Saturday, October 15, 2005



Today at school I had a math exam. It was not very hard, I think I can do it very well. Then, afterschool, my friends and I did our assignment about sacrify. We had to sacrifice about anything (we chose what we wanted to do) and our group decided to clean the table from the ink, etc. So, we did it afterschool until 12.15 PM (it was really exhausting). Then I went back home and took a nap until 17.00. At 17.30 I went to my friend's house because he invited me (and some of my friends) to have dinner at Hartz Chicken to celebrate his birthday. Then at 19.00 we went to Hartz Chicken and had supper until 20.30 (to be honest, I don't like HC very much, it's not that delicious for me and the foods are not healthy (junk food)...). After that we went to the bowling centre and played bowling until 23.30 (I played 4 games).


Hari ini di sekolah aku ada ulangan matematika. Nggak susah-susah banget, kayaknya aku bisa ngerjain dgn baik. Trus habis sekolah, aku sama temen2ku ngerjain tugas kelompok tentang pengorbanan. Jadi kami harus berkorban tentang apapun (kami boleh milih mo berkorban apa) dan kelompokku mutusin untuk membersihkan meja dari tinta, dll. Jadi kita ngerjainnya habis sekolah sampe jam 12.15 siang (tadi capek banget). Trus aku pulang dan istirahat sampe jam 17.00. Habis itu jam 17.30 aku pergi ke tempate temenku soale dia ngundang aku (dan beberapa temenku) buat makan malem di Hartz Chicken buat ngerayain ulang tahune. Trus jam 19.00 kami pergi ke Hartz Chicken dan makan sampe jam 20.30 (sejujurnya, aku nggak begitu suka makan di HC, soale makanane nggak enak2 banget sama nggak sehat (junk food)...). Habis itu kami pergi ke tempat bowling dan main bowling sampe jam 23.30 (aku main 4 games).


  1. iih..nomor satu nih lam kenal ya zilko thanks dah mampir GBU.

  2. Hello... good luck with your math exam!

  3. Wiw... pinter de... ngiri... hehehe
