Hahaha, last monday, there was another flight incident. A Merpati's Boeing 737-331 reg code PK-MBP hit an ox while landing on runway 16 at Mopah Airport, Merauke, Papua. According to some articles, the ATC said that the runway was clear before the Merpati flight landed at the runway. Suddenly, while the plane was about to touchdown, some oxen ran across the runway!! WTF!! Unfortunately, one of them was hit by the landing plane in high-speed and its body slammed the left engine and then slammed the tail of the plane. Of course, it died instantly. As a result, the aircraft was grounded and it will need about 2 weeks to get fully fixed again. Luckily, there is no other victim beside the ox.
Haha, this is funny. I mean, this incident shows us that the air transport safety especially in East Indonesia is still not really good. There should be no animals around the runway of the airport. Even a small innocent bird could cause a big tragedy if it flies near the runway!! Of course, the airport is responsible for that.
Well, the ATC said that the runway was clear. Obviously, the oxen at that time were somewhere NEAR the runway (logically). If the ATC said the runway was clear, then we can say that it is USUAL for them that some animals hanging around the runway there!! Wah!! If this has become an acceptable thing, it's SO dangerous!!
Haha, IF Indonesia wants the European Union to withdraw their embargo of Indonesian Airlines to fly there, well, Indonesia still have some homeworks to do. Not only checking the airlines, but also the safety and facilities of each airport. Even, Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali (the 2nd busiest airport in Indonesia) is determined as not meeting the security standards of the International Civil Aviation Administration by the Transportation Security Administration of the United States of America (the article was made in 2005). Wah!!
::: Merpati's Boeing 737-331 reg code PK-MBP which hit the ox. Its left engine is heavily damaged (photo courtesy of SCTV / Liputan 6)
Hahaha, senin Kemarin ada insiden penerbangan lagi tuh. Merpati Boeing 737-331 kode registrasi PK-MBP menabrak sapi ketika mendarat di runway 16 Bandara Mopah, Merauke, Papua. Berdasarkan beberapa artikel, ATC bilang kalo runway-nya kosong sewaktu pesawatnya belum mendarat di runway. Tiba-tiba, waktu pesawatnya touchdown, beberapa sapi berlari melintasi runway!! WTF!! Malangnya lagi, salah satunya ditabrak tuh pesawat yang lagi mendarat dengan kecepatan tinggi dan terhempas mengenai mesin kiri pesawat kemudian terpental mengenai ekor pesawat. Tentu saja, sapi itu mati seketika. Sebagai hasilnya, pesawatnya mesti nggak bisa terbang dan butuh 2 minggu tuh sampe bener2 betul lagi. Untungnya, nggak ada korban tuh selain sapinya.
Haha, lucu nih. Maksudku, insiden ini menunjukkan bahwa keamanan transportasi udara terutama di Indonesia Timur masih perlu ditingkatkan lebih banyak lagi. Mestinya nggak ada binatang tuh di sekitar runway bandara. Bahkan seekor burung kecil tak berdosa bisa menyebabkan kecelakaan besar loh kalo terbang di sekitar runway!! Tentu saja, bandara lah yg bertanggung-jawab.
Hmm, ATC sudah ngomong kalo runwaynya kosong. Tentu saja, dilogika aja deh, tentu pada waktu itu sapi-sapi itu berada di SEKITAR runway kan. Kalo ATC bilang runway kosong, berarti ini sudah BIASA bagi mereka kalo beberapa binatang nongkrong di deket runway disana!! Wah!! Kalo hal ini sudah menjadi hal yg biasa, bahaya bgt tuh!!
Haha, KALAU Indonesia memang ingin Uni Eropa untuk mencabut larangan terbang mereka terhadap beberapa maskapai Indonesia untuk terbang kesana, hmm, menurutku masih ada beberapa PR yg mesti dikerjain neh. Nggak cuma ngecek maskapainya doang donk, tp juga kesiapan dan keamanan masing2 bandara. Bahkan nih ya, Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai Bali (bandara tersibuk kedua di Indonesia) dikatakan tidak memenuhi standar keamanan yang ditetapkan International Civil Aviation Administration oleh The Transportation Security Administration of the United States of America (artikel ini dibuat tahun 2005). Wah!!
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