Last Saturday was the last day of my first semester, since starting tomorrow, my final examination (UAS) weeks start. Arrrgghhh... .
Last Saturday, just as usual, I got a busy day started at 7 AM in the morning. Having a continuous lectures until 1 PM really exhausted me. Actually after all lectures, my friends and I planned to finish our Elementary Statistics Worklab Tasks. But, at 12 PM, my lecturer asked us to attend a "guest lecture" about Stocks and Obligations. At 1 PM, when we went back to the computer labs, all computers there had already been occupied, arrrgghhh... . So, we couldn't finish our assignments yesterday and I just went back home.
Then, I took a nap until 4.30 PM, and I went to a hotspot cafe to surf the internet. After surfing the net for about 3 hours, I went back home and intended to finish my Religion Education Project for UAS. But at 9 PM, there was a re-run of The Amazing Race Asia, so I watched it first until 10 PM, then started finishing my project, he3... :) At 1.30 AM, finally my project was finished!! Yaaayy... :D
Well, this morning when I got to this cafe, I was almost being crazy and stressed. The traffic was so brutal and annoying, traffic jams everywhere, arrrgghhh... . It took me almost 1 hour to get to this cafe, where usually maximum 20 minutes is enough. There was a "new Sunday market" in front of the "Gedung Sate" which caused a terrible traffic jam near that location. Why Indonesian people can't be a lil' more "classy" and care about the effect caused by what they do??? *pissed*
Kemarin Sabtu adalah hari terakhir saya dari semester satu, soalnya kan mulai besok, minggu ujian akhir (UAS) dimulai, Arrrgghhh... .
Kemarin Sabtu, seperti biasanya, aku menjalani hari yang sangat sibuk dimulai jam 7 pagi. Mengikuti kuliah yang terus-terusan bikin saya capek. Habis mengikuti semua kuliah, sebenernya aku sama temen-temenku rencana mau menyelesaikan tugas lab Statistika Elementer. Tapi jam 12 siang, dosen saya menyuruh kami untuk ikut "kuliah tamu" tentang Saham dan Obligasi. Jam 1 siang, ketika kita balik ke lab komputer, ternyata semua komputer sudah terpakai, arrrgghhh... . Jadi, kita gabisa menyelesaikan tugas kita deh kmarin, dan aku pulang ke kos.
Trus, aku istirahat siang sampe jam 4.30 sore, trus aku pergi ke kafe hotspot untuk internetan. Habis internetan selama sekitar 3 jam-an, aku balik ke kos dan berencana mau menyelesaikan tugas Pendidikan Religiositas saya yang untuk UAS besok. Tapi jam 9 malem, ternyata ada tayangan ulang dari The Amazing Race Asia, jadi aku nonton dulu deh sampe jam 10 malem, trus baru mulai menyelesaikan proyek saya, he3... :) Jam 1.30 pagi akhirnya proyek saya selesai!! Yaaayy... :D
Hmm, pagi ini pas aku mau pergi ke kafe ini, aku nyaris aja jadi gila dan stress loh. Lalulintas bener-bener brutal dan menyebalkan sekali, macet dimana-mana, arrrgghhh... . Membutuhkan waktu hampir 1 jam untuk pergi ke kafe ini, padahal biasanya maksimum 20 menit juga sudah nyampe. Ada "Pasar Minggu baru" di depan "Gedung Sate", yang menyebabkan kemacetan yang parah sekali di sekitar lokasi itu. Kenapa sih orang Indonesia nggak bisa "berkelas" sedikit dan lebih peduli akan efek dari tindakan yang mereka lakukan?? *sebal*
Memang nyebelin banget klo kejebak macet.:D
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