Sorry for keep talking about school but this is because these days we have our final examinations and we were so busy with school-stuffs... :)
This morning, my class had our final practical examination for physics. Our class were divided into three groups, and I was in the first group which had the test first (from 7 AM to 9 AM). There were 10 kinds of experiments which we had to master (each person had to do one experiment, and we knew which experiment we would have to do by lottery). Some experiments were pretty difficult and the rest were not that hard. I was so nervous about my task and decided to take my lottery paper later after some of my friends did. But, I was not that lucky, my friends who took their lotteries first were lucky, they got the easy ones... . Arrrggghhh... . And yes, I got one experiment which IMO was one of the hardest experiment.... :( . But that's okay, I think I could do that pretty well.... :D. Then, at 9 AM it was all finished and I went back home. Tomorrow I will have my final practical examination for chemistry....
Talking about the top 6 show of American Idol 2006. I think some contestants did good. This is my thought:
IDOLS-01/07 - Katharine McPhee >> she was underrated by the judges I think, she was not that bad. She didn't show her best, but it was also not bad... . One think that bother me is her gown (some people (I read in a mailing list) thought that she wanted to gain votes by selling herself sexually). Probably she didn't mean it but it happened... . Score: 8.5
IDOLS-02/08 - Elliott Yamin >> he performed great. One thing that was weird is watching Paula teared... . Score: 9
IDOLS-03/09 - Kellie Pickler >> definitely the worst last night, so boring. Score: 5
IDOLS-04/10 - Paris Bennett >> she showed pretty good IMO. Score: 7.5
IDOLS-05/11 - Taylor Hicks >> wrong song choice, it didn't suit him. Score: 7
IDOLS-06/12 - Chris Daughtry >> One of the best last night. Score: 8.5
So, IMO, I hope Kellie will be voted off, but I'm still not sure because she had a great and strong fan-base... :)
Sorry kalo ini ngomongin tentang sekolah trus, tapi ini soalnya gara-gara hari-hari belakangan ini kita ujian-ujian terus dan kita sibuk sama urusan sekolah...:)
Pagi ini, kelasku ujian praktek akhir untuk mata pelajaran fisika. Kelasku dibagi ke dalam 3 kelompok dan aku berada di kelompok pertama yang maju tes duluan (dari jam 7 pagi sampe jam 9 pagi). Ada 10 macam percobaan yang harus kita kuasai (tiap orang harus ngerjain satu percobaan, dan kita tahu percobaan mana yang harus kita kerjakan melalui cara undian). Beberapa percobaan menurutku lumayan susah dan sisanya nggak susah-susah amat. Aku deg-degan banget tadi tentang tugasku dan mutusin untuk ngambil undiannya belakangan habis temen-temenku ngambil. Tetapi aku nggak seberuntung itu, temenku yang ngambil undian duluan ternyata beruntung, mereka dapet yang gampang-gampang... . Arrrggghhh... . Dan iya, aku dapet yang menurutku termasuk salah satu yang paling susah tuh :( Tapi nggakk papa, kayaknya sih aku mengerjakannya dengan lumayan koq... :D Trus jam 9 pagi semuanya selesai dan aku pulang. Besok aku bakalan ujian akhir praktek untuk kimia.
Ngomong-ngomong tentang show 6 besar American Idol 2006. Menurutku beberapa kontestan melakukan dengan baik. Ini dia pendapatku:
IDOLS-01/07 - Katharine McPhee >> menurutku dia dinilai terlalu rendah sama jurinya, dia nggak sejelek itu koq. Dia emang nggak nunjukin yang terbaik, tapi nggak jelek juga... . Satu hal yang agak mengganggu tuh gaunnya (beberapa orang (aku baca di mailing list) berpendapat kalo dia mau mendapatkan suara dengan cara menjual dirinya). Mungkin dia nggak bermaksud gitu, tapi kan dah terjadi... . Nilai: 8.5
IDOLS-02/08 - Elliott Yamin >> tampil dengan bagus. Yang aneh cuma ngeliat Paula nangis... . Nilai: 9
IDOLS-03/09 - Kellie Pickler >> benar-benar yang terjelek deh tadi malam, membosankan banget. Nilai: 5
IDOLS-04/10 - Paris Bennett >>menurutku lumayan juga koq. Nilai: 7.5
IDOLS-05/11 - Taylor Hicks >> pilihan lagu yang salah, nggak cocok sama dia. Nilai: 7
IDOLS-06/12 - Chris Daughtry >> Salah satu yang terbaik tuh. Nilai: 8.5
Jadi, menurutku, aku berharap sih Kellie yang out, tapi aku masih nggak yakin soalnya dia punya fans yang banyak dan kuat...:)
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