Friday, August 12, 2005

Flat Friday


Today as usual, i got up at 5.50 AM then i went to school. Today at school we had physic exam. It was not so hard but for me the hardest question was the theory question (actually it was easy but because i hadn’t read and memorized the theory so i got some trouble but i think i could overcome it). Today i got an offering to join math and physic competition. Both will be held on September (but not at the same day). The math competition will be held in Bandung (if i pass the filtering i will go to Bandung). UGM is the sponsor of the physic competition. Then at 12.00 i went home and i took a nap till the evening. Before going home i checked my work in the biology lab and it was okay... . Then i watched tv, played a PC game, and did the math’s filtering test.


Hari ini kayak biasa aku bangun jam 5.50 pagi trus pergi ke sekolah. Di sekolah tadi ulangan fisika. Nggak susa2 amat, Cuma yang paling susah tu soal teori (sebenere gampang, Cuma gara2 aku nggak baca sama ngapalin teori jadi aku menghadapi masalah waktu nggarap tapi kayake aku bisa mengatasinya). Hari ini aku juga dapet tawaran buat ikutan lomba matematika sama fisika. Dua-duanya bakal diadain ntar September (tapi nggak di hari yang sama). Lomba matematikanya bakaln diadain di Bandung (kalo aku lulus penyisihannya aku bakal ke Bandung). UGM yang jadi sponsor lomba yang fisika. Trus jam 12 aku pulang trus istirahat sampe sore. Sebelum pulang aku ngecek pekerjaanku di lab biologi dan untungnya masi bagus. Trus aku nonton tv, main game PC, sama ngerjain beberapa soal mat babak penyisihan.

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