homework for about 1.5 hours, I finally could take a rest.... :D. Two days ago, I also had to make my First Calculus Homework, I almost gave up at the third question, but with great effort (wakzzz.... :P) finally I could solve that problem... :P. There are apparently pretty much homework (and also quiz(es)) for next week. ARRRGGGHHHH.......
Btw, yesterday finally I got my last UTS scores. I got 97 for English and 90 for Elementary Statistics Labwork. Those are the highest mark in my class, he3... :D
BAHASA INDONESIAArrgggghhh..... . Hari ini bener-bener hari yang melelahkan sangat melelahkan untuk saya. Berdasarkan jadwal kuliah saya, seperti biasanya, Sabtu adalah salah satu hari terberat dalam satu minggu. Kuliahku hari Sabtu dimulai jam 7 pagi dan selesai jam 1 siang. Sayangnya, berdasarkan jadwal juga, ternyata NGGAK ada istirahatnya loh, arrrggghhhh... (tapi kenyataannya sih, kita dapet sih sekitar 20 - 30 menit istirahat habis tiap kuliah). Tetapi itu bukanlah alasan kenapa Sabtu itu berat, jam 7 pagi ADALAH ALASANNYA... :( :( :(
Trus, khusus untuk hari ini, habis kuliah, kita harus meeting dulu tentang BTS, sebuah majalah intra-matematika. Besok Januari, angkatanku (2006) kan yang (harus) akan mengambil tanggung-jawab untuk menjadi redaksi resmi dari majalah ini. Makanya, redaksi sebelumnya (angkatan 2005) kan mau "mempersiapkan" kita dahulu sebelum mengambil pekerjaan itu, jadi saat waktunya tiba ntar, kita (harapannya sih) nggak akan menemui kesulitan. Habis meeting itu, aku dapet 2 kerjaan deh. Pertama, untuk mencari cerita inspirasional (yang aku curi dari sini; THX banget untuk Om Upar...... :D). Kedua, untuk mewawancarai seorang senior tentang Math Club. Kesemuanya harus sudah selesai besok Senin.
Trus, hariku belum selesai loh. Aku masih harus menyelesaikan PR Statistika Elementer saya. Arrrggghhh..... . Habis menyelesaikannya selama sekitar 1,5 jam, pada akhirnya aku bisa istirahat deh.... :D Dua hari yang lalu, aku juga harus menyelesaikan PR Kalkulus 1 sayam aku hampir aja menyerah pada pertanyaan ketiga, tapi dengan usaha yang keras (wakzzz.... :P) aku bisa memecahkan masalahnya... :P. Ternyata untuk minggu depan ada banyak PR (dan juga kuis) nih. ARRRGGGHHHH........
Btw, kemarin akhirnya aku mendapatkan nilai terakhir UTSku yang belum dibagi. Aku dapet 97 untuk Bahasa Inggris dan 90 untuk Praktikum Statistika Elementer. Keduanya adalah nilai tertinggi di kelas saya, he3... :D
ENGLISHI just feel right now I really want to write something at this blog, but the problem is that I dunno what to write since my days recently were such ordinary days, nothing really special happened. Hmm... . But I've just got an idea, I'll write about The Amazing Race, one of my most fave TV program nowadays.How could I find this program?? Honestly, it was incidental. Some weeks ago, when I watched TV but didn't really know what to watch (that's weird, isn't it?) and just hopping from one channel to another, finally I "landed" at AXN which its program at that time was: "The Amazing Race 10". Hmm, I thought: "It seems to be an interesting show. Okay, I'll watch it". And in the end my thought IS correct!! It IS an interesting TV Show. Unfortunately, I didn't watch the first 2 episodes which took place at China and Mongolia. I started to watch episode 3 at Vietnam (wow, each episode they travelled from one country to another, very very interesting thing to do despite the exhausting race and language problem.... :D). This week is the 7th episode which took place at Mauritius (grab your map and find where that is!! :P). Well, David and Mary were such fortunate couple, they were the latest team to arrive at the pitstop twice, BUT both race where they were the bottom team were not elimination races... . Wow, whatta luck!! Hmm, and personally, who do I support?? Well, I support some underdog teams (David and Mary, Lyn and Karlyn, and Erwin and Godwin), since it's a pleasant to see underdog team wins in the end of the race.... :P We'll see next week....Well, next week (9th November 2006), AXN will also start The Amazing Race Asia. I can't wait to watch, hopefully it's gonnabe an interesting program too... :).

::: Season 10's contestants
BAHASA INDONESIAAku koq ngerasa kalo sekarang ini aku mau nulis sesuatu di blog ini, tapi masalahnya koq aku nggak tau apa yang mau aku tulis ya?? Soalnya hari-hari saya belakangan ini tuh hari-hari yang biasa-biasa saja dan nggak ada yang spesial terjadi. Hmm... . Tapi aku baru aja dapet sebuah ide, aku mau nulis tentang The Amazing Race ah, salah satu acara TV paling aku favorit-in belakangan ini. Bagaimana aku bisa menemukan program ini?? Jujur nih, itu juga cuma kebetulan loh. Beberapa minggu yang lalu, waktu aku lagi nonton TV tapi nggak tau apa yang mau ditonton (aneh kan??) aku kan cuma melompat-lompat dari satu channel ke channel yang lainnya, dan akhirnya "mendarat" di AXN yang acaranya pada waktu itu adalah :"The Amazing Race 10". Hmm, aku berpikir: "Kayaknya acara yang menarik nih. Aku tonton aja ah...". Dan pada akhirnya perkiraanku benar!! Itu adalah acara yang menarik loh. Sayangnya, aku nggak nonton 2 episode pertama yang mengambil tempat di China dan Mongolia. Aku mulai nonton episode 3 di Vietnam (wow, tiap episode mereka jalan-jalan dari satu negara ke negara lain, kayaknya sangat menarik yang untuk dilakukan tanpa memperhatikan kompetisinya dan kendala bahasa.... :D). Minggu ini adalah episode ke-7 yang mengambil tempat di Mauritius (ambil deh peta Anda dan cari dimanakah negara ini berada!! :P). Hmm, David dan Mary bener-bener pasangan yang beruntung loh, mereka adalah tim yang sampe di pitstop paling terakhir, TETAPI kedua pertandingan dimana mereka ada di paling belakang bukanlah babak eliminasi... . Wow, bener-bener keberuntungan yah!! Hmm, dan secara pribadi nih, siapa yang aku dukung?? Aku mendukung beberapa tim underdog aja ah (David dan Mary, Lyn dan Karlyn, dan Erwin dan Godwin), soalnya kan seneng juga melihat tim underdog pada akhirnya memenangkan pertandingan.... :P Kita lihat deh minggu depan....Ngomong-ngomong, minggu depan (9 November 2006), AXN juga akan memulai menayangkan The Amazing Race Asia loh. Aku dah mau nonton nih, moga2 menjadi acara yang menarik juga... :).