Finally today I started my schoolday again after having a 'break' for 8 days (4 days retreat and 4 days Chinese New Year Holiday + Lunar New Year Holiday + Sunday). Well, just like what I had expected before, this day was a tough and exhausting day.
This morning I had to get up at 5.45 AM again, and did my morning routinity. At school, we had a biology work at the laboratory about the photosynthetic process. Well, actually we didn't have full time schoolday this morning since we are gonna elect new student comitee members for the year 2006 - 2007 tomorrow. This morning, the 14 candidates campaigned themselves and declared their vision and mission. We will eliminate 6 people from this 14 to get the 8 members of the new student comitee. Actually there were about 100 candidates, but the process has eliminated most of them so far, so now we are down to the top 14.
Actually, now I haven't decided who will get my votes (we will choose 3 candidates, 1 from the second year candidates and 2 from the first year candidates) yet. But I know that I won't vote for some candidates since they are not fit (in my view) to be the student comitee. They exaggerated their mission, unfortunately they didn't sound good (like what they hoped to be) but they were high sounding.
Well, the school ended at 13.35 PM this afternoon. After that I decided to take a nap. I don't know why, this afternoon I didn't have a well rest. I didn't feel good and fresh after having a nap, however I felt tired and stiff. Then, at 18.00 PM I had my TOEFL Preparation until 19.30 PM.
After reaching home, the electricity went out!! Arrrggghhh..... . I had to pass the one hour time by doing nothing.... . :(
O yes, I have also finished reading the novel Memoirs of a Geisha. It's a good novel, and I like the story..... :)
Akhirnya hari ini aku memulai lagi hari-hari sekolahku lagi setelah 'istirahat' selama 8 hari (4 hari retret plus 4 hari liburan Imlek + liburan tahun baru Muharam + hari Minggu). Kayak yang udah aku kira sebelumnya, hari ini tuh berat dan hari yang bikin capek.
Pagi ini aku mesti bangun jam 5.45 pagi lagi, dan melakukan rutinitas pagiku. Di sekolah, tadi ada praktikum biologi tentang proses fotosintesis. Sebenarnya sih hari ini kita nggak penuh pelajaran soalnya kita bakalan milih anggota presidium (OSIS) yang baru untuk tahun 2006 - 2007 besok. Pagi ini, 14 kandidat berkampanye dan menyebutkan visi dan misi mereka. Kita akan mengeliminasi 6 orang dari 14 sehingga didapat 8 anggota presidium yang baru. Sebenarnya ada lebih dari 100 kandidat, tapi proses sudah mengeliminasi kebanyakan dari mereka sejauh ini, dan sekarang menyisakan 14 orang kandidat.
Sebenarnya, aku belum nentuin ke siapa 3 suaraku (kita besok disuruh memilih 3 kandidat, 1 orang dari kandidat kelas 2 dan 2 orang dari kandidat kelas 1) akan aku kasih. Tapi, aku tahu aku nggak bakalan memilih beberapa dari mereka soalnya mereka nggak cocok (menurut pandanganku) untuk jadi anggota presidium. Mereka melebih-lebihkan misi mereka, dan sayangnya nggak terdengar bagus (seperti yg tentunya mereka harapkan) tapi malah terdengar muluk.
Hari ini sekolah selesai jam 13.35 siang. Habis itu aku pingin istirahat siang. Aku nggak tau kenapa, siang ini aku nggak bisa istirahat dengan enak. Aku nggak ngerasa enak dan seger habis istirahat, malah ngerasa capek dan kaku. Trus, jam 6 sore sampe jam 7.30 malem aku pergi ke kelas persiapan TOEFLku.
Habis sampe rumah, ternyata listriknya mati!! Arrrggghhh..... . Aku harus melewatkan 1 jam dengan tidak melakukan apa-apa.... :(
Oh iya, aku juga udah selesai baca Novel Memoar Seorang Geisha. Novelnya bagus juga, dan aku lumayan suka ceritanya.... :)
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