Friday, November 27, 2009

#776 - Updates


Oh God, it has been another while since my last entry in this blog!! Well, I just realized one other reason why I haven't been really active in this blog, beside the fact that the urge to blog regularly hasn't been that big anymore. Lately I focused on my final assignment a lot. I spent so much time working on that and some other assignments, plus some other agendas. Those activities left me with really little time to blog.

Lately, my internet connection is troubled. It is really not stable, probably because of the rainy season. It's raining almost everyday in Bandung these days. Well, the bad connection is also one reason why I haven't been that active anymore.

Hopefully, I will be a lot more active in short time :)

Anyway, as mentioned earlier, my activities lately revolved around my campus, most of the time, mainly because I have to focus on my final assignment. I have got approval to have my final presentation before Christmas (which is a good thing) but that also means I need to speed things up. However, I still also managed to have time to hang out a bit, to release all the stress. About two weeks ago my friends and I played bowling, in which I played pretty good, scoring 119 and 116, haha :).

O yea, today I bought my train ticket back to Yogyakarta. Since my final presentation has been approved to be held before 18 December, so I bought the 18 December ticket back home, catching Argo Wilis.

Well, to save more money, last week I tried to make my first fried rice. Sure I used instant seasoning powder, which is not really healthy, but at least now I know how to make fried rice, LOL. Next time I go back home, I will bring homemade fried rice seasoning when I return, hahaha. O yea, this reminds me that last Sunday there was a "putu" cake seller near my boarding house. It has been YEARS since I ate putu the last time and that's why I bought ten of them last Sunday :)

::: my first fried rice

::: "putu" cake, a local delicacies

::: hainan rice I had this evening


Ya Tuhan, udah lama juga ya sejak posting terakhirku di blog ini!! Wah, aku baru menyadari nih faktor-faktor lain yang menyebabkan aku nggak terlalu aktif akhir2 ini, selain fakta bahwa entah kenapa dorongan untuk ngeblog secara reguler berkurang. Akhir2 ini aku fokus banget sama skripsiku nih Aku menghabiskan banyak waktu bekerja pada tugas itu dan juga beberapa tugas lain, plus juga beberapa agenda. Aktivitas2 itulah yang menghabiskan kebanyakan waktuku.

Akhir2 ini, koneksi internetku bermasalah nih. Bener2 nggak stabil, mungkin karena musim hujan yah. Soalnya sekarang ini hampir setiap hari hujan loh di Bandung. Hmm, koneksi yang lemot ini deh juga satu alasan mengapa aku ga terlalu aktif.

Ya mudah2an aja, aku akan menjadi lebih aktif lagi dalam waktu dekat :)

Ngomong2, seperti yang telah disebutkan di awal, aktivitasku akhir2 ini berkisar di sekitaran kampus, kebanyakan ya karena aku mesti fokus di skripsi itu. Aku sudah mendapat persetujuan untuk sidang sebelum Natal (yang merupakan hal yang bagus) tetapi di sisi lain itu juga berarti aku harus ngebut kan. Namun, aku masih sempet jalan2 juga sih untuk refreshing sekalian menghilangkan stress. Sekitar dua minggu yang lalu aku dan temen2 main bowling dimana aku main lumayan tuh, dapat skor 119 dan 116, haha :).

O iya, hari ini aku beli tiket balik ke Yogyakarta. Karena sidangku sudah disetujui untuk diadakan sebelum 18 Desember, ya udah aku beli tiket balik tanggal 18 Desember, naik Argo Wilis.

Yah, untuk menghemat uang, minggu lalu aku iseng mencoba membuat nasi goreng pertamaku. Tentu saja aku pake bumbu bubuk yang instan itu, yang tentu ga terlalu sehat lah ya, cuma setidaknya sekarang aku tahu lah cara bikin nasi goreng, LOL. Lain kali kalo pulang, nanti baliknya bawa bumbu dari rumah deh, hahaha. O iya, ini mengingatkanku bahwa Minggu kemarin tumben ada penjual kue "putu" tuh lewat di dekat kos. Sudah BERTAHUN-TAHUN sejak terakhir aku makan putu, makanya waktu Minggu kemarin itu aku beli sepuluh buah :)

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