Friday, April 01, 2011

#890 - April Fool


No, no, don't worry, I won't tell a lie here. I just put that title as a mark that a new month has come, and it is April. And April is gonnabe relaxing! Well, that is a lie, hahaha. Telling one lie doesn't hurt in April Fool anyway, right? :-)

Well, so, April has come. For TU Delft students, this April marks the end of the third quarter and the beginning of the fourth quarter. What does that mean to me? HELL!! Yeah, it means HELL!! I am taking one resit exam this April, not really a biggie. However, the thing is, I will have a super busy fourth quarter, and it will all start this April. Next quarter, I will have three projects to work on, and they are big ones! I have started working on one of them now, to reduce the ammount of work I will have to endure later. Well, this project that I have started is a very interesting project though, about Expert Judgment! Anyway, beside those projects, I think we can expect the usual assignments from the classes and stuffs. Beside, there will also be one oral exam within. Last week, my friends and I looked at the calendar and marked some dates in the fourth quarter about all the deadlines of our projects, assignments, exams, etc. Just looking at that calendar, I am literally shocked as there seem to be no time for "breathing". The schedule is so dense that we always have something to work on week after week, day after day, to make all the things work out. Well, no use in complaining now, the important thing is that I have to keep working hard and be passionate about it, just wish me luck!

Anyway, speaking of something nicer, I think spring has officially come now. Overall, the temperature has been warmer. Btw, I can't believe that now I feel that 14 degree temperature IS warm! In Indonesia, 14 degree is like really cold! Anyway, beside warmer temperature, some of the past several days the sun was also shining nicely. Of course I made us of those rare time as much as I could. I exercised a bit more, not a heavy one, but just biking around the town of Delft. It was fun! Hopefully many of this kind of day will come in the near future!

::: Spring in TU Delft Campus. I love this kind of weather.

::: Apparently, this is a sakura tree (I guess)!!

::: Yes, at one point, somehow I managed to get out of town literally while biking around!


Engga, engga koq, tenang aja, aku tidak akan menulis kebohongan disini. Aku menulis judul di atas (April Mop) ya sebagai penanda bahwa bulan baru telah datang saja, yaitu bulan April. Dan April adalah bulan yang santai! Ya, ini adalah kebohongan, hahaha. Toh bohong sekali di April Mop nggak papa kan ya? :-)

Yah, jadi, bulan April telah datang. Bagi mahasiswa TU Delft, April ini menandai berakhirnya kuarter tiga dan dimulainya kuarter keempat. Apakah artinya buatku? NERAKA!! Ya, artinya NERAKA!! Aku akan mengikuti satu ujian resit April ini, bukan masalah besar sih. Masalahnya adalah, aku akan memiliki kuarter empat yang sangat amat sibuk banget, dan itu semua akan dimulai April ini. Kuarter besok, aku sudah pasti ada tiga proyek yang harus diselesaikan, dan mereka proyek-proyek besar loh! Aku sudah memulai satu proyek sekarang, hitung-hitung nyicil kerjaan gitu biar nanti nggak berat-berat amat. Lagian, satu proyek ini adalah proyek yang asyik koq, tentang Expert Judgment! Ngomong-ngomong, di samping proyek-proyek itu, aku rasa kami juga bisa menjangka akan ada tugas-tugas seperti biasa dari kelas-kelas. Di samping itu, akan ada satu ujian lisan bulan ini juga. Minggu lalu, aku dan teman-temanku menandai beberapa tanggal di kalender dengan deadline proyek-proyek, tugas-tugas, ujian-ujian, dll. Hanya melihat kalender itu, aku udah geleng-geleng aja nih soalnya bisa dibilang nggak ada waktu buat sejenak "bernafas" deh. Jadwalnya padat banget sampai-sampai selalu saja ada yang harus dikerjakan minggu demi minggu, hari demi hari, agar semua bisa terselesaikan. Yah, nggak ada gunanya komplain sekarang, yang penting adalah bekerja keras dan tetap semangat, doakan aku yah!

Ngomong2, ngomongin hal yang agak lebih mengasyikkan, aku rasa musim semi sudah datang nih. Secara keseluruhan, suhu udara sudah lebih hangat sekarang. Btw, aku nggak menyangka lho kalau sekarang aku merasa suhu 14 derajat itu hangat! Di Indonesia, 14 derajat kan udah dingin kan yah. Ngomong2, di samping suhu yang lebih hangat, beberapa hari terakhir ini juga matahari bersinar dengan riangnya. Tentu saja aku memanfaatkan cuaca langka ini sebaik mungkin. Aku berolahraga sedikit, nggak berat-berat sih, cuma sepedaan aja keliling sekitaran kota Delft. Asyik juga loh! Mudah-mudahan hari-hari semacam ini akan datang lagi dalam waktu dekat.


  1. pohon sakura-nya cantikkk :) kontras sama warna biru langitnya...

  2. @ndutyke : ho oh, iya nih Bu. Baru pertama kali ngeliat langsung pohon sakura. Bagus ya ternyata, apalagi kalo didukung cuaca bagus :)
