Tuesday, April 03, 2007

#317 - Tuesday Story


Okay, okay. Now I'm not gonna write about TV Show, he3... :)

This morning I got up at 9 AM. Then after having breakfast and doin some other things, I dressep up and was ready to go to Plaza Ambarrukmo. Well, today my plan was to dye my hair. Why?? Well, after about 2.5 months, I think my highlite color was not really great (well, that's obvious since twas cheap, he3... :D) since some feedbacks that I got (wakakakaka... :D) said that sometimes it didn't look really blonde but grey!! WHAT!?!?!?!? Arrrggghhh.... . That's why then I decided to re-dyed it beside it has already been more than 2 months.

At 10.30 AM I went to PA, and at 12.30 PM I left PA. This is one thing that I like when I'm at Jogja, my mom paid for it, wakakakaka... :D (if I dye my hair in Bandung at this class of salon, well, my wallet will be sooo starving). I didn't highlite my hair again this morning since the guy there said that twas so risky since in some weeks, my previous highlite color is possible to show up again and as a result, the whole color will be a mess. That's why this morning, I dyed all my hair with only one color (dark "shiny" brown-red >> well, I dun really know the name, he3... :D)

Then, I accompanied my mom to 2 banks and paid annual assurance fee. Btw, tomorrow my parents are going to and on vacation... (arrrggghh, jealous). Then, we had lunch at a "Mie Bandung" Restaurant (well, I haven't had meal at this restaurant for months!! He3... :D) and I ordered Ifumie. Then, we went back home.

::: Ifumie I ordered this afternoon

::: narcist time, ha3... :)

::: narcist time (2), ha3... :)

(new hair color, well, apparently the new "dark shiny brown-red" color is not really clear in the photos... :( >> probably because the color was pretty close to my original hair color (dark-brown) so it's not so clear if you don't see it yourself plus I just washed my hair before I took these 2 pics, he3... :D )


Okay, okay. Skarang aku nggak akan nulis tentang TV Show lagi koq, he3... :)

Pagi ini aku bangun jam 9 pagi. Trus habis makan pagi dan melakukan hal-hal biasa, aku ganti baju dan siap pergi ke Plaza Ambarrukmo. Hmm, hari ini rencana saya adalah mengecat rambut lagi. Kenapa?? Hmm, habis sekitar 2,5 bulan, aku rasa warna highlite yg waktu itu juga ga gitu bagus (jelas lah, kan murah, he3... :D) dan beberapa komentar yang aku dapet (wakakakaka... :D) mengatakan kalo kadang2 malah ga keliatan pirang tapi malah putih!! APA!?!?!?!? Arrrggghhh.... . Makanya aku trus memutuskan untuk ngecat ulang aja deh, disamping memang udah 2 bulan lebih si.

Jam 10.30 aku pergi ke PA, dan jam 12.30 siang balik deh. Ini satu hal yang aku suka saat berada di Jogja, kan dibayari, wakakakaka... :D (iya lah, klo ngecat di Bandung di salon kelas yang tadi, hmm, dompetku bakalan pendarahan tu). Aku nggak nge-highlite lagi kali ini soale katanya beresiko banget soale dalam beberapa minggu, warna highlite kemarin yang ditumpuki bisa keluar lagi, dan hasilnya, jadi kacau deh. Makanya pagi tadi aku cuma ngecet semua rambutku dengan satu warna (coklat-merah tua "mengkilap" >> hmm, aku ga gitu tau namanya ni, he3... :D)

Trus, aku nemeni mamaku pergi ke 2 bank dan bayar biaya asuransi tahunan. Btw, besok ortuku mau pergi ke dan buat liburan ni... (arrrggghh, merasa iri). Trus, kita makan siang di sebuah restoran "Mie Bandung" (aku dah ga makan di situ berbulan2 ni!! He3... :D) dan aku pesen Ifumie. Habis itu, balik ke rumah deh.

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