This week, my last examination day was last Wednesday when I got Elementary Statistics Test. But it doesn't mean that I could be lazy and relax these days. I still have my last project to finish, the Statistics Project. For now, it has been around 75% finished, and tomorrow I have to give it to my lecturer, arrggghhh... . But I think tonight it's gonnabe done :)
These days, I go to the Hotspot Cafe twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, he3... :) Since I still have plenty time to spend and I just don't want to spend my whole time just to concentrate on my final project, that's not gonna work for me. But one day I was pissed. Just as usual, I ordered orange juice plus a croissant and paid for those foods just after I ordered it. After cruising the net, I packed my laptop and cable and walked to the parking lot. Suddenly, the waitress called me and said I hadn't paid for the food I ordered yet. What!?!?!?!?! She was sure about that, and I was pissed since I was 100% sure I had paid for them. Luckily, I didn't throw the note away, and I just then took my wallet, took the note, and showed it directly to her face (I said nothing, just an angry look I guess, ha3...). At first she neglected it, but I didn't say anything and kept showing it on her face. Finally, she took a look, and realized she WAS WRONG!!! She apologized, but I gave no response, just to make her feel more guilty, he3... :)
Btw, last night I watched the newest episode of The Amazing Race Asia. All teams had to travel from Auckland to Dunedin, New Zealand and drive themselves to the city of Queenstown. Otw, Andy got busted because of over-speeding and eversince then, he is not allowed to drive at New Zealand again, therefore Laura had to drive the car. The first task was Detour, team had to choose between Ledge or Luge. In Luge, each team member must complete a 830m circuit on a luge 4 times before getting their next clue. In Ledge, teams will be 'swinging' about 400 meters above ground and will then obtain their next clue. "Ledge" is a smart choice if you want to be quick. M&M, Andy&Laura, Sandy&Francesca, and Andrew&Syeon took it. M&M was in the lead then, but unluckily, the next place, Quad Bikes (off-road race) was close and they had to postpone it till the next day, so M&M lose their lead... :( The next day, Sharon&Melody were unlucky, Sharon's Vehicle was off and they had to waste several prestigious minutes. The next task was Road-Block when they had to do a bungee-jumping, where one team member will have to bungee jump from the 384ft-high (more than 1000 meters above the ground) platform and will have 2 minutes to do so before they forfeit their turn. They arrived just in order as they left the Quad-Bikes. In the pitstop, the final order: Sandy&Francesca(1); Andy&Laura (2 >> but they would get 92 minutes penalty at the next pitstart because breaking the speed-limit (Andy drove 146 km/hr while the limit was 100 km/hr)>> that's worthless I think); Zabrina&Joe-Jer (3); Andrew&Syeon (4); Mardy&Marsio (5); Howard&Sahran (6); Sharon&Melody (7 >> ELIMINATED >> arrggghhh, so sad they were eliminated... :( ). Next leg probably it would be at Thailand, where language-barrier would appear, that's gonnabe funny, M&M tried to draw a pig which was not really like a pig, etc.
--quick update--
>> Arrrggghhh, Oggix is error one more time... :( Please Mr. Oqqix, fix it!!!! Therefore, as a substitute and emergency, for now I'm using Cbox SB until Oggix is back.
>> Finally yesterday evening my project was finished!!! Yaay... :) This morning I submitted it to my lecturer.
