Saturday, March 05, 2011

#885 - First Week of March


The first week of March has been okay for me. I got some new informations regarding my study here in TU Delft and I think I have to make some adjustments in my study plan to compensate with that, but overall it is not really a problem. Regarding my study, I got (finally) a good news: I got 9 in one of my class!! I am SO happy because I really worked hard for it! :-) Getting good grade here in TU Delft requires a lot of super f**king hard work! And I also decided to take a resit exam in one of the class that I took last semester, even though I have passed the class :-) Wish me luck!

Anyway, this early March has also been exciting for me as new season of three of my favorite American reality shows were premiered: The Amazing race 18, American Idol 10, and The Apprentice 11. Even though The Apprentice is switching back to my less-favorite version of it: the celebrity one. Along with several other non-reality shows that I am currently following now, well, my tv-shows watching activity is getting busier now. Hopefully I can manage my time really well! Amen for that!

Btw, I don't know why but lately, I am getting hungry easier than usual. Is it because of the season change? Well, I think it is not because of the cold because in the winter, my appetite was just as usual, hmmm. And I noticed this after I came back from Luxembourg. Does it mean that going to Luxembourg for just three days somehow dilated my appetite? Come to think about it, it makes sense though because meals in Luxembourg were HUGE!!!

Have a nice weekend everyone!

::: A surprisingly delicious minced meat steak (or bistik) with barbeque sauce that I made as my dinner yesterday.


Minggu pertama bulan Maret sejauh ini masih baik-baik saja untukku. Aku mendapat beberapa informasi baru mengenai studiku kini di TU Delft dan aku rasa aku perlu melakukan sedikit penyesuaian di rencana belajarku karena informasi baru ini, tapi secara keseluruhan ini bukan masalah besar sih. Tentang studiku, aku (akhirnya) mendapat nilai 9 loh di salah satu kelasku!! Aku SENANG sekali nih, soalnya aku beneran belajar ekstra keras untuk ujiannya! :-) Mendapatkan nilai bagus di TU Delft itu membutuhkan kerja yang sangat amat keras dan ekstra! Dan aku juga memutuskan untuk mengambil satu ujian resit di salah satu mata kuliah, walau sebenarnya aku sudah lulus sih di kelas itu :-) Doakan aku yah!

Ngomong2, awal Maret ini juga mengasyikkan untukku karena musim baru dari tiga reality show favoritku akhirnya dimulai juga: The Amazing race 18, American Idol 10, dan The Apprentice 11. Walau sebenarnya The Apprentice justru balik ke versi yang aku kurang suka sih: versi selebriti. Bersama dengan beberapa acara tv non-reality show yang sedang aku ikuti sekarang, yah, kegiatan nonton tv-ku menjadi semakin sibuk nih. Mudah2an aku bisa mengatur waktu dengan baik! Amin!

Btw, nggak tahu kenapa tetapi akhir-akhir ini, aku koq lebih gampang lapar dari biasanya yah. Apakah ini karena perubahan musim? Yah, aku rasa sih bukan karena dingin soalnya waktu musim dingin kemarin, nafsu makanku juga biasa-biasa saja, hmmm. Dan aku menyadari hal ini setelah kembali dari Luxembourg. Jangan-jangan jalan-jalan ke Luxembourg selama hanya tiga hari tuh membuat nafsu makan lebih besar ya? Kalau dipikir-pikir masuk akal juga sih, soalnya porsi makanan di Luxembourg tuh BESAAR banget!!

Selamat berakhir pekan semua!


  1. Wah gak sia2x belajar extra keras....

    Itu bistik bikin ngiler juga eh. resep donk !

  2. @ Dian : hahaha, iya nih, akhirnya :D

    Bistiknya enak loh, resepnya sih gampang bgt, wkwkwkw
