Sunday, April 29, 2007

#332 - Weekend Story



Saturday morning, I went to the auto workshop to service my car's AC. Because my car didn't have to stay overnight there, so I decided to wait at the workshop. And apparently, I had to wait for 6.5 hrs!! Arrrgggghhhhh.... . Then, at 3.30 PM, the service finished and I had to pay more than 1 million rupiah since some components needed to be 'regenerated' including fan which was the most expensive one (if I didn't regenerate it, it would potentially damage the compressor in some periods of time).

Then, I went back home and after taking a shower, I went to a hotspot cafe and ordered espresso which later on I regretted since I didn't like the taste, arrrgggghhhh.....


Finally Sunday was coming!! I got up at 10 AM. At first I actually planned to go to the internet cafe near my boarding house to save more money but apparently, the connection was off.... :( So, I went to the hotspot cafe (again) and this morning I ordered Mocha Latte (learning from the previous day's experience where I didn't match the taste of espresso). At 2 PM, I went back to my boarding house and took a nap (that was my first nap this week!!! :( )

At 5 PM, my friend and I went to Paris van Java to have dinner at Qua-Li Bandung (and took some pics of it). No promo since my parents didn't invest there, lol... :D After that I bought some stuffs at Carrefour. Then, I brought my friend back home and I went to this hotspot cafe.

That's my weekend story. Arrrggghhhh, another (busy) week is coming up!! :( :( :( I hope it's not gonnabe as busy and full as last week... :(

Btw, because of my friends, now I like playing SUDOKU online, he3... :) My best time for the level "EASY" was still 4 mins 58 secs, not really good, but at least that was in the top 38%, he3... :)



Sabtu pagi, aku pergi ke bengkel mobil buat ngeservis AC mobilku. Karena mobilku nggak harus nginep disana, makanya aku ya mendingan nunggu aja kan. Dan ternyata, aku harus menunggu selama 6,5 jam!! Arrrgggghhhhh.... . Trus, jam 3.30 sore, servisnya udah selesai dan aku harus bayar lebih dari sejuta rupiah deh soale beberapa komponen harus di'regenerasi' termasuk kipasnya yang paling mahal (kali ga aku ganti, berpotensi banget tuh ngerusak kompresornya dalam beberapa waktu).

Trus, aku balik ke kos dan habis mandi, aku pergi ke kafe hotspot dan pesen espresso yang kemudian aku sesali soale ga suka sama rasanya, arrrgggghhhh.....


Akhirnya hari Minggu tiba juga!! Aku bangun jam 10 pagi. Pertamanya sih aku sebenere berencana pergi ke warnet di deket kosku buat menghemat duit tapi ternyata, koneksinya lagi mati... :( Jadinya ya aku pergi ke kafe hotspot (lagi) deh dan pagi ini aku pesen Mocha Latte (belajar dari pengalaman sebelumnya dimana aku ga cocok sama rasa espresso). Jam 2 siang, aku balik ke kosku dan tidur siang deh (ini adalah tidur siang pertama saya minggu ini!!! :( )

Jam 5 sore, aku sama temenku pergi ke Paris van Java untuk makan di Qua-Li Bandung (dan ngambil foto2nya sih). Nggak ada promosi ah, soale kan bukan ortuku yang inves, lol.... :D Habis itu aku beli beberapa barang di Carrefour. Trus, aku nganterin temenku balik ke kos dan aku pergi ke kafe hotspot ini.

Itulah dia cerita weekend saya. Arrrggghhhh, minggu (yang sibuk) lainnya akan segera datang!! :( :( :( Moga2 ga akan sesibuk dan sepenuh minggu kemarin deh.... :(

Btw, gara2 temen2 saya, skarang aku lagi seneng main SUDOKU online nih, he3... :) Rekor terbaik saya buat level "EASY" baru 4 menit 58 detik, ga gitu bagus lah, tapi paling nggak udah masuk 38% teratas tuh, he3... :)

1 comment:

  1. malangnya nasipmu nak di hari sabtu kemarin. itulah kenapa aku gak suka di bengkel... nyuci mobil aja lama banget.. huhuw apalagi nungguin 6.5 jam.. bisa giiilaa.. :P if i were you. aku bakal ninggalin tu mobil dan cabut ke manaa gitu :D (btw ni nisa, pindah lagi. hiakaka *ngacir)