Minggu ini, hari ujian terakhir saya adalah Rabu kemarin dimana aku ada ujian Statistika Elementer. Tapi bukan berarti lantas aku bisa bermalas-malasan dan santai-santai loh. Aku masih ada tugas akhir untuk diselesaikan, tugas Statistik. Untuk sekarang, udah selesai sekitar 75% sih, dan besok harus dikumpulin ke dosenku nih. arrggghhh... . Tapi kayanya ntar malem bakalan selesai koq :)
Akhir-akhir ini, aku pergi ke kafe Hotspot 2 kali sehari loh, di pagi hari dan sore hari, he3... :) Kan aku ada banyak waktu untuk dihabiskan dan aku nggak mau dong menghabiskan kesemua waktu saya cuma untuk konsentrasi ke tugas akhirku, nggak akan jalan deh untuk aku. Tapi pada suatu hari aku marah. Seperti biasanya, aku pesen orange juice sama croissant dan membayar makanan itu habis memesannya. Habis internetan, aku kan masuk-masukin laptop sama kabelnya lagi, trus jalan ke tempat parkir. Tiba-tiba, pelayannya manggil aku dan bilang kalo aku blom bayar makanannya. Apa!?!?!?!?! Dia yakin loh aku blom bayar, dan aku marah soale kan aku yakin 100% kalo aku udah bayar. Untungnya aku nggak buang notanya, jadi aku ngambil dompet saya, ngeluarin nota, dan nunjukin tuh nota di depan mukanya (aku nggak ngomong apa-apa, cuma muka yang marah kayanya, ha3...). Pertamanya dia mengabaikannya, tapi aku nggak ngomong apa-apa dan tetep nunjukin tuh nota. Akhirnya, dia ngelihat, dan dia sadar dia SALAH!!! Dia trus minta maaf, tapi aku nggak ngasih respon apa-apa, biar dia tambah merasa bersalah tuh, he3... :)
Btw, semalam aku nonton episode terbaru dari The Amazing Race Asia loh. Semua tim harus pergi dari Auckland ke Dunedin, New Zealand, trus nyetir ke Queenstown. Dalam perjalanan, Andy ditangkap polisi soale dia menyetir melebihi batas kecepatan dan sejak saat itu, dia nggak diizinkan nyetir di New Zealand lagi selamanya, makanya habis itu Laura yang nyetir mobil. Tugas pertama adalah Detour, dimana mereka harus memilih di antara Ledge atau Luge. Dalam Luge, tiap tim harus menyelesaikan sirkuir 830 meter dari Luge bergantian selama 4 kali sebelum dapat petunjuk selanjutnya. Dalam Ledge, mereka akan main 'ayunan' setinggi 400 meter dari tanah dan akan mendapatkan petunjuk selanjutnya. "Ledge" adalah keputusan pintar kalo mau cepet. M&M, Andy&Laura, Sandy&Francesca, dan Andrew&Syeon mengambilnya. M&M ada di nomor satu kemudian, namun sayangnya, tempat selanjutnya, Quad-Bikes (pertandingan off-road) udah tutup dan harus menundanya sampai keesokan harinya, jadi M&M kehilangan posisinya deh... :( Besoknya, Sharon&Melody sial banget, mesin mobil off-roadnya mati dan harus membuang waktu yang berharga beberapa menit. Tugas selanjutnya adalah Road-Block dimana mereka harus melakukan bungee-jumping, dimana satu orang akan main bungee-jumping dari platform setinggi 384 kaki (lebih dari 1000 meter dari tanah) dan akan punya waktu 2 menit sebelum gilirannya diambil peserta lain. Mereka sampai di urutan yang sama saat mereka meninggalkan Quad-Bikes. Di pitstop, urutan akhirnya: Sandy&Francesca(1); Andy&Laura (2 >> tapi mereka akan mendapatkan penalti 92 menit di pitstart selanjutnya karena melanggar aturan kecepatan (max 100 km/jam, tp Andy nyetir 146 km/jam)>> yang nggak berguna menurutku); Zabrina&Joe-Jer (3); Andrew&Syeon (4); Mardy&Marsio (5); Howard&Sahran (6); Sharon&Melody (7 >> TERELIMINASI >> arrggghhh, sedih deh mereka tereliminasi... :( ). Tugas beikutnya kayanya bakal di Thailand, dimana kesulitan bahasa akan muncul, akan jadi lucu loh, M&M mencoba menggambar babi yang ga mirip sama babi,dll.
--apdet cepet--
>> Arrrggghhh, Oggix lagi error lagi nih... :( Tolong dong Oggix, benerin errornya!!!! Makanya, sekarang sebagai pengganti dan darurat, aku pake Cbox SB dulu sampe Oggix sembuh.
>> Akhirnya kemarin sore tugas akhirku selesai juga!!! Yaay... :) Tadi pagi aku dah ngumpulin ke dosenku deh.
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