Sunday, February 19, 2006

My Weekend at Jakarta


I spent my weekend in Jakarta last week, and here the story is:


I got up at 5.45 AM in the morning, and at 6.30 I departed to the airport. After checking in, I waited for my plane at Garuda's Lounge. Then, at 7.30 all passengers went on board to the Garuda's Boeing 737-400 aircraft. At 7.45 AM, the aircraft took off and at 8.35 AM, my plane landed smoothly at Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

After taking my luggage, I cought a taxi and went directly to Imperium Tower in Kuningan to take my TOEFL test. It was still 9 AM in the morning. Unpredictably, the traffic was okay. There was no traffic jam, therefore at 9.30 AM I arrived at Imperium Tower. Well, actually my appointment was at 1 PM and at that time I thought that I had to wait for 3 hours there!! Fortunately, I could have my test earlier since I felt confident enough to take the test. Then at 10.30 AM I took my test. At 1.15 PM, the test was over and my final score will be sent in 2 or 3 weeks... . (I hope it's good...).

Then, I went to my hotel (Dusit Mangga Dua) and checked in. At 6.30 I went to look for dinner and I decided to eat at Hoka-Hoka Bento Restaurant. At 7.30 I went back to my hotel then studied for the test.


My alarm woke me up at 6 AM, then I took a bath and had breakfast at the hotel's restaurant. At 7 AM, I departed to Four Seasons Hotel to take my test. Actually it only took around 30 minutes to go there (at first I thought it would be 1 hour or more, therefore I departed a lil' earlier). At 7.30 AM I arrived at Four Seasons Hotel and at 9 AM the first test (English Language) began. Then, at 11.30 AM we had break and I had lunch at Seasons Cafe. It was expensive (well, you know hotels are always expensive)!!! Then, at 2 PM the second subject (math) began. At 4 PM it was all over and I went back to my hotel. English was okay I think but math was difficult. It was totally different with the sample papers. The sample was a lot easier and the real test was a lot harder... . It really broke some strategies....

I decided to just stay at the hotel that night and had dinner at the hotel to prepare for the physics subject the next day.


My alarm woke me up at 6.30 AM (yea, I decided to get up a lil' late since at Saturday I had to wait for 1.5 hours at the Four Seasons Hotel). Then, at 7.30 I departed to Four Seasons Hotel. At 8 AM I arrived and at 9 AM the physics exam started. It was easy (actually I only needed 1 hour to finish all questions but I thought it was a lot wiser not to be in a hurry, just stayed calm, and rechecked my answers --> I really made use the whole time). At 11.00 AM the test finished and I went back to my hotel.

At noon I checked out and then had lunch at Hoka-hoka Bento Restaurant again. At 1 PM I went to Taman Anggrek Mall until 3.45 PM. After that I went to the airport. Unfortunately, the flight was delayed. I mean there was 'joining flight' between GA 214 (that should have departed at 5 PM) and GA 204 (my flight which should depart at 6 PM). Because of that we were late for almost 40 minutes!! I just sat on my seat for more than 1 hour inside a plane which was not moving!! :( :( :( Finally at 6.50 PM it took off and landed at Adisutjipto Airport, Yogyakarta at 7.40 PM safely.

::: Garuda's Lounge at Adisutjipto Airport, Yogyakarta

::: Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737-400 GA 203 which brought me to Jakarta

::: Inside Imperium Tower

::: Dusit Mangga Dua where I stayed at

::: Sirloin Steak for my dinner last Saturday

::: Taman Anggrek Mall and Condominiums

::: Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737-400 GA 204 which brought me back to Yogyakarta


Aku menghabiskan waktu akhir mingguku di Jakarta dan ini dia ceritanya:


Aku bangun jam 5.45 pagi, trus jam 6.30 aku berangkat ke airport. Habis check-in, aku nunggu pesawatku di loungenya Garuda. Trus, jam 7.30 semua penumpang naik ke pesawat Boeing 737-400nya Garuda. Jam 7.45 pesawatnya tinggal landas. Jam 8.35 pagi, pesawatku mendarat dengan mulus di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta.

