Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Test


Yesterday and today I had my NTU Entrance Examination test in Magelang.

I departed from Jogja yesterday morning at 9.30 AM. Then, we arrived at Magelang at 11.00 AM. At first I checked the place and my seat number. I got number 022. Then, because I still had 2 more hours to the first subject, I had luch first until 12.15 PM.

At 12.45 PM, the examinees were told to enter the hall (the examination room). I looked for seat number 022 and I found it on the first row!!! The first subject was math. We were given 5 questions and we 'only' had to do 4 of them. However, it was very difficult. I think I could do question number 1 nearly perfect, and only could do some parts of other questions. Then, after the time was over, I asked some of my friends and apparently they met the same problems with me. Well, I felt a bit relieved then (I used to think that probably I was the only one who couldn't do the question) >> they are also my competitors... . Lol.... . Then, at 4.30 PM, the second test, English test, got started. It was not a difficult test actually (compared with math). We had to make a writing, read a passage and answered the questions, and also guessed some words. I think I could do it pretty well.

Then, the first day finished. On the way to the hotel, I had dinner. At 7.30 I arrived at the hotel then took a bath. After that, I studied physics to prepare myself for the 2 facing subjects (physics and chemistry). I then fell asleep at 10 PM.

At 6 AM in the morning, my alarm woke me up. I took a bath then and had breakfast at the hotel's restaurant. At 6.45 I finished having breakfast and then I went to the test centre.

At 8 AM, the physics test was started. I think I could do it pretty well, but I am not very sure. So, my answer if you ask about my physics test will be hopefully fine. Then, at 11.30 AM the chemistry exam was started. It was harder than the physics one I think (even some of my friends said that chemistry was easier) >> I prefer physics to chemistry. However, I think I made a small mistake because of carelessness... . Arggghhh.... . Both physics and chemistry had multiple choices part, and this part was the easiest part both in chemistry and physics for me.

Then, at 1.30 PM all the tests finished, and I went back to Jogja. Sorry no pic was taken since I didn't have any time to take them


Kemarin sama hari ini aku mengikuti ujian masuk NTU di Magelang.

Aku berangkat dari Jogja kemarin pagi jam 9.30. Trus, kita sampe di Magelang jam 11 siang. Pertamanya aku ngecek tempatnya sama nomer urut tempat dudukku. Aku dapet nomer 022. Trus, karena aku masih punya waktu 2 jam ke ulangan pertama, aku makan siang dulu sampe jam 12.15.

Jam 12.45 siang, para peserta ujian disuruh masuk ke ruangan ujiannya. Aku nyari kursi nomer 022 dan ternyata tuh tempat aku temuin di barisan pertama!!! Trus, pelajaran pertama adalah matematika. Kita dikasi 5 soal dan 'cuma' disuruh ngerjain 4. Trus, soalnya susah-susah. Kayaknya sih aku bisa ngerjain soal nomer 1 mendekati sempurna, dan cuma bisa ngerjain beberapa bagian dari soal-soal lain. Trus, habis waktunya habis, aku tanya ke temen-temenku dan ternyata mereka menemui masalah yang sama. Trus, aku merasa lumayan lega (aku sempet ngira jangan-jangan cuma aku sendiri yang gabisa ngerjain tuh soal) >> mereka kan sainganku juga... . Lol.... . Trus, jam 4.30, ujian kedua, Bahasa Inggris dimulai. Nggak susah-susah amat koq (jika dibandingkan sama matematika). Kita disuruh membuat karangan, membaca bacaan dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan, dan juga menebak beberapa kata. Rasanya sih aku bisa ngerjain lumayan lah...

Trus, hari pertama selesai. Di perjalanan menuju hotel, aku makan malem dulu. Trus jam 7.30 malem aku sampe di hotel trus mandi. Habis itu aku belajar fisika untuk siap-siap menghadapi 2 tes (fisika dan kimia). Trus aku tidur jam 10 malem.

Jam 6 pagi harinya, alarmku membangunkan aku. Aku trus mandi trus sarapan di restoran hotelnya. Jam 6.45 aku seelsai sarapan trus aku berangkat ke tempat tesnya.

Jam 8 pagi, ujian fisikanya dimulai. Kayaknya sih aku bisa ngerjain lumayan, cuma nggak yakin-yakin amat. Jadi jawabanku kalo kamu tanya tentang tes fisikaku ya moga-moga ok-ok aja. Trus jam 11.30 tes kimia dimulai. Menurutku sih kimia ini lebih susah daripada fisikanya (walau beberapa temenku ngomong kalo kimianya lebih gampang) >> aku lebih suka fisika deh daripada kimia. Trus aku tadi kayaknya membuat kesalahan kecil karena ketidaktelitian... . Arggghhh.... . Kedua soal kimia sama fisika punya bagian pilihan ganda, dan bagian ini adalah bagian yang paling gampang baik di fisika atau di kimia untuk aku.

Trus, jam 1.30 siang semua tesnya selesai, trus aku balik ke Jogja. Sorry nggak ada gambarnya soalnya aku nggak ada waktu buat ngambil gambar.

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