Well, today I want to write something a lil' nostalgic for me.... . It's not a lie (even today is 1st April or what we usually call April Fool, he3....).
Two years ago (1st April 2004), our class (first grade) got an assignment what we call 'Studi Ekskursi'. As the first grade students, we had to interview people who worked as drinks (tea) seller, or goods carrier in a market, or food seller in a market, or a clothes seller in Malioboro. We were divided into some groups and my team had to interview the drinks seller in Malioboro. One thing that's pretty difficult was that we had to hide our identity (wel, sounds like an intelligent or something... Lol) because my teacher said that if we told them our identity, then we would meet difficulty in getting information what we were asked to get. Well, we also had to dress not like a high-school student, I mean we couldn't wear high-school uniform >> that's obvious, if we wore uniform, then we just didn't need to tell them our identity and they would easily find out who we were.... :D.
We departed from school at about 7.30 AM and we caught a taxi to get to Malioboro. Then, we arrived at Malioboro, got out from the taxi in front of Malioboro Mall (which obviously was still close at that time). Then we looked for a drinks seller and we found some. Well, then we chose one seller which physically was the most friendsliest seller (we judged that from his face, lol). We bought some tea bottles and taked a lil' with him. After we thought we had already got all things we needed, we left the seller and the time was still about 7.55 AM if I'm not mistaken. (that was a quick interview right??). Then, we walked around Malioboro. I entered Sari Ilmu bookstore and I bought the comic 'The Legend of Dragon's son' volume 1 and 2. So, at that time I started collecting The Legend of Dragon's son which I still collect them right now. Then at 8.30 AM we went back to school by catching a taxi again. And we arrived at school at about 8.45 AM. And guess what? When we arrived at school at 8.45 AM, my tutor (for Malioboro teams) was just leaving the school to depart to Malioboro!!! What!?!?!?!?
Well, then I went back home at 10 AM. I then had breakfast at 'Sego Pecel' (Pecel Rice) at UGM with my parents. Then, we went back home.
Hari ini aku mau menulis sedikit hal yang berbau nostalgia untuk aku.... . Ini bukan cerita bohongan (walaupun hari ini adalah tanggal 1 April yang sering dibilang sebagai April Mop).
Dua tahun yang lalu (1 April 2004), angkatanku (kelas satu) dapet tugas yang kita sebut 'Studi Ekskursi'. Sebagai murid kelas satu kita harus mewawancarai penjual minuman, buruh gendong di pasar, penjual makanan di pasar, atau penjual pakaian di Malioboro. Kita waktu itu dibagi ke dalam beberapa regu, dan reguku dapet tugas mewawancarai penjual minuman di Malioboro. Satu hal yang lumayan susah juga adalah kita harus menyembunyikan indentitas kita (kayak intelijen aja atau apa ya???? Lol) soalnya guruku pas itu bilang kalo misalnya kita ngasi tau identitas kita ke mereka, kita bakalan dapet kesulitan dalam mendapatkan informasi yang kita butuhkan. Trus kita juga nggak boleh make baju sekolah, maksudnya kita nggak boleh pakai seragam. >> jelas lah, kalo pakai seragam ya kita nggak perlu ngasih tau identitas kita ke mereka dan mereka akan dengan gampangnya mengetahui identitas kita yang sebenarnya.
Kita berangkat dari sekolah jam 7.30 pagi dan kita naik taksi untuk pergi ke Malioboro. Trus kita sampai di Malioboro dan turun di depannya Mall Malioboro (yang jelas banget kalo jam segitu ya masih tutup). Trus kita nyari penjual minuman dan menemukan beberapa. Kita trus memilih seorang penjual minuman yang secara fisik paling ramah (kita kan menilai dari wajahnya, lol). Kita beli beberapa teh botol dan bicara sedikit dengannya. Setelah kita kira kita telah mendapatkan semua hal yang kita butuhkan, kita meninggalkan tuh penjual dan waktu itu masih jam 7.55 pagi, kalo nggak salah sih (wawancara kilat kan??? He3...). Trus kita jalan-jalan bentar di Malioboro. Aku masuk ke toko buku Sari Ilmu dan aku beli komik Legenda Naga volume 1 dan 2. Jadi, mulai hari itulah aku mengoleksi komik Legenda Naga yang masih aku koleksi sampai sekarang. Trus sekitar jam 8.30 kita balik ke sekolah naik taksi lagi. Kita sampainya jam 8.45 tuh di sekolah. Nah, di depan sekolah kita ketemu sama tutorku (yang bertugas di Malioboro) baru aja berangkan menuju Malioboro!!! Apa!?!?!?!?!?!
Trus aku pulang jam 10 pagi. Aku terus makan pagi di Warung 'Sego Pecel' di sekitar UGM sama ortuku. Habis itu aku pulang deh...
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