Habis ngambil bagasiku, aku naik taksi trus langsung pergi ke Menara Imperium di Kuningan buat ngambil tes TOEFLku. Pas itu masu=ih jam 9 pagi. Tidak terduga, ternyata trafficnya lancar. Nggak ada kemacetan, jadi jam 9.30 pagi aku dah sampe di Menara Imperium. Sebenarnya sih perjanjiannya tuh jam 1 siang dah waktu itu aku mikir kalo aku bakalan mesti nunggu 3 jam di sana!! Untungnya, aku bisa ngambil tesnya agak pagian soalnya aku lumayan siap untuk segera ngambil tesnya. Trus jam 10.30 aku mulai tes. Jam 1.15 tesnya selesai dan nilai akhir bakalan dikirim dalam 2 atau 3 minggu ke depan... . (Moga-moga hasilnya bagus....)..

Trus aku pulang ke hotelku (Dusit Mangga Dua) trus check in. Jam 6.30 aku nyari makan trus akhirnya makan di Restoran Hoka-Hoka Bento. Jam 7.30 aku balik ke hotel trus belajar untuk tesnya.


Alarmku mbangunin aku jam 6 pagi, trus aku mandi dan makan pagi di restorannya hotel. Jam 7 pagi aku berangkat ke Hotel Four Seasons untuk ikut tes. Sebenarnya cuma butuh setengah jam sih untuk sampe ke sana (pertamanya aku ngira bakalan sekitar 1 jam atau lebih, jadi aku berangkat agak pagian). Jam 7.30 pagi aku sampe di Hotel Four Seasons trus jam 9 pagi tes pertama (Bahasa Inggris) dimulai. Jam 11.30 soang ada istirahat trus aku makan di Cafe Seasons. Mahal banget (ya semua tau lah kalo hotel tu mesti mahal)!!! Trus jam 2 siang tes kedua (matematika) dimulai. Jam 4 sore semua dah selesai trus aku balik ke hotel. Bahasa Inggris rasanya oke tapi matematikanya susah. Beda banget antara contoh soal sama kenyataannya... . Contoh soalnya lebih gampang dah kenyataannya jauh lebih susah... . Bener-bener merusak beberapa strategi deh...

Trus aku mutusin untuk tinggal di hotel aja malem itu dan makan malemnya ya di hotel untuk siap-siap buat tes fisika besoknya.


Alarmku bunyi jam 6.30 pagi (yup, aku mutusin untuk bangun agak siangan dikit soalnya Sabtu sebelumnya aku mesti nunggu 1,5 jam di Hotel Four Seasons). Trus jam 7.30 pagi aku berangkat ke Hotel Four Seasons. Jam 8 pagi aku sampe trus jam 9 pagi tes fisikanya dimulai. Tadi gampang sih (sebenernya sih aku cuma butuh 1 jam buat nyelesein semuanya, tapi menurutku lebih bijak kalo aku nggak keburu-buru, tetep tenang, dan ngecek ulang jawabankyu --> aku bener-bener memanfaatkan semua waktu yang ada). Jam 11 tesnya selesai trus aku pulang ke hotel.

Trus aku keluar dari hotel trus makan siang di Restoran Hoka-Hoka Bento lagi. Jam 1 siang aku pergi ke Mall Taman Anggrek sampe jam 3.45 siang. Habis itu aku langsung ke airport. Sayangnya, ternyata penerbangannya terlambat. Maksudku tadi ada semacam 'penerbangan gabungan' antara GA 214 (yang harusnya berangkat jam 5 sore) dengan GA 204 (pesawatku, yang harusnya berangkat jam 6 sore). Karena itu kita terlambat sekitar 40 menit!! Aku cuma duduk di kursiku selama 1 jam di dalam pesawat yang nggak bergreak!! :( :( :( Akhirnya jam 6.50 sore pesawatku lepas landas dan mendarat di Bandara Adisutjipto, Yogyakarta jam 7.40 malam dengan selamat.

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