Finally, yesterday, I finished reading the novel Harry Potter 6: The Half Blood Prince. Well, that novel is exceed expectation (E). It is great, I mean, better than the previous editions. The story is not juvenile anymore, and it has been close to the climax of the story. Before this edition was published, we had a spoiler that somebody is dead in this volume. Well, because this novel was published about half a year ago, I had known who is gonnabe die in this story even before I read the first page of it. So when I read Albus Dumbledore was murdered by Severus Snape, I was not surprised anymore.... . One thing that I couldn't guess was who was the Half Blood Prince. I guessed he/she was Lord Voldemort (actually I had a feeling that probably he was not the Half-Blood Prince, because it was too easy, but I coudn't think another alternative who he was). And yes, I was wrong. The Half-Blood Prince was, unexpectedly, Severus Snape.... . Well, I don't want to write it more than this, he3.... . But, The Chronicles of Narnia is precisely very juvenile. Well, I know it's a children story, but I didn't know that when I bought this book... :( After reading Harry Potter and then continued by Reading The Chronicles of Narnia, I just felt like falling down from the top of the mountain to the deepest ravine... . He3... . Very hiperbolic... :P
Well, this afternoon when I put a new feature to my blog (Music Player >> can anyone guess what song it is and who sings this song? He3... :D), a nightmare happened to me. Blogspot was error!!!! So, most of my code and also my messages were vanished!! Well, I don't know why but I think Blogspot often gets this problem, I hope Blogspot will fix it so the same thing won't happen anymore.... . Luckily, I have my back-up blog, so I didn't meet many big obstacles and difficulties in rebuilding back my code. Well, because of this, I also deleted some old features that I think were not really important, but they burdened us when we openned my blog....
Akhirnya, kemarin, aku selesai membaca novel Harry Potter 6: Pangeran Berdarah Campuran. Ternyata nih novel di luar perkiraanku (nilainya E). Ceritanya bagus, maksudku lebih bagus daripada edisi-edisi yang sebelumnya. Ceritanya nggak kekanak-kanakan lagi, dan kayaknya sih udah deket ke klimaksnya ya?? Sebelum diterbitin, kita dapet bocoran kalo seseorang akan meninggal di novel ini. Karena nih novel diterbitinnya setengah tahun yang lalu, jadinya ya aku dah tau sapa yang bakalan meninggal bahkan sebelum aku mulai membaca halaman pertamanya. Jadi, waktu aku baca Albus Dumbledore meninggal dibunuh sama Severus Snape, aku nggak kaget lagi.... . Satu hal yang nggak bisa aku tebak adalah siapakah si Pangeran Berdarah-Campuran itu. Aku nebak dia tuh mungkin Lord Voldemort (sebenernya sih aku ada feeling kalo bukan dia Pangeran Berdarah Campurannya, soalnya kegampangen, tapi aku nggak bisa mikir alternatif lain selain dia). Dan betul, tebakanku salah. Pangeran Berdarah Campuran ternyata, tanpa terduga, adalah Severus Snpe... . Dah ah, nggak mau bulis tentang ini lebih jauh lagi, he3.... . Tetapi, The Chronicles of Narnia ternyata justru cerita yang sangat kekanak-kanakan. Aku tau sih ini cerita untuk anak-anak, tapi aku masih nggak tau itu waktu beli tuh buku... :( Habis baca Harry Potter trus melanjutkan dengan membaca The Chronicles of Narnia, rasanya kayak jatuh dari puncak gunung ka jurang yang paling dalam. He3... .Melebih2kan banget.. :)
Siang ini, ketika aku lagi naruh sebuah fitur baru tambahan ke blog ini (Music Player >> hayo, sapa yang bisa nebak lagunya judulnya apa dan siapa penyanyinya? He3... :D), mimpi buruk terjadi ke aku. Blogspot lagi error!!! Jadi, kebanyakan kodeku dan messagesku hilang!! Aku nggak tau kenapa tapi kayaknya sih Blogspot lumayan sering juga menghadapi masalah ini.. Moga-moga pihak Vlogspot bakalan mberesin masalah ini dan hal yang sama nggak bakalan terjadi lagi... . Untungnya, aku punya back-up blog, jadi aku nggak gitu nemuin banyak halangan dan kesulitan waktu menyusul ulang kodernya. Karena itu juga, aku sekalian aja menghapus beberapa fitu lama blogku yang sebenernya menurutku ga seberapa penting tapi membebani kita waktu lagi buka blogku....
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