I have no idea what to write here since my days have only been ordinary, so let me write about the 4th leg of The Amazing Race Asia... :)
All teams had to leave Denpasar Bali and head for Sydney, Australia. All of them had to find flights first from Denpasar departing to Sydney, but there was NO direct flight that day. Sandy&Fransesca and Howard&Sahran who were the first two to depart, found out at the airport that there was a flight to Melbourne which would depart at 2.30 AM (they arrived at the airport at 2.06 AM). They begged the officer to let them board to that flight, but the officer didn't let them to. So, all teams had no other option than going to Singapore first then headed for Sydney, Australia (so, to go south, they went north first... :D) >> I bet they flew with Singapore Airlines (SQ), he3... :)
After arriving at Sydney, they had to go to Dawes Point, and the Indian Models (which I dun really like) couldn't pronounce it well (they can't even speak clearly for me, they seem to keep their words in their mouths and swallow it rather than "releasing" it out so people can understand what they r talking >> this is my point of view >> probably I'm just not used to listen to Indian Accent.... :D). And as a result, the cab driver drove them to Dolls Point, wakakakakakakz, it was in the opposite direction of Dawes Point... . After reaching Dawes Point, they had a Detour Task. They had to choose between "Elevation" (climbing Sydney harbour bridge) or "Crustacean" (peeling off 14kg prawns) >> I would choose "Elevation"... :) After that they had to find Mrs. McQuarie's Chair to find the next clue. Then, they had to go to SONY Shop and then had to convince local people to sing the song "Click Go The Shears" and recorded it with the Sony handycam. Mardy&Marsio (M&M) convinced a white guy to sing that song, but for me, he didn't sing a song, just read the text, and M&M had to find another guy (apparently, that guy wasn't an Australian, he was from London, wakakakakakaka).
Then, teams had to go to Manly to do the Road-Block. they had to dive in the tank with 4 millions liter of water and 50 sharks and so many other sea-creatures (turtles, sting-rays, etc) and found the next clue >> whatta task!!! Mardy was so funny, when he had just got in the tank, there was a shark coming to him and he was pretty shocked and so many bubbles got out from his mouth, wakakakakakzz... :) Otw to Manly, Laura broke her leg (left knee) >> such a big handicap; and Howard gave up the Road-Block and got the 4hr penalty.
After that was the pitstop at the Bounty Ship, the final order: Andrew&Syeon (1); Melody&Sharon (2); Sandy&Fransesca (3); Mardy&Marsio (4); Sahil&Prashant (5); Joe-Jer&Zabrina (6); Andy&Laura (7); Howard&Sahran (8 >> NOT eliminated, apparently that was a NEL (Non-Elimination Leg)).
::: Leg 4 trailer
Aku nggak tahu mau nulis apa nih, habis hari-hari saya tuh biasa-biasa saja, jadi biarkan saya menulis episode keempat dari The Amazing Race Asia ya... :)
Semua tim harus meninggalkan Denpasar, Bali dan pergi ke Sydney, Australia. Semuanya musti nemuin penerbangan dulu dari Denpasar menuju Sydney, tapi ternyata NGGAK ada penerbangan langsung hari itu. Sandy&Fransesca dan Howard&Sahran yang berangkat pertama menemukan ada pesawat tujuan Melbourne yang berangkat jam 2.30 pagi (mereka sampai di airport jam 2.06 pagi). Mereka memohon petugasnya untuk membiarkan mereka masuk ke penerbangan itu, tapi tetep aja nggak bisa. Jadi, semua tim ga punya pilihan lain selain pergi ke Singapore dulu baru pergi ke Sydney, Australia (jadi untuk pergi ke selatan, mereka ke utara dulu... :D) >> aku yakin mereka naik Singapore Airlines (SQ), he3... :)
Habis sampai di Sydney, mereka harus pergi ke Dawes Point, dan model dari India (yang nggak gitu aku suka) menyebutkannya dengan salah (mereka nggak bisa bicara jelas untuk aku, mereka tuh kayak manyimpan kata-kata mereka dalam mulut dan menelannya daripada "melepaskannya" dan membiarkan orang ngerti mereka ngomong apa >> ini pandanganku sih >> mungkin aku cuma ga terbiasa aja ya ndengerin aksen India... :D). Dan sebagai hasilnya, sopir taksinya membawa mereka ke Dolls Point, wakakakakakakz, yang berada di arah yang berlawanan dengan Dawes Point... . Habis sampai Dawes Point, mereka ada tugas Detour. Mereka musti milih diantara "Elevation" (naik Harbour Bridge, Sydney) atau "Crustacean" (mengupas 14 kg udang) >> aku akan milih "Elevation" dong... :) Habis itu mereka mesti menemukan Mrs. McQuarie's Chair untuk dapat petunjuk berikutnya. Trus mereka musti pergi ke toko Sony dan meyakinkan orang lokal untuk nyanyi lagu "Click Go The Shears" dan merekamnya dengan handycam Sony. (M&M) meyakinkan laki-laki bule untuk nyanyiin tuh lagu, tapi buat aku itu bukan nyanyian, dia kaya cuma membaca teks doang, dan M&M harus mencari orang lain (ternyata orang itu bukan orang Australia, tapi orang London, wakakakakakaka).
Trus semuanya musti pergi ke Mainly untuk tugas Road-Block. Mereka harus menyelam di dalam tanki dengan 4 juta liter air dan 50 ekor ikan hiu dan banyak makhluk laut lainnya (penyu, ikan pari, dll) dan menemukan petunjuk selanjutnya >> bener-bener tugas!! Mardy lucu banget, waktu dia baru aja masuk ke tanki, ada hiu yang datang ke arahnya dan dia lumayan shock, dan banyak gelembung udara yang keluar dari mulutnya, wakakakakakzz... :) Dalam perjalanan ke Manly, Laura kakinya (lutut kiri) keseleo >> bener-bener ke-tidakuntungan yang besar; dan Howard menyerah dari tugas Road-Block dan mengambil penalty 4 jam.
Habis itu adalah pitstopnya di Kapal Bounty, dan urutan akhirnya: Andrew&Syeon (1); Melody&Sharon (2); Sandy&Fransesca (3); Mardy&Marsio (4); Sahil&Prashant (5); Joe-Jer&Zabrina (6); Andy&Laura (7); Howard&Sahran (8 >> NGGAK tereliminasi, ternyata babak ini adalah NEL (non-elimination leg)).
Aku lupa deh yang dari Indonesia itu yang mana sih, Mardy dan Marsio bukan?