Finally, today I went back to Yogyakarta. I got up at 4.50 AM, and after having breakfast and showering, I called a taxi to pick me up to Bandung Railway Station. At 5.45 AM, the taxi came, and I arrived at the station at 5.55 AM. Well, still 1 hour before departing, and I decided to board first and just waited inside my cart (Executive 1).
Well, after doing nothing for 1 hour (which was felt like forever), finally at 7 AM Argo Wilis Express departed from Bandung Railway Station heading east for Surabaya. Well, nothing really special happened during my journey. At first I was happy because the seat next to me (7B; I sat on 7A) was empty, which means I can sit a lot more cozier by reigning the all 2 seats, wakakakaka.... :) I could put my legs on the seat next to me and enjoyed the trip.
Well, at 2.05 PM, finally my train arrived at Yogyakarta Tugu Railway Station (late for about almost 45 minutes). Then, I went back to my home. At home, after having lunch, I surfed the net, but the connection was so slow, so I just took a nap then (I was SO sleepy since last night I only slep for about 4 hrs). Well, unconciously I slept for about 4 hrs this afternoon!! I got up at 7.58 PM!!! Think that I was destined to watch The Amazing Race Asia on time, he3... :)
At 8 PM, the show started. All teams had to travel from Queenstown, NZ to Singapore. They caught Air New Zealand flight from Queenstown to Singapore via Auckland. Once they arrived at Singapore, they had to go to one Caltex Gas Station and washed a car. Then, they had to go to Fountain of Wealth to find the next clue. The clue stated they had to go to Bangkok, Thailand (so, as Sandy said, they went to Singapore just to wash a car, wakakakaka.... :)) ). In Thailand, they had to go to Bangkok Buddhist Temple to find the next clue, and continued their race to Golden Mount to do the Road-Block task. In this Roadblock, one member of each team has to climb to the top of the temple and then search through 560 golden bells for 100 silver slips of paper. Out of the 100 silver slips of paper, only 6 would have their correct next clue. Then, they had a Detour Task, they had to choose between "Bacon" or "Eggs". In Egg, teams would have to travel to an egg stall and using a trolley, deliver 26 trays of eggs to a nearby egg market. In Bacon, teams would have to find marked Tuk-Tuks on Larnlong Road and then direct their Tuk-Tuk drivers to drive them to the Pig Memorial Monument. After that was the pitstop, the final order: Andy&Laura (1); Andre&Syeon (2); Howard&Sahran (3); Sandy&Francesca (4); Mardy&Marsio (5); and Joe-Jer&Zabrina (6 >> NOT ELIMINATED, fortunately, this was a NEL). Btw, in Thailand they found it hard to communicate since most locals couldn't speak English.
Btw, I was so pissed. At 8.15 PM, when I was enjoying watching TARA, the electricity went out for about 30 minutes!! Arrrggghhh... . So, I had to wait for the first rerun at 12 AM.
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In March 2007, we will open new QUA-LI at JAKARTA. The new Qua-Li will be located in Citraland Mall
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Akhirnya hari ini aku balik deh ke Yogyakarta. Aku bangun jam 4.50 pagi, dan habis sarapan dan mandi, aku manggil taksi untuk menjemput aku ke Stasiun Kereta Api Bandung. Jam 5.45 pagi, taksinya datang, dan aku sampe di stasiun jam 5.55 pagi. Hmm, aku masih punya waktu 1 jam sebelum berangkat, jadi aku mutusin untuk naik kereta dulu dan menunggu di dalamnya (Eksekutif 1).
Hmm, setelah menunggu 1 jam dengan nggak melakukan apa-apa (yang terasa kayak selamanya), akhirnya jam 7 pagi Kereta Api Ekspres Argo Wilis berangkat dari Stasiun Bandung menuju ke arah timur ke Surabaya. Nggak ada yang spesial sih yang terjadi sepanjang perjalanan. Pertamanya aku seneng soalnya kursi di sebelahku kan kosong (7B; aku duduk di 7A), yang berarti aku bisa duduk lebih nyaman dengan menguasai 2 kursi, wakakakaka.... :) Aku bisa menaruh kakiku di kursi di sampingku dan menikmati perjalanan.
Jam 2.05 siang, akhirnya keretaku sampai di Stasiun Kereta Api Tugu Yogyakarta (terlambat selama hampir sekitar 45 menit). Trus, aku pulang deh. Di rumah, habis makan siang, aku internetan, tapi karena koneksi lagi lambat, ya udah aku tidur aja (aku ngantuk banget soalnya semalam cuma tidur sekitar 4 jam sih). Trus, ga sadar, aku tidur selama hampir 4 jam!! Aku bangun jam 7.58 malam!! Kayanya sih aku ditakdirkan untuk nonton The Amazing Race Asia tepat waktu deh, he3... :)
Jam 8 malam, acara dimulai. Semua tim harus pergi dari Queenstown, NZ ke Singapore. Mereka naik Air New Zealand dari Queenstown ke Singapore via Auckland. At Setelah sampai di Singapore, mereka musti pergi ke salah satu pom bensin Caltex dan mencuci mobil. Trus, mereka mesti pergi ke Fountain of Wealth dan menemukan petunjuk selanjutnya. Petunjuk menyatakan mereka harus pergi ke Bangkok, Thailand (jadi, seperti kata Sandy, mereka ke Singapore cuma untuk membersihkan mobil, wakakakaka.... :)) ). Di Thailand, mereka mesti pergi ke Pagoda Budha Bangkok untuk mencari petunjuk, dan melanjutkan pertandingan ke Golden Mount untuk melakukan tugas Road-Block. Di tugas Road-Block ini, satu anggota harus mendaki puncak pagoda trus mencari dari 250 bel emas 100 buah kertas, yang hanya 6 yang benar. Trus, mereka melakukan tugas Detour, dan harus memilih di antara "Bacon" atau "Eggs". Di Egg, mereka harus mengantarkan 26 nampan berisi telur menggunakan troli ke pasar telur di dekatnya. Di Bacon, mereka harus menemukan Tuk-Tuk bertanda di Jalan Larnlong dan pergi ke Monumen Babi. Habis itu adalah pitstop, dan urutan akhirnya adalah: Andy&Laura (1); Andre&Syeon (2); Howard&Sahran (3); Sandy&Francesca (4); Mardy&Marsio (5); and Joe-Jer&Zabrina (6 >> NGGAK TERELIMINASI, untungnya, ini adalah babak NEL). Btw, di Thailand mereka kesusahan dalam komunikasi karena kebanyakan gabisa bahasa inggris.
Btw, aku jengekl nih tadi. Jam 8.15 malam, waktu lagi asik-asiknya nonton TARA, listrik mati selama hampir 30 menit!! Arrrggghhh... . Jadi, aku harus menunggu deh tayangan ulang pertamanya jam 12 tengah malam.
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Pada bulan Maret 2007, akan dibuka QUA-LI baru di JAKARTA. Qua-Li baru akan terletak di Mall Citraland.
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