Today is Good Friday, the day when Jesus Christ sacrifised Himself for us, the sinners, almost 2 thousand years ago. Well, just like the other Christian people, this evening I went to the church with my friends. I left my house at 4.12 PM (the eucharist would start at 5 PM), and picked my friends up. We then arrived at the church at about 4.25 PM. Guess what?? The church had already been (almost) full!! We desperately looked for some chairs, and finally we got them on the far side of the church. (well, it was still 30 minutes to the start, and imagine how people would feel if they came a lil' closer to 5 PM). At 5 PM (it was raining pretty hard at that time) the eucharist started, and just like the previous Good Friday Eucharist, it took a long time. The story of the suffers of Christ was sung by some people (yea, the text of it was 8 pages of the guide book, and they sang it slowly) and it took almost one hour. But that's okay, that was not comparable with the suffers of Christ... :P Well, then the eucharist finished at 7 PM and we had dinner at PKL (again). At 8 PM we went back home.
Talking about the Result Show of The Top 8 of American Idol 2006 this week, I think it was not disappointing. The bottom three was Ace Young, Elliott Yamin, and Bucky Covington (yep, Ace and Bucky, for me, were the two worst and they deserved to be in the bottom three. But Elliott didn't, he was great!!). IMO, from this three, the one who deserved most to be voted off is Ace Young... :) But who is voted off? I know who, but I won't write here because I don't want to ruin the pleasure of some people who haven't watched it... :)
Hari ini adalah Jumat Agung, hari dimana Yesus Kristus mengorbankan diri-Nya demi kita, para pendosa, hampir 2000 tahun yang lalu. Ya kayak orang-orang Kristen / Katolik lainnya, aku tadi sore pergi ke misa ekaristi di gereja sama temen-temenku. Aku berangkat dari rumah jam 4.12 sore (ekaristi bakalan mulai jam 5 sore), trus menjemput temenku. Trus kita sampe di gereja sekitar jam 4.25 sore. Tebak apa?? Gerejanya dah (hampir) penuh!!! Kita dengan susah payah mencari kursi kosong dan akhirnya kita menemukan di bagian terpencil dari gereja. (itu tadi kan masih sekitar setengah jam sebelum misa dimulai, dan bayangkan gimana kalo misalnya mereka datengnya lebih mendekati jam 5 sore). Akhirnya jam 5 sore (tadi hujan lumayan deres tuh) misanya dimulai, dan kayak misa-misa untuk Jumat Agung sebelumnya, misanya lama. Cerita tentang penderitaan Yesus dinyanyikan oleh beberapa orang (yup, teksnya aja udah 8 halaman sendiri di buku panduannya, dan mereka menyanyikannya pelan-pelan). Ini dah ngambil waktu satu jam sendiri. Tapi nggak papa, itu masih belum sebanding sama penderitaannya Yesus... :P Trus misanya selesai jam 7 malem, trus kita makan di PKL (lagi). Jam 8 kita pulang.
Ngomong-ngomong tentang Result Show American Idol 8 besar minggu ini, menurutku sih nggak terlalu mengecewakan. Tiga terbawahnya Ace Young, Elliott Yamin, dan Bucky Covington (yup, Ace dan Bucky, menurutku, adalah 2 terburuk dan mereka berhak koq ada di 3 terbawah. Tapi Elliott enggak, dia bagus loh!!). Menurutku, dari tiga ini, yang paling berhak untuk dieliminasi dadlah Ace Young... :) Tapi apakah dia pulang?? Aku tahu siapa yang pulang tapi aku nggak mau nulis dulu soalnya nggak mau ngerusak kesenangan mereka yang belum nonton acara ini... :)
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