This morning at school we had no lessons because today, 4th February, is a special day. Fourth February is the St. John de Britto Day, my school's saint. So, what did we do at school this morning?
At 8 AM, we had a mass liturgy for about 1,5 hours. After that, we had some announcements. Then, the new student comitee members were inaugurated. The Voting process was held last Thursday, and yesterday, the old student comitee members counted the voting result. We picked the top three (of four) from the second year candidates and the top five (of ten) from the first year candidates. Therefore we got 8 new members. I chose 3 candidates last Thursday and 2 of them were on the top three of the voting final result. After the inauguration finished, we had a book launching. This book apparently was created by the first year students (and some helps from a teacher). After that, we had lunch together at school.
Then, at 4 PM I went to the gym after being absent for about 2 weeks. Well, I feel that now I always don't have enough time to go to the gym. I am absent most of the time :( Then, at 6.30 I hanged out with my friends. At first we went to the bowling center (I played pretty good this evening...) until 8.20 PM. After that, we had dinner at a chinese restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant was expensive!! Actually it served big portions and also yummy foods, however, I still prefer the cheaper one.... :(. Then, at 9.30 PM we went back home.
Last Thursday I watched the film, Memoirs of A Geisha. It was good I think even probably at some parts it was dull. I think the producer cut the story at some parts (for example at the beginning of the film), but I know that he had to do that. The novel was around 470 pages and the film was only 2,5 hours. Nobody could make a full-story film (without any shortening) in that condition for sure. Then, my other comment: the film was spoken in English and the stars were (mostly) Asians. Therefore, the accent of the English they spoke was Asian, not American or British English. It was easy for me to listen at some parts (the subtitle didn't work well) because they spoke slowly (not very fast).
Pagi ini di sekolah nggak ada pelajaran soalnya hari ini, tanggal 4 Februari, adalah hari spesial. Empat Februari adalah Hari Santo Johanes de Britto, pelindung sekolahku. Jadi, apa yang kita lakukan di sekolah pagi ini?
Jam 8 pagi, kita mesti mengikuti perayaan ekaristi selama sekitar 1,5 jam. Habis itu ada beberapa pengumuman. Trus, anggota baru dari pengurus OSIS (presidium) dilantik. Votingnya dilakuin hari Kamis kemarin, dan kemarin Jumat pengurus presidium yang lama menghitung perolehan suaranya. Kita mengambil 3 teratas (dari 4) dari kandidat kelas dua dan lima teratas (dari sepuluh) dari kandidat kelas satu. Makanya kita memperoleh 8 anggota presidium yang baru. Aku memilih 3 kandidat Kamis kemarin dan ternyata 2 dari mereka masuk ke posisi 3 besar pada hasil akhir votingnya. Habis pelantikan selesai, tadi ada launching buku. Buku ini ternyata dikarang oleh anak kelas satu (dengan beberapa bantuan dari guru). Habis itu, kita makan siang bareng di sekolah.
Trus jam 4 sore aku pergi ke gym lagi setelah 2 minggu nggak latihan. Hmm, aku ngerasa koq sekarang aku jadi nggak punya cukup waktu untuk ke gym ya? Aku kebanyakan absen nih :( Trus, jam 6.30 aku pergi sama temenku. Pertama, kita pergi ke tempat bowling (aku ternyata main lumayan tadi) sampe jam 8.20 malem. Trus kita makan di restoran chinese food. Sayangnya, restorannya mahal!! Sebenernya mereka tuh porsinya besar dan enak juga, tetapi, aku lebih milih restoran yang lebih murah deh... . Trus, jam 9.30 kita pulang.
Kamis kemarin aku nonton film Memoirs of A Geisha. Filmnya menurutku bagus juga walau mungkin pada beberapa bagian agak membosankan. Kayaknya sih produsernya memotong ceritanya pada beberapa bagian (misalnya pas awal filmnya tuh), tapi aku tahu kalo dia harus melakukannya. Novelnya sekitar 470 halaman dan filmnya cuma berdurasi 2,5 jam. Nggak ada kan yang bisa membuat film penuh (tanpa pemotongan cerita) pada keadaan itu. Trus, komentarku yg lain: film ini berbahasa Inggris dan pemainnya (kebanyakan) orang Asia. Jadi, aksen Inggrisnya tuh aksen Asia, bukan aksen Amerika atau Inggris. Untuk aku ternyata gampang untuk mendengarkan langsung pada beberapa bagian (teksnya nggak jalan) soalnya mereka ngomongnya pelan (tidak terlalu cepat)
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